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Borderline BBS - DIAL-UP!!!

I cannot post a new thread but posted on here. Any ideas. Why?

I'm not sure, Robert, but perhaps the forum here is set up so that you have to make a certain number of posts before you can start your own threads... Just a guess...

What happens when you click on the "New Thread" button?
Posting problems

Posting problems

When I click onto New Thread this in bold is the error message.

I am logged in so can only guess I do not have permission. Thought someone might just know.

It is only really out of desperation that I have looked on the web as I think I have now brought three commodore 64 disk drives to replace my one that went wrong. All I want to do is get some information I had on a floppy Disk and after buying the last one and it did not work, did not want to go out and buy a 5th one.

If I put power to the disk drive the green and red light comes on as if it is in the process of loading a game and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Any ideas?

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I think this is a moderation problem. We've been having spam problems lately, and you are a new user. You should be able to create your own threads - Please log out using the 'Log Out' link at the top right corner of the page, delete cookies, and try again.
[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]I just wanted to post a quick reminder that Borderline BBS is still alive and well. It continues to be the ONLY Commodore-run dial-up BBS *anywhere* and is running 24/7 on a real Commodore 64 breadbox computer with Color 64 v7.37 software. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]Borderline BBS operates at 300/1200/2400 baud, and features 40/80 column operation, ASCII/PETSCII support, message bases, file transfers, and online games (Master's Empire 5.4, Stock Market, and Horse Racing!). [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]So dust off your old modems and give Borderline BBS a call at (951) 242-3593. For international callers, the country code is 1. :) [/FONT]
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[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]I just wanted to post a quick reminder that Borderline BBS is still alive and well. It continues to be the ONLY Commodore-run dial-up BBS *anywhere* and is running 24/7 on a real Commodore 64 breadbox computer with Color 64 v7.37 software. [/FONT]

[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]Borderline BBS operates at 300/1200/2400 baud, and features 40/80 column operation, ASCII/PETSCII support, message bases, file transfers, and online games (Master's Empire 5.4, Stock Market, and Horse Racing!). [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier, Monospaced]So dust off your old modems and give Borderline BBS a call at (951) 242-3593. For international callers, the country code is 1. :) [/FONT]

Dude, if I ever manage to find a cheap 64/128 and a modem.. i am so calling. Some of my earliest fond computer memories were dialing in to my local BBS @ 2400 baud on my IBM 5150.
Well, my AJ acoustic coupler doesn't want to work in acoustic mode. It does have a direct connect mode, which does work. So, with my 300 baud modem and my Lear ADM 3A, I was able to call up the BBS and got it to work.

Like when I first started doing BBSes around 1980. I would make these 5 hour phone calls on late Saturday across the country. The long distance calls suddenly got much rarer after my $340 phone bill arrived.

I also tried a TI Silent 700 with built-in acoustic coupler. Doesn't want to receive properly. I tried all kinds of combinations, giving up after numerous tries. Too bad too. I purchased some thermal paper and got the printer working. Works perfect on local mode so something up with the acoustic circuits.
I prefer to use those pre-paid phone cards for all my long distance BBS calling. That way, it's already paid for, and there won't be any surprises on my phone bill. I don't think those were available in the 80s though...
I'm happy to announce that Borderline BBS is now running on a CMD hard drive instead of the 1581 and seven 1571s that it's been running on for some time now. This means that the file transfer section is vastly bigger now, with plenty of room for additional files to be added. It also means that I'll probably be saving a bit on my electricity bill. ;)

Check out the "new and improved" Borderline BBS by calling +1(951)242-3593. For more information, visit the Cottonwood/Borderline website (the URL is in my signature, below).
I'm not sure how useful they are, but I still have a couple of modems to give away: Vic-20Modem and a Sharedata 300C. Check the For Sale/Trade section for details.

Looks like wiksow's board will put them to good use. :)