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Tektronix 4052/54 diagnostic ROM pack remade.

I have figured out most of the address ranges used by the 4052/4054 Tektronix Diagnostic ROM pack to calculate the ROM CRC's to match the Tektronix ROM CRC list for these computers.

The Diagnostic ROM pack instructions Appendix page B-2 has the BASIC CALL "CRC" parameter format:


where A$ = xxxxyyyyzzttrrrr

xxxx = Start address in hex
yyyy = End address in hex (actually end address+1)

zz = ROM space select
00 = System ROM (B space)
01 = Constant ROM (A space)

tt = Bank Switch information
00 = Internal ROM space
20 = Slot 41 (left slot)
28 = Slot 51 (right slot on two slot backpack)
80 = Slot 61 (slot 3 on four slot backpack)
08 = Slot 71 (slot 4 on four slot backpack)

rrrr = return value for CRC in hex

One example is given:
for a ROM from 8000 to BFFF set xxxx to 8000 and yyyy to C000

The address ranges for each ROM on the 4052 or 4054 MAS board can be found in the schematics, but when their addresses are used - I couldn't get the CRC calculation to match the diagnostic ROM pack output, which does match the Tektronix 4052/4054 CRC list that Jos provides with the Diagnostic ROM Pack.

I found the address decoder ring in the Tektronix factory "CYCLE" program that I posted last year.

The CYCLE program tested the 4052/4054 or 4052A or 4054A ROM CRC's but didn't use the diagnostic ROM pack - they must have had a different ROM pack with a CALL "MEMTST".

Here is a snippet of the CYCLE program that provided me the 'Rosetta Stone' decoder for the CRC:

2930 REM ***4052/54 V4.4 CRCS***
2940 RESTORE 2950
2950 DATA "C N 4601 4801 5440"
2960 DATA "C N 4600 4800 B0DB"
2970 DATA "C N 4401 4601 A7E3"
2980 DATA "C N 4400 4600 AEED"
2990 DATA "C N C001 FF01 8AF0"
3000 DATA "C N C000 FF00 3BC5"
3010 DATA "C N 8001 C001 3FE5"
3020 DATA "C N 8000 C000 7403"
3030 DATA "C N 4801 8001 95BC"
3040 DATA "C N 4800 8000 00F1"
3050 DATA "C N 4001 4401 7132"
3060 DATA "C N 4000 4400 3EAB"
3070 DATA "C N E001 FF01 1F38"
3080 DATA "C N E000 FF00 5B67"
3090 DATA "C O 0000 2000 2435"
3100 DATA "C O 0000 2000 844A"
3110 DATA "C O 2000 4000 21D8"
3120 DATA "END"

Here is part of the Tektronix CRC table - version 4.4 is the next to last column:


Some of the third hex values in each row match the CRC table for v4.4, although the order of the entries is a little scrambled.

The first two hex values look like start and end addresses.

Remembering that the Constant ROM is in the 64KB data space, I wrote the following program to use the Diagnostic ROM Pack CALL "CRC" to get each CRC value, and I put the tests in the same order as the Tektronix CRC table:

100 PRINT "***Check 4052/54 V5.1 CRCS***"
120 DATA "E000FF0001000000","2057","U810 constant ROM"
130 DATA "4000440000000000","0066","U820A patch ROM"
140 DATA "4800800000000000","494F","U820B"
150 DATA "8000C00000000000","8C30","U825"
160 REM DATA "C000FF010000000","6389","U835"
170 DATA "4001440100000000","46C9","U870A ODD FOR U820A"
180 DATA "4801800100000000","67B6","U870B ODD FOR U820B"
190 DATA "8001C00100000000","AF97","U880 ODD FOR U825"
200 REM DATA "C000FF0100000000","38E2","U885 ODD FOR U835"
210 DATA "E001FF0101000000","93A4","U893 ODD constant ROM"
220 DATA "4400460000000000","8D82","U805A/U820C"
230 DATA "4600480000000000","D064","U805B/U820D"
240 DATA "4401460100000000","C27E","U897A/U870C"
245 DATA "4601480100000000","71C4","U897B/U870D"
250 REM U897B
260 DATA "Z","Z","Z"
265 PRINT "CRC     ROM"
266 PRINT "---     ---"
270 READ A$,C$,L$
280 IF A$<>"Z" THEN 310
290 PRINT "Done!"
300 END 
310 CALL "CRC",A$
320 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
330 IF B$=C$ THEN 360
340 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;"   ";"CRC ERROR, SHOULD BE ";C$
350 GO TO 270
360 PRINT B$;"   ";L$
370 GO TO 270

