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Code for checking validity of a DOS filename


Associate Cat Herder
Staff member
May 3, 2003
I needed a function to tell me if a filename would be valid for DOS. It took a little more effort to write than I thought it would. Does anybody know of a better way to do this?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// I use char for return codes because only a single byte integer is needed
// and that is more efficient on 8088 machines.  If you see char as a return
// code just think of a single byte integer.

char DosChars2[] = "!@#$%^&()-_{}`'~";

char isValidDosChar( char c ) {

  // A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and any char above 127 are legal
  if ( (c >='A') && (c<='Z') || (c >='a') && (c<='z') ||
       (c >='0') && (c<='9') || (c > 127)
     ) return 1;

  // Is it one of the acceptable punctuation chars?
  for ( char i=0; i<16; i++ ) {
    if ( c == DosChars2[i] ) return 1;

  return 0;

char isValidDosFilename( const char *filename ) {

  // Protect against incoming NULL strings
  if (filename==NULL) return 0;

  char len = strlen(filename);

  // Reject zero length strings
  if ( len == 0 ) return 0;

  // Check the first character - it has to be valid and it cant be a '.'
  // because a filename is not optional (but extensions are).
  if ( !isValidDosChar( filename[0] ) ) return 0;

  // Check the remainder of the filename part; stop when a '.' is found
  int i;
  for ( i=1; (i<8) && (i<len) ; i++ ) {
    if ( filename[i] == '.' ) break;
    if ( !isValidDosChar( filename[i] ) ) return 0;

  // End of string - Ok, there is no extension
  if ( i == len ) return 1;

  // We are on the 9th char - this better be a '.'
  if ( filename[i] != '.' ) return 0;

  for ( int j=0; (j+i) < len; j++ ) {
    if ( !isValidDosChar( filename[j+i] ) ) return 0;

  // Is the extension too long?
  if ( j > 3 ) return 0;

  return 1;

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

  printf( "%s\n", (isValidDosFilename(argv[1])) ? "Yes" : "No" );

  return 0;

Performance could be better with a SCASB instruction, but don't worry about that now ...

Just to review, the rules are:

  • Up to 8 characters for the filename
  • Up to 3 characters for an extension
  • Filenames are required - extensions are not
  • Only certain characters are allowed/safe

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i would just do the "isValidChar" thing you did, with a big long switch case which ought to get compiled into a kind of quick hash/pointer lookup. It'll look like a lot of code but you'll have a fast, constant time check. i.e. replace your function with something like:

char isValidDosChar( char c ) {
 switch (c){
  case 33:
  case 35:
  case 36:
  case 37:
  case 38:
  case 39:
  case 40:
  case 41:
  case 45:
  case 48:
  case 49:
  case 50:
  case 51:
  case 52:
  case 53:
  case 54:
  case 55:
  case 56:
  case 57:
  case 64:
  case 65:
  case 66:
  case 67:
  case 68:
  case 69:
  case 70:
  case 71:
  case 72:
  case 73:
  case 74:
  case 75:
  case 76:
  case 77:
  case 78:
  case 79:
  case 80:
  case 81:
  case 82:
  case 83:
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  case 85:
  case 86:
  case 87:
  case 88:
  case 89:
  case 90:
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  case 95:
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  case 99:
  case 100:
  case 101:
  case 102:
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  case 255:
   return 1;
   return 0;

I'm not positive that I caught every case there so you might want to test it, but I think that's right, anyway.
I'm not too worried about the performance of the routine. When I get that far I'll use the SCASB instruction to find the current char in a target string of legal characters. That will be far faster.

I think the problem with your approach is that it will result in a tremendous about of code. And if the compiler doesn't do something like a computed goto, it's not going to run in constant time. We're talking about Turbo C++ 3.0 on a DOS PC, not the latest and greatest GNU gcc.
SCASB? You mean strchr?

if ( strchr( "...list of permitted characters....", c))

Instead of checking explicitly for characters (A...Z and 0...9), use isalnum()--it's table-driven and faster.

One thing few programs address is the issue of "special" names, such as CLOCK$, CON, AUX, PRN... (Note that CLOCK$.WOW functions exactly the same as CLOCK$).

Do you want to restrict the filenames to 8.3 if there is longname support enabled?

How about network share names?

Just some things to think about...
I really meant SCASB - it's an x86 instruction. If strchr is lucky it is implemented with SCASB.

I thought about the device names - the problem with them is that besides the well known ones, any device driver might have a name too. I'm willing to protect people against some mistakes, but that's beyond where I want to go.

I am going to restrict filenames to 8.3. In any DOS that I am targetting (6.3 and below at least) there are no long filenames. There are long filenames in the command lines for the Windows variants, but my FTP code probably isn't running there because it needs a packet driver. (I should have noted that this is for the FTP client - for general use longfilename support might be desirable.)

