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  1. fjkraan

    Hey, let's talk about a curated archive

    This thread evolved into something less useful than intended (IMHO). What would be useful is a set of meta-data to be added to files or whole directories which can help finding stuff. A small set of data like brand, model name, year, type or record (photo, disk image documentation, ...) in a...
  2. fjkraan

    Anyone have tech info/schematics for the Omikron Mapper II?

    It seems that a data separator (like the Percom) combined with a clock switch is what you need/want? This Percom Separator could look a lot like the Mapper (). Greetings, Fred Jan Edit: another example of a single density only FDC with data separator...
  3. fjkraan

    Anyone have tech info/schematics for the Omikron Mapper II?

    Hi Eudimorphodon, The LNDoubler is very well documented here: /home/fjkraan/kryten/site/comp/lnw/doc/LNW80_Technical_Reference_Manual_(1982)(LNW_Research_Corp)(pdf).pdf page 198. For the Aerocomp doubler there are KiCAD files, but I still have build and test the board (it has low priority)...
  4. fjkraan

    Anyone have tech info/schematics for the Omikron Mapper II?

    About ten years ago I tried helping Pascal Holdry with reverse engineering of the Mapper I, that was the CP/M modification. According to the attached review, the Mapper II allowed 8" disk to be attached to the E.I. If it is anything like the LNDoubler, it is basically switching the FDC clock...
  5. fjkraan

    Epson PX-8 : dumping 6303 rom

    Isn't the 6303 just a clone of the 6803, which is a subset of the 6801 configurations? Ghidra, or any 6801 disassembler should make something reasonable from the code. The attached file is created with f6dasm (https://github.com/Arakula/f9dasm). Apart from the first part, at first glance, it...
  6. fjkraan

    Getting the Model 1 to boot

    In the end I needed both a new boot disk and a better power supply for the floppy drive. Conclusion: if it doesn't work, never assume you have just one problem :-). Greetings, Fred Jan
  7. fjkraan

    Getting the Model 1 to boot

    Here a write up of my recent attempt to boot a Model 1. The boot process of the Model 1 isn't that complicated, but there are several stages. Each completed stage tells you something about what is working and what not. With my long unused and only partially tested setup, I managed to get...
  8. fjkraan

    Honeywell manuals for the Model 101 Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducer Portable System

    Ok, when I have the change the manuals will be scanned. There might be a better forum for topics like this, but I haven't found it yet. Greetings, Fred Jan
  9. fjkraan

    Honeywell manuals for the Model 101 Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducer Portable System

    Does 'here' include bitsavers.org? Greetings, Fred Jan
  10. fjkraan

    Honeywell manuals for the Model 101 Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducer Portable System

    Today while searching for other serious computer part documentation, I found at Jaak's computer and other vintage equipment two binders with documentation of a Honeywell tape system. Is it worthwhile to scan this? If so, I will loan them next time we try to locate the other documentation...
  11. fjkraan

    Epson QX owners - please join

    @brijohn: That is one cool project! I expected it was doable, but didn't want to try it myself. And the box really makes it complete! Congratulations! Fred Jan
  12. fjkraan

    TMS7000 development systems

    The project is now in an almost presentable form with a hackaday page: https://hackaday.io/project/197083-tms70c02-single-board-computer-in-two-parts and a minimal serial monitor at https://github.com/electrickery/TMS70C02-Monitor/tree/main. The development-cycle is quite fast with the...
  13. fjkraan

    QX-10 Software archive

    Up until four years ago I had contact with Emmanuel Roche, not about QX-10's, but early french computer systems, like the Alcyane (https://electrickery.nl/comp/alcyane/). Sorry to hear about his demise, but good to hear some of his QX/10 work will be preserved. Greetings, Fred Jan
  14. fjkraan

    TMS7000 development systems

    The https://electrickery.nl/comp/tms7k/ page now has some more meaningful contents, and an image of the TMS70C02 CPU board. The board currently runs a demo, blinkings some LEDs and sends and receives characters over the serial port. A proper serial monitor is planned, but not yet written. It...
  15. fjkraan

    Philips P800 updated documentation

    The manuals are: P800InstructionSet.pdf Philips P800 (P852/56/57 ..) Instruction Set (Extended Specification). P800AsmLangSpec.pdf Philips P800 Assembly Language Specification. P800_SystemHandbook.pdf Philips P856M/P857M System Handbook 5122 991...
  16. fjkraan

    Epson QX owners - please join

    The QX-10 keyboard interface is well described in the Technical Manual, chapter 7. It is possible to interface a PS/2-keyboard via an Arduino to the QX-10 keyboard scan codes. It wouldn't be perfect, but usable. It uses 1200 Baud, but the clock is provided by the QX-10 main board. I don't expect...
  17. fjkraan

    Epson PX-8 not booting - no initializing

    Any progress here? The https://forum.vcfed.org/index.php?threads/epson-px-8-repair.1247444/#post-1384012 RAMTEST might be an option to try here too. Indeed the tape drive is not needed to start up the PX-8. Greetings & succes, Fred Jan
  18. fjkraan

    Epson PX-8 repair

    The RAM test ROM tries to identify faulty dynamic RAM chips: https://electrickery.nl/comp/px8/roms/RAMTEST.zip and https://electrickery.nl/comp/px8/roms/dRAMtestManual.txt. But you need a cable from the RS-232C port to a terminal/PC. The code does not use the co-processor, just the Z80, i/o...
  19. fjkraan

    Another poorly Epson PX-8

    Hi Crashedfiesta, 0.8 is indeed not a standard E-series value. If capacitors are a guide, these come in +/- 20% precision. So 1 mH might work too. It is usally only critically for oscillators. If you order a pack of ten and you have a LC-meter, you might select the one with the least induction...
  20. fjkraan

    Another poorly Epson PX-8

    For me it did work, but charging the pack with a reasonable current (10% of capacity, 14 hours) before putting them in the PX-8 might have helped. Usually I keep the charger connected during prolonged usage. Occasionally I try to develop code for the PX-4/PX8. Greetings, Fred Jan