The program above has CRC values for the v5.1 ROMs, and here is a screenshot of my 4052 with v5.1 ROMs running the CRC Dump program:


The values check!!

I have not figured out the correct ranges for everything in the Tektronix CRC table for v5.1, the two commented lines in the program hang the computer if the REM is removed.

Some of the address ranges are larger than a single pair of ROMs, and some ranges cause the algorithm to calculate the CRC of the ODD ROM of a pair - since the 4052/4054 has sixteen bit wide system ROMs.

The Patch ROMs used in the 4052/4054 (but not the A-series) were small and the CYCLE program calculated CRCs for four sections of these Patch ROMs.

I guess the ROM designers figured if the sixteen bit checksum failed - they could check the ODD ROM checksum to see if it was the ODD ROM, if not the EVEN ROM was bad.
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Found the issue with the two CRC tests that failed - TYPO on my part.

Here were the two lines that would lock up the computer

160 REM DATA "C000FF010000000","6389","U835"
200 REM DATA "C000FF0100000000","38E2","U885 ODD FOR U835"

The typo is the FF01, which would have to be used with C001 if you were reading an ODD ROM.
Another typo is line 160 does not have enough '0' - it is one short.

But when I used C000FF0100000000 the checksum was not correct.

I was suspicious of the end address as the C000 ROM ends at FFFF, but this would require the end address be bigger than 16-bits?

No, the CRC code in the Diagnostic ROM will accept 0000 as the end address for the C000 ROM.
And 0001 for the end address of the ODD ROM starting at C001.

Here is the code that creates and matches all the ROM Checksums for the v5.1 ROMs in the Tektronix table:

100 PRINT "*** Check 4052/54 V5.1 CRCS ***"
120 DATA "E000FF0001000000","2057","U810  Constant ROM    "
130 DATA "4000440000000000","0066","U820A Patch ROM       "
140 DATA "4800800000000000","494F","U820B                 "
150 DATA "8000C00000000000","8C30","U825                  "
160 DATA "C000000000000000","6389","U835                  "
170 DATA "4001440100000000","46C9","U870A ODD for U820A   "
180 DATA "4801800100000000","67B6","U870B ODD for U820B   "
190 DATA "8001C00100000000","AF97","U880  ODD for U825    "
200 DATA "C001000100000000","38E2","U885  ODD for U835    "
210 DATA "E001FF0101000000","93A4","U893  ODD Constant ROM"
220 DATA "4400460000000000","8D82","U805A/U820C           "
230 DATA "4600480000000000","D064","U805B/U820D           "
240 DATA "4401460100000000","C27E","U897A/U870C           "
245 DATA "4601480100000000","71C4","U897B/U870D"
250 REM U897B
260 DATA "Z","Z","Z"
265 PRINT "CRC    ROM"
266 PRINT "----   ----"
270 READ A$,C$,L$
280 IF A$<>"Z" THEN 310
290 PRINT "Done!"
300 END 
310 CALL "CRC",A$
320 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
330 IF B$=C$ THEN 360
340 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;"   ";"	*** CRC ERROR, SHOULD BE ";C$
350 GO TO 270
360 PRINT B$;"   ";L$
370 GO TO 270

and the screenshot running this code:

How nice,

I've never thought about these Tektronix machines. It seems there is some sort of graphics
Tektronix computer waiting for me. Really wonder which model it is. In the past I have seen it
for a few seconds. He told me back then that he wanted to scrap it. Since I needed some Tek
parts I thought lets call him. The machine is still there and I can have it. When I do a search I
think it should be a 4051 or 4052. We will see... I might keep it if it is a fun machine.

