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  1. O

    Sol-20 Can you run PTDOS with Northstar disk controller?

    I’ve run CP/M and Northstar DOS on my Sol-20 computer with Northstar disk controller. I’d like to know if it possible to run PTDOS on the Sol-20 with a NorthStar disk controller.
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    Any info on testing/fixing Northstar MDS-PC power supply board?

    I picked up a Northstar micro disk drive assy (SA-400 drive with power supply in blue cabinet) a couple of years ago. I found that the +5V output was not right and now, would like to fix this problem. The power supply board assy is like the one in the attached picture. I have been able to find...
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    Was there a Visicalc for SOL-20?

    I was looking through the available programs for the SOL-20 and noticed that there was no Visicalc-type applications for the SOL-20. I find this kind of hard to believe. Does anyone know if a spreadsheet application for the SOL-20 was ever produced?
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    Hi Ken, Did you ever find software for you Versawriter? I was going through some Apple II disks and found a Versawriter disk. I've included some pics of the main menu and disk catalog. I can make a copy of the disk and send it to you, if you like. -Gil -Gil
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    Issue with Mac SE/30 and FloppyEmu as HD20

    My SCSI hard drive quit working on my Mac SE/30 and I am looking for a solid state replacement. I have a Floppy Emu and Ruminator II installed. I have tried to use the FloppyEmu as an HD20, but my System 6.08 and System 7.1 disk images are not working right. They both boot up fine and provide a...
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    IBM PC PASCAL COMPILER 1981 - program that shows how to use graphics

    Thanks for the replies. I read the manual a few more times and found that I needed to create the GRAPHI file (see attached pics). After reading the second page a few times and looking at the example code I have come to the conclusion that this example code is just meant to show examples of the...
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    IBM PC PASCAL COMPILER 1981 - program that shows how to use graphics

    I have a IBM PC RevA with 128K RAM and I would like to learn how to write a Pascal program using graphics. I am using the IBM PC Pascal Compiler from 1981 and reviewed this example program in the Pascal Compiler manual Program file: (*$INCLUDE:'GRAPHI*) PROGRAM PLOTBOX (INPUT, OUTPUT); USES...
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    5150 RevA - What to do next?

    I've been trying to clear Supersoft ROM errors for a few months on my 5150 RevA 16-64K motherboard. I was successful with clearing the U36 8255 error by replacing the 8255 chip. Unfortunately, I still had 16K Critical Memory Region errors. I referenced the Supersoft manual and it recommended...
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    Help with serial interface PC to Sol-20

    I received my null modem cable setup and tried to establish a working connection between my 486 laptop with 9-pin serial interface and my Sol-20 serial interface, but have failed. My 486 Laptop is an HP Internet advisor workstation. Back a few years ago buying one of these was a cheap way of...
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    Can I use the Sol-20 as a terminal for a NorthStar Horizon?

    I purchased a NorthStar Horizon computer a couple of weeks ago. I bought it for the double density floppy disk controller and 5.25 floppy drive to use with my Sol-20 computer. The more I look at the NorthStar Horizon computer, the more I think about trying to get it working and seeing what it...
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    Sol-20 Processor Technology 8K RAM stuck bit

    I was checking the memory in my Sol-20 and I have a generic 32K RAM card that works fine. I can write and read all bits just fine. I have an 8K RAM Processor Technology board that appears to have a stuck bit in MSB (Bit 7) position. I have the 8K RAM setup to start at 8000h. When I enter data...
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    Picked up a NorthStar disk drive for my Sol-20

    Hugo, there seems to be different types of null modem adapters or I may be misunderstanding your detailed Null Modem description. I was shopping for a 25pin null modem adapter and found this It appears to have an additional wires crossed than just 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 Would this type of null...
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    Picked up a NorthStar disk drive for my Sol-20

    The PROMs on my MDC-A2 controller appear to be the 6301-1 256x4 type for all 3 PROMs. I dumped more of the PROM and compared it to the listings at DeRamp.com. Looks like my card has Ver 2 PROM. I was able to get the disk drive to make 'loud click sound', LED light, and the center spindle to spin...
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    Help with 5150 rev A Supersoft ROM results

    Ok. It has been a while, but I have replaced the +12V caps (all 5 of them) and I am still getting no beeps at power on. I installed the Supersoft ROM and got the following results. Same as before. Not sure what the next step should be. I'm thinking that I should unsolder the Bank 0 RAM and...
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    How to find older thread replies on VCF forums

    I've finally found some time to work on my old IBM 5150. I had posted some questions about 6-8 months ago and members had posted some useful information that I would like to now reference. How does one find/view older posts?
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    Picked up a NorthStar disk drive for my Sol-20

    I had some S100 cards in my garage and found that I had 2 different floppy disk controllers. First one is a California Computer System (CCS) 2422. The second one is a Tarbell 2022. From information on an S100 board website it seems that the CCS may be able to be used with North* Shugart drive...
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    Picked up a NorthStar disk drive for my Sol-20

    Here are some pictures of the North* drive. I found that it has some broken wires that look like they are supposed to connect to head assembly (see red circle). I also found that one of components (another red circle) is loose and moves around. Not sure what this component is and how it should...
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    Picked up a NorthStar disk drive for my Sol-20

    I picked up a NorthStar disk drive from eBay for my Sol-20. I'nm not sure what model it is or if it is a single density or double density drive. How does one tell? Is there a model number on the drive mechanism? There is no model information on the outside case of the drive. Only a NorthStar...
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    Floppy disk drive emulator for Sol-20

    Does anyone make a floppy disk drive emulator for the Sol-20 computer? I've been looking for actual floppy disk drive and controller card for a while, but have yet to see these for sale anywhere, except for the Helios drive which in most cases is very expensive and have a finicky reputation.
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    IBM 5150 RevB Tandon drive will read, format, but not write files

    I was working on my 5150 Rev B 256K MB 2 full height Tandon 5.25 drives and CGA card. I am able to read floppy diskettes fine (have tried several diskettes - no problem reading). When running DOS 2.1 I try to format a double-density diskette in Drive A and it completes the format (some times I...