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  1. 3lectr1c

    Review - CTX EzBook 700 (one of 1997's cheapest Pentium laptops)

    Hi all, I just uploaded a review of my CTX EzBook 700 (probably one of the only ones out there that someone's bothered to restore). If you'd like to watch it, here's the link:
  2. 3lectr1c

    MacDat Vintage Laptop Documentation Project - Main Thread

    Site Source Downloads, which have been temporarily unavailable since the November update are now restored. The caveat being that you now must set up local PHP and SQL servers in order to run the site offline. https://macdat.net/extras/web_dl.html
  3. 3lectr1c

    Found: Something Windows 10 seems *legit* really good at.

    Windows 10 is about where it got good at this. Maybe 8, but I don't have nearly as much experience there. Go back to Windows 7 though and it will just bluescreen if you're moving a drive to another system, except in rare cases where the hardware isn't *that* different.
  4. 3lectr1c

    MacDat Vintage Laptop Documentation Project - Main Thread

    Big new update out today - lots and lots of new models documented. https://macdat.net/laptop_portal.html
  5. 3lectr1c

    AlphaTop/ECS Green Laptop documentation thread.

    Over the past couple days I've scanned and archived the user guides for the Green751 and Green753. They're up on archive.org and will be linked on MacDat soon. Green751 Manual: https://archive.org/details/alphatop_green751_manual Green753 Manual...
  6. 3lectr1c

    Compaq LTE Lite Service Manual

    Posting this here for increased visibility since this thread is the second result on google when you search for the LTE Lite service manual. I found a copy of the manual back in June at the VCF East Swap Meet, bought it, scanned it in, and uploaded it to archive.org. See here...
  7. 3lectr1c

    Anyone have a Zenith Data Systems Superport 286?

    Would OnTrack or EzDrive not work to install a larger hard disk in one of these?
  8. 3lectr1c

    Gateway Solo 9150 varta check

    Display assembly might have to come out first then.
  9. 3lectr1c

    Gateway Solo 9150 varta check

    You've just gotta figure out how that laptop comes apart.
  10. 3lectr1c

    Gateway Solo 9150 varta check

    That cage under the palmrest with two wires coming off of it was probably the Varta, unless your right speaker is now non-functional in which case you broke that. As for what's keeping CMOS settings - it might be a supercapacitor, if you can't find a battery anywhere. Is there anything soldered...
  11. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    Thanks :) Search technology has gotten a lot better since then - that and news sources digitizing their print materials. Hard to say what was actually online back then and what wasn't. Here's the search term regarding iBooks and Alpha-Top: Interesting to read this quote: "The IBook, to be made...
  12. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    Well then all you're saying is "companies eventually all adopt a beneficial new technology", which I agree with. That doesn't make it a clone. Apple does all their designs in-house, Quanta just manufactures them to Apple's specifications.
  13. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    I'm so sure of that because Apple would have sued HP if they did. This isn't some tiny copycat factory we're talking about here - it's two of the largest computer vendors in the world, and one of the two largest laptop manufacturing companies in the world.
  14. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    I'd guess it's just a similar looking design that isn't in any way based on the cad files for the Air - Apple wouldn't be very pleased if that had happened. I'm sure HP's designers were going for the same look though, that's a story as old as time.
  15. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    Do you know the exact model or series?
  16. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    I can guarantee that it's not the same design as the MacBook Air, Apple would absolutely not let that fly. I'm not sure what company Apple has used for manufacturing their MacBook Airs, but "ultra-thin silver laptop" is a very wide product category and there are dozens of companies selling...
  17. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    I researched this and found some news articles. Alpha-Top was one of a few manufacturers Apple contacted to manufacture the iBook (both the clamshell and the white “snow” versions). That’s actually the main reason that ECS bought them - they wanted that contract. So they were a direct...
  18. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    Im out of the house at the moment - will DM you when im back at the computer.
  19. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    The schematics - I found a big cache of them at a link on the wayback machine and have been putting them up on pages.
  20. 3lectr1c

    What's your favorite laptop from the 4:3 era?

    I second this - I know you had the Green735 (not 753) manual and I’d love to get a scanned copy someday. I’ve been trying to preserve as many of these service manuals as possible on MacDat. At this point any former confidentiality isn’t super relevant.