I never thought that anything Tek is particular rare... I mean, there are Tek scopes everywhere.
Nevertheless finding a decent Tek XY monitor seems to be harder these days. In the past here were
piles of these things on radio flee markets. But nobody wanted them... And I didn't care too...
But recently bought a Tek 611 and a Tek 605 XY monitor for my PDP8 machines. (Play Spacewar on them :D )

Since there were no pictures of the innards of both screens I contacted Kurt from Tek WiKi.
We talked about DEC and Tek working together and using each others electronics.
Then he sent me this link with pictures.


Somehow I got intrigued by those Tek graphic terminals on DEC computers... And to be honest I hope
to find a 4010 of 4012 once. How nice would that be! But I have been told that you can't really use
them as a normal terminal. The usability probably depends on the software or OS. Because you can't do things
like backspace or scrolling. Really a shame that you can't choose between storage and a normal display mode.
But I understand that they used an expensive storage CRT to save money on even more expensive RAM.

But I was wondering, if that machine is an 4051 of 4052, can I use it to emulate an 4010 or 4012?
Or do you need an option for that? And is so, is that package usable for that? I would love to experience
the behaviour of a graphic terminal on a PDP...

Regards, Roland
How nice,

Somehow I got intrigued by those Tek graphic terminals on DEC computers... And to be honest I hope
to find a 4010 of 4012 once. How nice would that be! But I have been told that you can't really use
them as a normal terminal. The usability probably depends on the software or OS. Because you can't do things
like backspace or scrolling. Really a shame that you can't choose between storage and a normal display mode.
But I understand that they used an expensive storage CRT to save money on even more expensive RAM.

But I was wondering, if that machine is an 4051 of 4052, can I use it to emulate an 4010 or 4012?
Or do you need an option for that? And is so, is that package usable for that? I would love to experience
the behaviour of a graphic terminal on a PDP...

Regards, Roland


You certainly can use the 4051 or 4052 as a terminal - you just need to check that the "backpack" for ROMs in the back of the computer has a 25-pin RS-232 connector.

That means you will also have Option 1 ROMs for the terminal emulator program - that emulated the 4012 series terminals - check out this manual on bitsavers.org - page 44

If you can't find a 4051 or 4052 you can use your PC to emulate one as a terminal for your DEC:


The emulator software and photo was here:

If you do find a 4051 or 4052, I'll bet we can get it working if it needs repair :)

Hi Monty,

I've picked up the the Tek yesterday. It is an 4052. And I got an 4010 also! I have been told that
both are defective. So both are nice projects! :D There was an extra power supply with the 4010.
And I got the 4010 together with a nice 1972 16 bit period correct computer too :D

4052.jpg 4010.jpg

Jos told me that my 4052 is not standard with that 4 slot unit on the back.
Errr..it is standard, it is just that the 4 slot unit is rarer than the 2 slot & RS232 unit. They are exchangeable.
Hi Monty,

I've picked up the the Tek yesterday. It is an 4052. And I got an 4010 also! I have been told that
both are defective. So both are nice projects! :D There was an extra power supply with the 4010.
And I got the 4010 together with a nice 1972 16 bit period correct computer too :D

View attachment 61737 View attachment 61738

Jos told me that my 4052 is not standard with that 4 slot unit on the back.


Welcome to the 4052 owners group!

I would love to see a photo of the back of your 4052 - and any stickers - which show factory option codes.

The 4-slot backpack can hold 4 ROM-packs, should have an option 1 RS-232 interface and 'may' have a memory expansion board.

Hi Monty,

I've picked up the the Tek yesterday. It is an 4052. And I got an 4010 also! I have been told that
both are defective. So both are nice projects! :D There was an extra power supply with the 4010.
And I got the 4010 together with a nice 1972 16 bit period correct computer too :D

View attachment 61737 View attachment 61738

Jos told me that my 4052 is not standard with that 4 slot unit on the back.

