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  1. modelTsAndHandhelds

    What is this? Post Photos of Mystery Items Here (vintage computers only)

    I know this is months after your post, but the tester in the first position is apparently a "1983 Sun Inspector II analyzer" (I found it at https://www.purplewave.com/auction/170307/item/CB9806/Shop_Tools-Tools-Iowa).
  2. modelTsAndHandhelds

    What system is this keyboard for?

    ...and for a bit more evidence in support of the keypunch idea, check out this other thread about an IBM Model 29 Keypunch Station (complete with a picture of the keyboard). https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/ibm-model-29-keypunch-station.1223251/
  3. modelTsAndHandhelds

    What system is this keyboard for?

    I agree that this looks like a keypunch keyboard. My memories of such are pretty old (from the 70s) but the Field Rel key rings a bell.
  4. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Handheld Computer / Digital Diary / Organiser with PC connectivity

    I'm late to this thread, but was going to suggest the original poster check out a TRS-80 Model 100 or the NEC 8201A. The keyboard is really quite good and, like you, I've found it travels well and can be remarkably flexible. There are recently-created add-ons that would make it pretty easy to...
  5. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Advent of Computing - New podcast on the block

    I just discovered this podcast in the past couple of months and am consuming 2+ of the episodes in the back catalog every week. Thanks for doing this interesting podcast of computing history.
  6. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Starting with getting my dream computer 38 years late

    I also have a couple of HP 95LX units. After some oddities when I first acquired them (showing both Main and Backup batteries being "low" when I had just replaced them), a few resets and all was well. What amazing devices they were; far (IMHO) beyond the other handhelds of the time...and HP was...
  7. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Need ideas: after battery (main and backup) change, HP 95lx doesn't power on

    You'd think that (a hardware reset button) but I can't find one and there's nothing like it mentioned in any of the user or technical documentation for the 95LX. On the other hand, as I noted in my previous message (which you couldn't have seen as it still awaits moderation) I got the battery...
  8. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Saving program in MBASIC

    In some versions of Basic that I've used you can save as an ASCII file using: SAVE "filename.asc" ,A Your mileage may vary in this situation, of course. george g.
  9. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Need ideas: after battery (main and backup) change, HP 95lx doesn't power on

    The AAs are fresh and full and leaving out the 2032 makes for no change. However (and this is embarrassing), I DID manage to get the batteries in the wrong orientation. In my defense, the system very oddly has the springs at the positive end of the batteries. Thank you very much for making me...
  10. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Need ideas: after battery (main and backup) change, HP 95lx doesn't power on

    The title pretty much says it all. My recently adopted 95lx was working fine but gave me the replace-the-backup-battery message. I was obedient and also changed out the AAs (main batteries), as well. Now, when I turn it on...it doesn't turn on: it does nothing. The reset and hard reset...
  11. modelTsAndHandhelds

    Starting with getting my dream computer 38 years late

    Hi from the Pacific Northwest of the US. I've (re)discovered now-vintage computers through a bit of wish fulfillment: I so very much wanted a TRS-80 Model 100 back in 1983 when it was introduced but couldn't justify the $1K to buy it. Last year I stumbled on one on eBay and thus began my descent...
  12. modelTsAndHandhelds

    What are your current projects?

    Restoring a couple of TRS-80 Model 100s (one is working but needs a new memory backup battery and, of course, recapping; the other has issues (low contrast on screen even after replacing the pot, sometimes wakes up dead...but gets better with a switch off/on) and deciding what needs to be done...