I think the problem with your approach is that it will result in a tremendous about of code. And if the compiler doesn't do something like a computed goto, it's not going to run in constant time. We're talking about Turbo C++ 3.0 on a DOS PC, not the latest and greatest GNU gcc.

Um... the reason switch statements exist is because they are efficient, using a different compilation technique than your typical if/else routine. That one also really ought to compile into a function that is less than 400 bytes or so.

If space was such a concern you could write it in assembly if you wanted and do a similar routine using only about 50 bytes considering you can just have a single bit lookup for each of the 256 characters instead... and a lookup table is a really simple thing to implement.

Let's see... if it must be C/C++ then perhaps something along these lines instead.

bool legalChar[256] = {
 false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 
 false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 
 false, true,  false, true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, false, false, true,  false, false, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, false, false, false, false, false, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, false, false, true,  true, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  false, true,  true,  false, 
 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true, 
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 true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true,  true};

keep in mind my C/C++ syntax is a little rusty. Is that kind of an array declaration fine?

Anyway, now simply replace isValidDosChar(c) with legalChar[c]

Same idea as the switch statement. In effect, a constant time lookup table at the processor level... just doing some optomizing in space usage.
I'll have to try the switch statement on my compiler to see what it does, but I'm not expecting a lot.

The routine is going to be used in my FTP client. The runtime importance of this isn't terribly important, as the time spent transferring the files will be far longer than the time spent checking to see if a filename is safe. I was more concerned with how ugly the main part of the code was as opposed to the character lookup.

I thought about using SCASB, but now that you bring up the bitmap that isn't a bad idea. The bitmap would consume 32 bytes of storage. It's not easy to generate the bitmap with this compiler, but I don't expect it to change so that's not an issue.
I really meant SCASB - it's an x86 instruction. If strchr is lucky it is implemented with SCASB.

Um, Mike, I know that. I also know that at least Microsoft C uses SCAS for its strchr() function. I'd be surprised if other Cs didn't.

There are two questions to ask about the code, however. Is this something that needs the dickens optimized out of a task to scan the characters in a 12 character name? Is it worth making the next guy wonder what the heck you were doing when you wrote that? Or are you trying to gild the lily? (I can't answer that for you). But I'll venture that the time spent in filename validity checking is insignificant.

If you need pure speed, then the method that uses a 256-byte lookup table is the way to go. You could even use an XLAT instruction if you wanted to inline (although that's only on the lower x86 family; indexed addressing is faster than XLAT on the upper x86).

I've been guilty of writing a lot of inline assembly in my code, but I try to keep it localized. (e.g. a 32-bit CRC routine that checks for 32-bit register availability or, an MD5 hash that works over gigabytes of data) and meaningful.

I don't use gcc, so I can't comment on its efficiency.
Not trying to gild the lily here .. I'm just really suprised at how ugly the code turned out, and I'm wondering if I missed anything. Like a C library routine or a DOS function call that does this already. Or a more clever algorithm than what I came up with, which works but is pretty simplistic.
No matter how you write it, it's ugly. No library functions in MS C to do the job and not even any DOS functions--though INT 21H Function 60H comes pretty close.

Another question to ask is if you to perform automatic truncation of either the name or the extension. Sometimes, this comes in handy on systems that support long filenames. So, FOOF.HTML is still accessible as FOOF.HTM.

On the other hand, you're doing something that's not being explicity requested by the user.
This is what WINE uses.. Contains a lot of crap you don't need but I figured you would be interested to see how they are doing it anyway.
Otherwise you could disassemble ntdll.dll and check the asm source to see how MS does it :)

 *             RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3   (NTDLL.@)
 * Returns TRUE iff unicode is a valid DOS (8+3) name.
 * If the name is valid, oem gets filled with the corresponding OEM string
 * spaces is set to TRUE if unicode contains spaces
BOOLEAN WINAPI RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3( const UNICODE_STRING *unicode,
                                       OEM_STRING *oem, BOOLEAN *spaces )
    static const char illegal[] = "*?<>|\"+=,;[]:/\\\345";
    int dot = -1;
    int i;
    char buffer[12];
    OEM_STRING oem_str;
    BOOLEAN got_space = FALSE;

    if (!oem)
        oem_str.Length = sizeof(buffer);
        oem_str.MaximumLength = sizeof(buffer);
        oem_str.Buffer = buffer;
        oem = &oem_str;
    if (RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString( oem, unicode, FALSE ) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
        return FALSE;

    if (oem->Length > 12) return FALSE;

