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NABU floppy treasures VEX me


Dec 6, 2022
I have a collection of floppies that contain many treasures of NABU. For those that have been following the saga, I have 192 of them I need to analyze. It looks like this:

NABU Floppy extraction process.png

I use a Greaseweazle to extract a SCP file,
I use HxCFloppyEmulator to create an image,
and cpmtools to extract it.

Any file bigger than 1 sector, 128 bytes, is mangled.

I'm not sure where in the process I'm screwing up, but I'm looking to tap into some expertise.

@snuci was able to write the image to Floppy using an Applesauce and then was able to extract intact files from that image using 22DISK.

However, I'd prefer not to have to write out those 192 floppies in that manner. If I have to, I'll do that for all diskettes, but it seems to me the SCP images should be good enough.

Here is a video showing the process I used:

and the diskdefs I used with them:

Any insight would be appreciated.

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