Wow - the 4052 and 4010 are in great mechanical condition, no missing keys.

I was able to get Dave Robert's 4052 working in one day. I replaced a bridge rectifier on the power supply that was shorted and popped the main fuse.

Errr..it is standard, it is just that the 4 slot unit is rarer than the 2 slot & RS232 unit. They are exchangeable.


I just noticed you have a 4-slot backplane in your 4052. You may have the only one of those!

What were the option codes listed on the labels on the back of your 4052?

Tektronix made an Expansion Memory module that fit inside the 4-slot backpack!

Option 27 had 256KB of DRAM, Option 28 had 512KB of DRAM.

See this article in Tekniques Vol 6 No 3 on bitsavers.org:

Did not know that this existed.....Very, very interesting, as this could be an easy way to store programs offline.
Hopefully one of these has survived !

Roland,I just noticed you have a 4-slot backplane in your 4052. You may have the only one of those! What were the option codes listed on the labels on the back of your 4052? Tektronix made an Expansion Memory module that fit inside the 4-slot backpack!

Hi Monty,

Very nice! But there is nothing special in my 4 slot unit. All the option numbers and also a picture of the insides of the 4 slot unit are in my 4052 topic. Tektronix used a completely different PCB for the version without the serial port, instead of just not populating the unnecessary components. So they were probably very scared that someone built in that few cheap components to get the expensive serial port option. So there is also no option to connect a RAM board in that module.

But it would be nice if there is documentation about the RAM module. Maybe the guys at the Tek museum have it?

Regards, Roland

(btw, there is a four slot 4052 on Epay for an insane price. But option 27 or 28 are not in that machine)
I figured out how to get Jos' Diagnostic ROM Pack CRC program to check ROM Packs in the 4050E01 ROM Expander, although it isn't working yet with the MFM ROM Pack.

The decoder ring was in three different Tektronix manuals - Bank Switch Select Data in the 4052 Technical Data Manual, ROM CRC Test in the Diagnostic ROM Pack manual and the slot addresses in the 4050E01 manual - all captured here:


Slot 41 in the 4052/4054 backpack has a different bank switch address than the first slot of a ROM Expander plugged into slot 41!
However, for Tektronix 4050 BASIC to address a ROM pack with IO such as the RS-232 Printer Interface, you will use 41 as the address if that ROM Pack is in slot 1 of a 4050E01 ROM Expander plugged into the left backpack slot - PRINT @41:"Hello" will then send the "Hello" text out the RS-232 interface.

The hardware difference in addressing is bank switch bit 4 is set to 1 for ROM Expanders. This bit set causes the BSX signal in that Backpack slot to be asserted, so the 4050E01 can decode data bits 2,1 and 0 to generate a BS to the addressed slot in the ROM Expander!

BSX is the critical signal Jos is using in his Multi-function ROM Pack to decode which of the ROMs (or I/O) is being addressed.

The decoder is to use the BSxx addresses in Table 15-2, which match the Diag ROM tt for the standard slots.
The BS30-BS37 and BS38-BS3F are the numbers for the ROM Packs located in a 4050E01 ROM extender in left or right slot. Substitute these numbers into Diag ROM tt for the CALL "CRC" test from a BASIC program.

So the ROM Expander is accessed from the left ROM slot using 30 through 37 bank switch addresses and from the right ROM slot using 38 through 3F bank switch addresses.
The Diagnostic ROM Pack only works in the left slot - so my CRC program below uses 38 through 3F in lines 280 through 430.
Each of the ROM packs can contain up to 16KB of ROMs in four 2732 EPROMs, but some of the Tektronix CRC ROM listings show only one CRC for multiple ROMs, some show each of the EPROM CRCs.
Lines 380-382 divide the CRC address ranges into three 4KB blocks to match the Graphics Enhancement R12 ROM Pack CRCs in the Tektronix CRC list - if R12 is plugged into slot 6 of a 4050E01.

Line 110 skips the data first set of data statements that CRC test the ROMs inside the 4052 or 4054. You can change that line to RESTORE 110 to show the entire list of internal and external ROM CRCs.

