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  1. Q

    Oric 1 Repair

    https://forum.defence-force.org/ is an oric specific forum, maybe someone there will be able to help.
  2. Q

    What is this? Post Photos of Mystery Items Here (vintage computers only)

    Also has a pair of DRAM chips near the disk controller.
  3. Q

    Cool vintage electronics projects to do in 2023

  4. Q

    I assume that the 74LS181 (not 74181) didn't became common....

    Jameco have them at a reasonable price https://www.jameco.com/z/74S181-Major-Brands-4-Bit-Arithmetic-Logic-Unit-Function-Generator-DIP-24_48514.html
  5. Q

    My project: The SeaOtter Essentials Prototyping Computer

    They're also available in half can size
  6. Q

    help with Commodore Chessmate power plug

    Ebay link (seller is in us) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203731600546
  7. Q

    help with Commodore Chessmate power plug

    Here's the schematic, unfortunately the power connector doesn't have a part number.
  8. Q

    Typewriters that acted as printers

    Wireless world August 1983 had a project to add serial printer capability to an olivetti praxis typewriter
  9. Q

    My project: The SeaOtter Essentials Prototyping Computer

    For me PCBs are cheap enough nowadays to have more than one spin, but sometimes wirewrap is a quick way to try out an idea
  10. Q

    My project: The SeaOtter Essentials Prototyping Computer

    4 layer boards aren't too expensive nowadays, but 6+ layers are considerably more. Also with 4 layers you have a reasonable chance that mistakes can be fixed with a cut and strap. If I was designing this I'd probably go with 4 layers. One inner layer for 0V, the other inner layer for power...
  11. Q

    My project: The SeaOtter Essentials Prototyping Computer

    For 74 series chips the following applies The CD prefix was traditionally Harris but they were acquired by Texas some time ago. The E suffix on a CD part is the same as an N on a SN part. Different manufacturers may have slight differences in the performance which you can find by comparing...
  12. Q

    Keycom/Synertek adhesive membrane keyboard circa 1983 - anyone seen one of these before?

    Previously on the VCF forum https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/commandex-keyfax-videotex-terminal-keyboard.1239255/
  13. Q

    Keycom/Synertek adhesive membrane keyboard circa 1983 - anyone seen one of these before?

    It does look like a keyboard for a viewdata system, a phone style keypad along with call and hangup keys. The surprise key is unusual though.
  14. Q

    Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

    Also appears in 1991 spring/summer https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1991-Sears-Spring-Summer-Catalog/1477
  15. Q

    Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

    1990 Sears Christmas catalog page 660 has the SR 1000 printer, it seems this was a Sears branded printer https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1990-Sears-Christmas-Book/0660
  16. Q

    MicroOffice Roadrunner Battery/Charger

    They ar soldered into the pcb. Try searching for CR2430 tagged cells, Google only wants to show me uk suppliers but here's an example https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/button-batteries/1882133
  17. Q

    Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

    Looking up the FCC data on that label I get the following FCC IDENTIFIER: AKX28YC-130SK Name of Grantee: Shinwa of America Inc Equipment Class part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral Grant date was 08/30/1988 So the printer in the ebay listing was made by Shinwa but has been rebadged...
  18. Q

    Can anyone identify this dot matrix printer next to a Neo-Geo?

    While browsing ebay I saw this, it has 4 buttons on the right one of which is blue and the smoked cover comes almost to the front. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404397756223?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5OfiY-LZQuy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=zwa3JGfGRy-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. Q

    What did I do to my PDP-8 today.

    Lichess allows computers to play human players if you create a bot account https://lichess.org/blog/WvDNticAAMu_mHKP/welcome-lichess-bots
  20. Q

    Who writes this stuff? DEC owned DRI?

    It also claims DEC bought Data General in 1999, in reality it was EMC who bought Data General.