    /* a starting . is invalid, except for . and .. */
    if (oem->Buffer[0] == '.')
        if (oem->Length != 1 && (oem->Length != 2 || oem->Buffer[1] != '.')) return FALSE;
        if (spaces) *spaces = FALSE;
        return TRUE;

    for (i = 0; i < oem->Length; i++)
        switch (oem->Buffer[i])
        case ' ':
            /* leading/trailing spaces not allowed */
            if (!i || i == oem->Length-1 || oem->Buffer[i+1] == '.') return FALSE;
            got_space = TRUE;
        case '.':
            if (dot != -1) return FALSE;
            dot = i;
            if (strchr(illegal, oem->Buffer[i])) return FALSE;
    /* check file part is shorter than 8, extension shorter than 3
     * dot cannot be last in string
    if (dot == -1)
        if (oem->Length > 8) return FALSE;
        if (dot > 8 || (oem->Length - dot > 4) || dot == oem->Length - 1) return FALSE;
    if (spaces) *spaces = got_space;
    return TRUE;
Well, if you're using DOS 3 or better and all you want to do is check for illegal characters, the following code should work:

        mov       ax,6000h
        lea       si,WhatToCheck      ; ds:si -> name to check
        lea       di,FullBuffer       ; where to put full name     
        int       21h                 ; DOS TRUENAME function
        jb        ItStinks            ; if DOS rejects it

;      The fully-qualified filename is in the buffer pointed to 
;      by ES:DI

(FWIW, this code works in every version of DOS 3.0 and later and in all versions of Windoze).

The function corresponds to the internal DOS command (undocumented) TRUENAME.

There are three gotchas. The first is that overly long names or extensions are truncated without comment. The second is that the backslash is permitted (assumed to be a path separator). The third is that the returned name is folded to uppercase.
Here's a cleaned up version of the function I pasted 2 posts up.
I'm not sure what this "\345" is supposed to be, so I added \x7F instead ;)
This function allows spaces though, so you might want to just return 0 in case of a space if you dont want them.
char isValidDosFilename(const char *filename)
	static const char illegal[] = "*?<>|\"+=,;[]:/\\\x7F";
	int dot = -1;
	int len = strlen(filename);

	if(len==0 || len>12)
		return 0;
	// starting . is invalid, except for "." and ".."
		if(len!=1 && (len!=2 || filename[1]!='.'))
			return 0;

	for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
		char c = filename[i];
		// Leading/trailing spaces not allowed
		case ' ':
			if(i==0 || i==len-1 || filename[i+1]=='.')
				return 0;
		// only one dot allowed
		case '.':
				return 0;
			dot = i;
		// check for illegal chars
			if(strchr(illegal, c))
				return 0;
		// if no dot, max lenght is 8
			return 0;
		// otherwise check file part <=8, extension<=3, does not end with dot
		if(dot>8 || len-dot>4 || dot==len-1)
			return 0;

	return 1;
Octal 345 = Hex E5. Which, in the first byte of an on-disk filename, indicates 'file deleted'.

Yes, but it's a legal filename character; translated by DOS to 05 in the directory. Try it yourself--create a file name of E5's and issue a DOS function 3C on it. Do dir--you'll see a file name of lowercase sigmas. Look in the on-disk directory and they'll be hex 05 E5 E5's. This was an old trick to make it difficult for a user to access the file from the command line, as COMMAND.COM seems to check for E5 and call foul. But DOS doesn't care.

If you look at the MS-DOS 6.0 source, you can see this code in MACRO2.ASM
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The 0xE5 value is fascinating - I forgot about that! And it looks like somebody figured out it is a bad thing to do, so if a user actually wants to start a filename with 0xE5 a 0x05 is put in it's place. Only DOS can put a real 0xE5 byte in the first character of a filename.
I'm just really suprised at how ugly the code turned out

No matter how you write it, it's ugly.

Unless you do it in QuickBASIC. :D

This is something I wrote a long time ago:
FUNCTION InvalidDOSFileName (FileName$)
	X = LEN(FileName$)
	IF X = 0 OR X > 12 THEN
		FileNameInvalid = -1
		FOR X = 1 TO X
			SELECT CASE ASC(MID$(FileName$, X, 1))
			CASE 46: IF DotFound THEN FileNameInvalid = -1: EXIT FOR ELSE DotFound = X
			'CASE 33, 35 TO 41, 45, 48 TO 57, 64 TO 90, 94 TO 123, 125 TO 126, 128 TO 255 ' Valid chars
			CASE 0 TO 32, 34, 42 TO 44, 47, 58 TO 63, 91 TO 93, 124, 127 ' Invalid chars
				FileNameInvalid = -1: EXIT FOR
		IF DotFound THEN IF X - 1 - DotFound > 3 THEN FileNameInvalid = -1
	InvalidDOSFileName = FileNameInvalid

It doesn't get prettier than this. ;)
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"Necroposting" ? This was a seven year old thread! :D
What can I say, it's been a slow day and there are a lot of old but interesting threads in the Vintage Computer Programming section. :thumbsup: :)