Ignore the CRC Errors for external ROM Packs - as the data statements are designed for matching the internal BASIC ROM CRCs for 4052/4054 v5.1 (the latest firmware for the original 4052/4054 computers).
My 4054A has v1.5 firmware (not in the CRC list that Jos posted with his Diagnostic ROM Pack).

100 PRINT "*** Check 4052/54 V5.1 CRCS ***"
110 RESTORE 260
120 DATA "E000FF0001000000","2057","U810  Constant ROM    "
130 DATA "4000440000000000","0066","U820A Patch ROM       "
140 DATA "4800800000000000","494F","U820B                 "
150 DATA "8000C00000000000","8C30","U825                  "
160 DATA "C000000000000000","6389","U835                  "
170 DATA "4001440100000000","46C9","U870A ODD for U820A   "
180 DATA "4801800100000000","67B6","U870B ODD for U820B   "
190 DATA "8001C00100000000","AF97","U880  ODD for U825    "
200 DATA "C001000100000000","38E2","U885  ODD for U835    "
210 DATA "E001FF0101000000","93A4","U893  ODD Constant ROM"
220 DATA "4400460000000000","8D82","U805A/U820C           "
230 DATA "4600480000000000","D064","U805B/U820D           "
240 DATA "4401460100000000","C27E","U897A/U870C           "
250 DATA "4601480100000000","71C4","U897B/U870D"
260 DATA "0000100000200000","0000","LEFT SLOT  41A        "
270 DATA "1000200000200000","0000","LEFT SLOT  41B        "
280 DATA "0000200000380000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 51A    "
290 DATA "2000400000380000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 51B    "
300 DATA "0000200000390000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 52A    "
310 DATA "2000400000390000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 52B    "
320 DATA "00002000003A0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 53A    "
330 DATA "20004000003A0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 53B    "
340 DATA "00002000003B0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 54A    "
350 DATA "20004000003B0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 54B    "
360 DATA "00002000003C0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 55A    "
370 DATA "20004000003C0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 55B    "
380 DATA "00001000003D0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 56A    "
381 DATA "10002000003D0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 56B    "
382 DATA "20003000003D0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 56C    "
390 DATA "20004000003D0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 56B    "
400 DATA "00002000003E0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 57A    "
410 DATA "20004000003E0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 57B    "
420 DATA "00002000003F0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 58A    "
430 DATA "20004000003F0000","0000","RIGHT EXPANDER 58B    "
440 PRINT " CRC    ROM"
450 PRINT "----   ----"
460 READ A$,C$,L$
470 IF A$<>"Z" THEN 500
480 PRINT " Done!"
490 END
500 CALL "CRC",A$
510 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
520 IF B$=C$ THEN 550
530 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;"   ";" *** CRC ERROR, SHOULD BE ";C$
540 GO TO 460
550 PRINT B$;"   ";L$
560 GO TO 460
570 DATA "Z","Z","Z"

Here is a photo of my 4054A running the CRC program above with Jos' Diagnostic ROM pack in the left backpack slot and my 4050E01 plugged into the right slot with several 4052 ROM packs.
I have annotated the photo with what is in each of the 8 slots in my 4050E01.
All the slot CRCs match the published Tektronix CRC list, except for the Graphics Enhancement R12 ROM Pack in slot 6, which has a newer firmware version 1.04 than the CRC list.


I plan to post an update for my CRC ROM test program when we get the MFM ROM Pack working.
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I see I never updated THIS thread with my latest Tektronix Diagnostic ROM BASIC program to list not only the system ROM CRCs with two or four Option ROMs, but list all eight CRCs for option ROMs installed in the 4050 ROM Expander, or Jos's 4052/4054 Multi-Function Module.

