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  1. R

    EICO Transistor Analyzer 685

    Does anyone have, or Know where I can get a copy of the OP manual for this unit.. I still use it, but the new-bies evidently, can only use somethimg with digital readout and nothing involving math skills.. Thanks Dave PS Just recieved a IBM Aptiva , all black,original monitor,SCSI Box w/3.5...
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    1. Computer Technicians Handbook Art Margoles 3rd Edition (1990) 571 pages 2. Tools For an Information Age/ Computers and Information Systems 3rd Edition (1993) by Capron & Perron about 1100 pages. 3. Microcomputing Annual Edition (1991-1992) McGraw Hill /O'Leary,William,O'Leary contains...
  3. R

    Looking for older version of Soft Windows

    If anyone has the set for Win 98 to OS9 letme know by PM also could use older copy of Virtual PC willing to pay
  4. R

    Back when I , was young..

    An old friend, brought over a IBM AT that I sold her (new) many ,many years ago.. It won't boot anymore.. can you fix it ,my grand daughters love to play with it... And I said :rolleyes: "HEAVEN.. Please let me take it apart and maybe, just maybe.. (dead battery) No Way,, Since august 1985 ...
  5. R

    Big Computer List 1930-2002

    Happened to find this list on the net today http://www.digitpress.com/faq/computerlist.txt
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    Relish packet

    Trying to find the political ads on old relish packet and bag of leaves on the net. Anyone seen them
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    Osborne Second Editions

    3 units coming in latter this week. Don't no complete condition but 2 will get to A prompt and 1 is partially disassembled.. As Is plus shipping.. Great deals. PM me if your interested.. I've already got three. Just recieved them .. 2 will go to Osborne Screen and A> but attempt to read 5 1/4...
  8. R

    New Media Graphics Super Video card ???

    I recieved two custom built computers today ones a 386 and the other is a 486 even the cases are hand-made..The 386 had two video cards installed in it. One is a generic VGA which was connected to the other with a 26 pin flat ribbon cable. The second card has New Media Graphics Super Video...
  9. R

    I Need web cam advice

    Is it possible to mount a camera on the roof of my summer camp,which is about 7 miles from my home and be able to view it from home.. The phone line has a bridge on it so the phone operates on the same line. Rings at both places. I really would like to sit at home and check the conditions at...
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    DVD rewinder

    Advertised by the DVguru.com Now that's just what I want for christmas.
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    This Old Shop

    What to do, with all the old parts and equipment in my shop. Not much software,wasn't any in 1970 when I started. Boxes and draws full of trans,diodes,and resistors,hell some as big as a pencill. Or a 25 mhz oscilloscope.And weighs around 90 lbs with a 5"screen. What on earth would you use that...
  12. R

    Altos ACS 8000 7s Z80A

    It's dusty and there is a couple of screws missing out of the cover I finished opening it up ..I thought they had two floopy but this one, only had one. WHAT do I need for a monitor and keyboard?? and the 7S in the serial number does not match up with any I've looked up online
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    Tube Tester

    Sylvania tube tester Model 219 got no way of testing it but it passed the smoke test when I plug it in,several different scrolls for it and I can E-mail you some photos. make me an offer.. To a good home only!!! I bought this back in the 70's used Manufacure date of 1951. It's a year older...
  14. R

    EPROM Burner

    JamesCo JE664 8k-64k Eprom Programmer Manual and 3 5 1/4" Disk for XT setup and 10 blank eproms Don't Know the condition of the disks and the unit has not been used in 8 years... make me some ridiculus offer and it could be yours. Have one photo available and i can get more Theres a picture...
  15. R

    INTERCAL for Dos

    I recently tried to install a 286 accelerator board in an old XT.. Just grabbed a boot disc out of a pile and powered up this old clone. What I thought the screen said was" A20 line error," (it is an XT) when upon being corrected by another member of the forum, I tried it again It was an "come...
  16. R

    Weasel on Steroids

    Something has been raiding my wives bird feeders of suet at night. Well this morning I almost caught the critter, Or it almost got me. While having my morning coffee I looked out on the back deck ,and somethings tail was sticking out of a trash bag.. Bravely I rattled the back door to scare off...
  17. R

    What is collectable from away....

    After reading a lot of the old posts from Europe ,,Africa ,, Australia and others.. what are the basics, to watch for when looking for a computer manufactured outside the US?....I know of several systems that were brought back from Europe , by friends that were in the service in the 80's, and...
  18. R

    8088 to 286 Accelerator Board

    Found an 8 bit card with a 286 processor on the board with a 40pin cable to a 40 pin male socket plug that has to "8088 socket" written on it. board #JCI-SIS 0986-210107A Rev 1. 5 jumpers Cache and 3 for clock... the processor has 4/21/86 FC XT286 model 2 on it and PWA120000032 on the...
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    IBM 5272 Monitors

    Started to re-arrange and ID my collection 3 IBM 5272 Monitors 1 Main Display ISA Full 25x80 3270PCDA Board 1 All Points addressed Full ISA Board these were working when I pulled them about 10 years ago and I'm going to set up and old XT board with a power supply outside the case and test...
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    Gas $2.64 per gallon today

    Some one started a gas war in the next little town over Newport,Maine . So whats the going rate in your area ?????? Finally got to fill up my Silverado