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czunit's latest activity

  • C
    Well, after sitting in a dark corner for probably 30 years now I think it's time I started to tackle the restoration of the last of the...
    • IMG_1169.JPG
    • IMG_1170.JPG
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    czunit replied to the thread About re-producing PDP-11/70.
    Had an RP07. Ok, it is beyond insanely mighty, but once you get it, it needs to run. Otherwise the heads would stick to the platter with...
  • C
    *nod* I printed mine with the trusty Ender 3d pro. Work and look fine. Granted they are black, but I could easily re-print them in a...
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    czunit replied to the thread About re-producing PDP-11/70.
    I believe the 11/70 could handle the mighty RM80.
  • C
    czunit replied to the thread MM8-AB documentation question..
    Have you tried setting the second board to 0000 base address to see if it works? That could triangulate the problem to your memory board...
  • C
    FYI: I have printed pdp8/L switches using PETG at 220-230c temps and they not only work just fine, but look good and the pivots have...
  • C
    czunit replied to the thread DEC units on ebay.
    Oh they're also doing repeater watches? Oh well, that's it for Ebay for me.
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    czunit reacted to hush's post in the thread DEC units on ebay with Like Like.
    yes, this happens practically once a week at this point. it is an automated scam piggybacking off of compromised accounts. as others...
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    czunit replied to the thread DEC units on ebay.
    Eh, either Ebay will be left holding the bag or (more likely) Ebay will come up with procedures so onerous that a refund will be...
  • C
    czunit replied to the thread DEC units on ebay.
    Wow, haven't seen fraud at this scale in awhile. Thanks for the warning in general!
  • C
    Indeed. I could not understand that: I wound up writing and compiling enough POSIX bits to allow NeXTStep to continue to compile...
  • C
    Cloth and gentle cleaner. Please don't try to mix and match cables till you have figured out what is what (I'm not sure how one can plug...
  • C
    The Next printer is basically a Canon engine fed from the NeXT which does all the rendering. Pretty simple. The 030,040 B/W cubes and...
  • C
    Right off the bat I would say simplify your testing as much as possible. You have two systems "that you can get into", let's focus on...
  • C
    Wow, I really screwed up my math somehow. My error. Ah I'll bet I calced it at 50 chars per minute, not second. Or maybe I was thinking...