Here is the my latest CRC Dump BASIC program (requires the Diagnostic ROM be installed in slot 1, to execute the CALL "CRC" diagnostic ROM command):

100 PRINT "*** Check 4052/54 V5.1 CRCS ***"
110 RESTORE 260
112 M$="Empty slot"
113 DIM R$(200)
114 R$="5AA8^Char&Symbol        ^1ECA^RS-232 Printer I/F ^"
116 R$=R$&"AC4D^741 Real Time Clock^6AD4^750 Super Utilities^"
118 R$=R$&"7FCB^R12 Graphics Enh   ^994F^4907 File Manager  ^"
119 R$=R$&"7580^Diagnostic ROM     ^"
120 DATA "E000FF0001000000","2057","U810  Constant ROM    "
130 DATA "4000440000000000","0066","U820A Patch ROM       "
140 DATA "4800800000000000","494F","U820B                 "
150 DATA "8000C00000000000","8C30","U825                  "
160 DATA "C000000000000000","6389","U835                  "
170 DATA "4001440100000000","46C9","U870A ODD for U820A   "
180 DATA "4801800100000000","67B6","U870B ODD for U820B   "
190 DATA "8001C00100000000","AF97","U880  ODD for U825    "
200 DATA "C001000100000000","38E2","U885  ODD for U835    "
210 DATA "E001FF0101000000","93A4","U893  ODD Constant ROM"
220 DATA "4400460000000000","8D82","U805A/U820C           "
230 DATA "4600480000000000","D064","U805B/U820D           "
240 DATA "4401460100000000","C27E","U897A/U870C           "
250 DATA "4601480100000000","71C4","U897B/U870D"
260 DATA "0000100000200000","0000","Left SLOT   41        "
270 DATA "0000100000280000","0000","Right SLOT  51        "
280 DATA "0000200000300000","0000","Left Expander  41     "
290 DATA "0000200000310000","0000","Left Expander  42     "
300 DATA "0000200000320000","0000","Left Expander  43     "
310 DATA "0000200000330000","0000","Left Expander  44     "
320 DATA "0000200000340000","0000","Left Expander  45     "
330 DATA "0000200000350000","0000","Left Expander  46     "
340 DATA "0000200000360000","0000","Left Expander  47     "
350 DATA "0000200000370000","0000","Left Expander  48     "
360 DATA "0000200000380000","0000","Right Expander 51     "
370 DATA "0000200000390000","0000","Right Expander 52     "
380 DATA "00002000003A0000","0000","Right Expander 53     "
381 DATA "00002000003B0000","0000","Right Expander 54     "
382 DATA "00002000003C0000","0000","Right Expander 55     "
390 DATA "00002000003D0000","0000","Right Expander 56     "
400 DATA "00002000003E0000","0000","Right Expander 57     "
410 DATA "00001000003F0000","0000","Right Expander 58     "
420 DATA "Z","Z","Z"
440 PRINT "CRC    ROM"
450 PRINT "----   ----"
460 READ A$,C$,L$
470 IF A$<>"Z" THEN 500
480 PRINT "Done!"
490 END 
500 CALL "CRC",A$
510 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
520 IF B$=C$ THEN 550
522 IF C$="0000" AND (B$="6000" OR B$="5000" OR B$="0000") THEN 580
524 IF C$="0000" AND B$<>"6000" THEN 610
530 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;"   ";"	*** CRC ERROR, SHOULD BE ";C$
540 GO TO 460
550 PRINT B$;"   ";L$
560 GO TO 460
580 PRINT B$;"   ";L$
590 GO TO 460
600 REM ROM Pack found in Expander slot
610 X1=POS(R$,B$,1)
620 IF X1<>0 THEN 650
630 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;" Unknown ROM PACK"
640 GO TO 460
650 X2=POS(R$,"^",X1+5)
660 X3=X2-1-X1
670 N$=SEG(R$,X1+5,X3-4)
680 PRINT B$;"   ";L$;" ";N$;" ";
682 A$=REP("00001000",1,8)
684 CALL "CRC",A$
686 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
688 PRINT " ";B$;
690 A$=REP("10002000",1,8)
700 CALL "CRC",A$
710 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
720 PRINT " ";B$;
730 A$=REP("20003000",1,8)
740 CALL "CRC",A$
750 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
760 PRINT " ";B$;
770 A$=REP("30004000",1,8)
780 CALL "CRC",A$
790 B$=SEG(A$,13,4)
800 PRINT " ";B$
810 GO TO 460

Lines 114-119 have the CRCs and names for the option ROMs I have programmed into my Jos MFM module ROM Pack installed in slot 2 during this test.

