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  1. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator development and discussion

    A well intentioned tip/reference. My RL01/RL02 and MFM disk emulator have already been developed based on your idea. One cylinder is kept in the DPR memory and one to four entire disks (RL02) in the RAM. See also block diagram: https://pdp11gy.com/RL02_Emulator_E.html
  2. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator development and discussion

    Excellent job! Will there be a firmware update for the PDP-11/RK-11 environment ? Or is it already supported?
  3. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator development and discussion

    In my RL, MFM and RK05 disk emulator I used the .DEC/MFM data Format for drive specific data and the .DSK Format for a direct interface to SIMH. My emulators can read and write both file format. It's open Sourcecode on GitHub or for the RK05 emulator on my Homepage.
  4. PDP11GY

    DEC RL01/RL02 disk emulator with PCB board

    The experiences with the DE10-Lite version are already 6 years old. I had expressly pointed out that the current version based on the DE10 Nano board should be used: https://pdp11gy.com/RL02_Emulator_E.html . Unfortunately, a lot has changed with Intel's takeover of Altera.
  5. PDP11GY

    DEC RL01/RL02 disk emulator with PCB board

    The DE10-Lite implementation was completed almost 6 years ago. The infos are here: Utilities to convert .DEC<-->.DSK : https://pdp11gy.com/tmp/UTIL.zip The missing decoder source: https://pdp11gy.com/tmp/My_MFM_DEcoder_V2_2_MAX.zip
  6. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator development and discussion

    Great job, my compliments! A block diagram would be very interesting for me and the others. Regarding small glitch: I also had these problems when developing my RL Emulator. The cause was a jitter and could only be solved with a system clock that was 16(32) times higher than the actual...
  7. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    Thanks for all the information and help offers. I don't plan to develop a PCB board and the well-intentioned note regarding Plessey RK05 schematics is not necessary for me. As I already reported, my RK05 emulator project is shut down. I don't have time for it anymore and gwiley's project is...
  8. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    My development https://pdp11gy.com/RK05_Emulator_E.html has been hibernated and will probably not be further developed. I don't plan developing a PCB board either. Mainly I lack access to a PDP-11 with RK11 controller. All further actions are only available via my homepage or Github with all...
  9. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    It's a shame, it's unfortunate how communication has developed here, I have to say that here too. I find it strange that many other posts appear in my thread and my thread is no longer discussed at all. Unfortunately there is no collaboration here either. Please start your own thread or delete...
  10. PDP11GY

    looking for a DEC VT105 terminal emulator

    Thanks for the info about the MINC system. I already know that and my only question was whether there is a VT105 terminal emulator. By the Way, MINC Basic ( Q4SZMX.SAV ) is running on RT11SJ Vv04.00C A MINC Basic emulator running on a RASPBERRY PI PICO is also vailable...
  11. PDP11GY

    looking for a DEC VT105 terminal emulator

    PDP-2011 ?? 🤢what's that ?
  12. PDP11GY

    looking for a DEC VT105 terminal emulator

    Hello, a MINC system is up and running , but the VT105 is completely defective, water damage. I'm looking for a VT105 terminal emulator to be able to run the MINC-Basic. Does anyone have any hints? Thanks in advance.
  13. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    Hopefully soon I'll have access to a real and working RK05 to measure the sector timing with a logic analyzer and clear up any ambiguities. gwiley has already described the most important information, especially in the PDP8 environment, here. Does anyone know what's going on with Roland...
  14. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    Short update info: The RK05-emulator prototype interface board is now complete. The attached picture shows the proportions to the DE10-Nano board (I'll never do anything like that again in my old age). Detailed information can be found on my homepage or on GitHub in the RK05-Emulator.pdf...
  15. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    Thank you very much for all your information. They also help me a bit further, especially the information in the RK05 Emulator notes file. I use the logic analyzer from https://www.saleae.com/de/downloads/ If you want I can send you some data, all you have to do is download the software. It is...
  16. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    This is a nice and interesting surprise. Another one who dares to emulate an RK05. That's great and we're happy to share our knowledge. Meanwhile, I copied my version to GitHub: https://github.com/pdp11gy/RK05-Disk-Emulator I chose the DE10-Nano board because I know it very well from my...
  17. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    Thanks for the cable pinout info. Sometimes hard to read but it helps.
  18. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

  19. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk emulator

    I am currently trying to develop a RK05 disk emulator. It is an addition to my existing projects, the RL01/RL02 and MFM disk emulator, and will be also based on the DE10-Nano FPGA board. The firmware and the associated C program is almost ready. Everything is based on Quartus version 22.1...
  20. PDP11GY

    RK05 disk drive versions

    Roland, thanks again for your information. Seems to be a difference connecting a PDP-11 or a PDP-8 to a RK05. People always point me to joerg's Unibone. But this is a completely different application. In my understanding, a disk emulator as a 1:1 replacement of the hard disks. Maybe we should...