VCF SoCal | Feb 15 - 16 2025, | Hotel Fera, Orange CA |
VCF East | Apr 04 - 06 2025, | Infoage Museum, Wall NJ |
VCF Southwest | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | University of Texas at Dallas |
VCF Southeast | Jun 20 - 22 2025, | Atlanta, GA |
VCF West | Aug 2025, | CHM, Mountain View, CA |
VCF Midwest | Sep 13 - 14 2025, | Schaumburg, IL |
Table of Contents
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There are several hundred people who actively participate here. People come from all different backgrounds and will have different ways of seeing things. You will not agree with everything you read here. Back-and-forth discussions are fine but do not cross the line into rude or disrespectful behavior.
Conduct yourself as you would at any other place where people come together in person to discuss their hobby. If you wouldn't say something to somebody in person, then you probably should not be writing it here.
This should be obvious but, just in case: profanity, threats, slurs against any group (sexual, racial, gender, etc.) will not be tolerated.
If you are starting a new thread choose a reasonable sub-forum to start your thread. (If you choose incorrectly don't worry, we can fix that.)
If you are responding to a thread, stay on topic - the original poster was trying to achieve something. You can always start a new thread instead of potentially "hijacking" an existing thread.
To put things in engineering terms, we value a high signal to noise ratio. Coming here should not be a waste of time.
This forum has a direct message feature that we want people to use for messages that are not of general interest to other members.
In short, if you are going to reply to a thread and that reply is targeted to a specific individual and not of interest to anybody else (either now or in the future) then send a direct message instead.
Here are some obvious examples of when you should not reply to a thread and use the DM system instead:
Why do we have this policy? Sending a "DM/PM Sent!" type message basically wastes everybody else's time by making them having to scroll past a post in a thread that looks to be updated, when the update is not meaningful. And the person you are sending the DM to will be notified by the forum software that they have a message waiting for them. Look up at the top near the right edge where it says your name... if you have a DM waiting, the envelope will have the number of unread DMs on it..
We are here to discuss vintage computing, so discussing software, books, and other intellectual property that is on-topic is fine. We don't want people using these forums to discuss or enable copyright violations or other things that are against the law; whether you agree with the law or not is irrelevant. Do not use our resources for something that is legally or morally questionable.
Our discussions here generally fall under "fair use." Telling people how to pirate a software title is an example of something that is not allowable here.
If you see spam, a wildly off-topic post, or something abusive or illegal please report the thread by clicking on the "Report Post" icon. (It looks like an exclamation point in a triangle and it is available under every post.) This send a notification to all of the moderators, so somebody will see it and deal with it.
If you are unsure you may consider sending a private message to a moderator instead.
To find out how our discipline sections works, you can go the Warnings and Discipline section.