Delete line 110, or make it a REMark to run the entire program which also lists all the System ROM CRCs that you can compare to the Tektronix 4052/4054 CRC list document that Jos posted on his ftp site in the Diagnostic ROM pack folder.

Of course - if you don't have the v5.1 4052 ROMs - this program will report CRC errors. Don't worry - just compare the reported CRCs with the CRC list and you will find the version of your 4052 or 4054 System ROMs.

You may notice that the Diagnostic ROM Pack is reported in slot 1 AND the MFM ROM Pack is reported in the left slot (also slot 1). This is a hardware bug I found during my debug of Jos' MFM module. The 4052 Option 1 Comm backpack has swapped the control signal to the ROM Expanders so a ROM Expander in slot 2 appears to the system in slot 1 and vice versa. This is only a cosmetic issue, as all the discovered ROM Packs still function - but it took me a while to figure out why the bank switch address for slot 2 wasn't working with an MFM in slot 2. It worked fine in my 4054A - where they corrected that issue - likely on the mainboard side as the Option 1 COMM backpacks are identical.

Here is a screenshot of running CRC_DUMP18MFM.tx which is uploaded to
https://github.com/mmcgraw74/Tektro...b/master/Jos MFM test files/CRC_DUMP18MFM.txt


More info on how this works in Jos' 4052 Multi-function Module thread:
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I see that I my post of the screenshots on my latest CRC program didn't get transferred properly when this forum migrated to the new software early this year.

Here is the screenshot on my 4052 running my CRC_DUMP18MFM.uni program:

4052 CRC18 closeup column descriptions.jpg

Jos Dreesen's 4052 Diagnostic ROM Pack does NOT work when written to MFM 'Slot 1", because the bank switch bits are NOT the same as the ROM Backpack Slot 1 as I mentioned in my previous post.

Of course I added the Yellow text to this photo to indicate that the Diagnostic ROM uses 8KB CRCs for the System ROMs (which are 8KB ROMs or EPROMs) and the ROM Packs found in slots, but it doesn't report the CRC's for ROM PACKs installed in the 'toaster' 4050E01 Expansion ROM Module.

My CRC_DUMP18MFM.uni program adds the correct bank switch values for the Expansion ROM slots and Jos Dreesen's Multi-function Module 'slots' - and since the 4052/4054 ROM Packs use 4KB 2732 EPROMs, I report each of those 4KB ROM CRCs to match the Tektronix 4052 CRCs that are reported in their document.
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Tek 4052/54 Diagnostic rom packs are available !

Tek 4052/54 Diagnostic rom packs are available !

I am ready to deliver the diagnostic rom packs : point your browser to


read my doku file DiagPack_Manual.pdf , decide if this is what you want, and order ( or not...)
Also read the original TEK doku TEK4052_4054_Diagnostic_Rom_Pack.pdf in order to understand what this unit can and cannot do.

Prices, in short : PCB only 20Euro/25 USD, finished and tested 60/75, add 20/25 for a fitting 3D printed casing.

And do feel free to construct your own with the data from my FTP site.

Hi Jos,

I would like to order a finished and tested diagnostic rom pack with the 3D printed case. I believe that will be 100USD. Please advise total with shipping to the US and best way to pay you. Thanks much!! This is the only chance I have to turn what used to be a beautiful 4054 back into a working machine. It hasn't run in 30 years since I got it. I got your info from from Monty and I have downloaded all the files from you FTP link. It is amazing that you created this!

Bob Jeffway
email: bob@jeffway.com
Please realize that the diagnostic pack only helps fault finding in the digital parts of the machine : power supply and analog control of the CRT tube is not covered at all. Also i did not create this : it is only a somewhat modernized version of a tool that Tektronix field service used back in the day.
Also I am rather busy so it might be a few weeks before I finish another unit. Is yours a 4054 or a 4054A ? I do have tested spare parts for the former.
Please realize that the diagnostic pack only helps fault finding in the digital parts of the machine : power supply and analog control of the CRT tube is not covered at all. Also i did not create this : it is only a somewhat modernized version of a tool that Tektronix field service used back in the day.
Also I am rather busy so it might be a few weeks before I finish another unit. Is yours a 4054 or a 4054A ? I do have tested spare parts for the former.
Hi Jos,

Yes, I understand this is just for diagnosing issues in the digital section. I definitely have a problem there. My power supply voltages looks good. I understand you didn't create it, just kind of "re-created it", haha, but without that work I would be dead-in-the-water, so to speak. I always want to appreciate the work people put in that helps ressurect this wonderful old stuff. I hope to contribute along the way, as I get more experience.

OK, that said, it looks like mine is a 4054. I have attached some pics of the plates on the machine. Also look like I have the RS232 port - is it correct that is the D25 in the pic?

I am OK with waiting a few weeks, I think it is best if I have a fully tested pack, since I don't have access to a working 4054 to test it here if I build it. I am happy to send you the money now - I have Venmo and PayPal, do you use those?

Bob Jeffway


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Hi Jos,

Yes, I understand this is just for diagnosing issues in the digital section. I definitely have a problem there. My power supply voltages looks good. I understand you didn't create it, just kind of "re-created it", haha, but without that work I would be dead-in-the-water, so to speak. I always want to appreciate the work people put in that helps ressurect this wonderful old stuff. I hope to contribute along the way, as I get more experience.

OK, that said, it looks like mine is a 4054. I have attached some pics of the plates on the machine. Also look like I have the RS232 port - is it correct that is the D25 in the pic?

I am OK with waiting a few weeks, I think it is best if I have a fully tested pack, since I don't have access to a working 4054 to test it here if I build it. I am happy to send you the money now - I have Venmo and PayPal, do you use those?

Bob Jeffway

Yes, you have a 4054 - the sticker says 4-slot Dat Comm so the DB-25 connector at the bottom of the 4-slot ROM backpack is the RS-232 interface. The manual for that option is here:

The Serial number sticker indicates the original 4.1 firmware was updated to 4.2

The Diagnostic ROM will certainly help you troubleshoot why your 4054 does not power up successfully.
As you noted - once your 4054 powers up and the BUSY light to the right of the display goes out, all you will see is a blinking cursor. The 4054 cursor is a vector rectangle - which is quicker to draw than the text dot matrix cursor in the 4051 and 4052.

I just messed with the cabling in my 4054A and broke something. It still powers on - but I have a display problem that I just posted in another thread in this forum. I also included the links to the latest 4054 service manuals in that same post.

Yes, you have a 4054 - the sticker says 4-slot Dat Comm so the DB-25 connector at the bottom of the 4-slot ROM backpack is the RS-232 interface. The manual for that option is here:

The Serial number sticker indicates the original 4.1 firmware was updated to 4.2

The Diagnostic ROM will certainly help you troubleshoot why your 4054 does not power up successfully.
As you noted - once your 4054 powers up and the BUSY light to the right of the display goes out, all you will see is a blinking cursor. The 4054 cursor is a vector rectangle - which is quicker to draw than the text dot matrix cursor in the 4051 and 4052.

I just messed with the cabling in my 4054A and broke something. It still powers on - but I have a display problem that I just posted in another thread in this forum. I also included the links to the latest 4054 service manuals in that same post.

Thanks much for the link and the detailed info on my unit. I used a 4014 at University of Massachusetts in the late 70's while getting my EE degree there. Such great memories of an amazing machine for the time. 90% of our terminals on the time-share were ASR33's, so the Tek really stood out!

Good luck on your 4054A, and am going to look for that other thread and grab those latest manuals. I am really enjoying learning the details of these machines with help from people like yourself, Jos and Monty. I can't wait to see that cursor again!
