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inexpensive apple ][e or //gs clones?


Oct 28, 2012
Oregon, USA
Have there ever been any or are there any produced now, apple ][e or //gs compatible clones out there that are now cheap, new or used? I would most definitely want direct hardware and not emulation, so out goes about 99% of what people would normally suggest to me.

as a side note, I saw some things which may have been this at the computer goodwill store here months ago, but neither worked and I am just not fine motor controlled enough anymore (severe arthritis and neurological problems) to even attempt repairs anymore to things like that.

I have also been looking through google and such but to no reasonable avail yet.

real 3.5" FDD access would be a plus, but not absolute necessity.
Just hit up ebay... one can fairly frequently find Apple IIgs units in the $50 range, plus shipping. Drive costs vary from cheap/free to expensive.
I read on Wikipedia that the VTech Laser 128 had a "IIe-style expansion slot", but I don't know if that means it makes it almost IIe compatible. The Multitech MPF-III supposedly was one of the first IIe clones. There also is a reference to a C.E.C. ][e, some motherboard designed in California (?) but with Chinese lettering.

The key point is which model is easiest to obtain and what actually is cheaper these days, a genuine Apple or a clone? I'm not sure the answer is as simple as one might think.

As for IIgs, I can't say but I'd doubt anyone produced any clones, at least not in any major distribution. I gather it'd contain too many custom chips as well as the legal aspects to circumvent to be worth it. Clone manufacturers around then most probably would try to clone a Macintosh or of course IBM PC compatibles.
I read on Wikipedia that the VTech Laser 128 had a "IIe-style expansion slot", but I don't know if that means it makes it almost IIe compatible.
The Laser 128 machines are really IIc clones. Of course the IIc didn't have any slots itself, so they'd have to call the slot something else... hence "IIe-style." Of course, there's not a ton of differences between the IIc and the IIe in terms of firmware anyway. The IIc was intended to be an already-expanded IIe.

As for IIgs, I can't say but I'd doubt anyone produced any clones, at least not in any major distribution. I gather it'd contain too many custom chips as well as the legal aspects to circumvent to be worth it. Clone manufacturers around then most probably would try to clone a Macintosh or of course IBM PC compatibles.
Too hard, too late. By the time the IIgs came on the scene, it was already generations behind the curve. It was a better and faster Apple II, for sure. All but the educational market had moved on by then.

Have there ever been any or are there any produced now, apple ][e or //gs compatible clones out there that are now cheap, new or used? I would most definitely want direct hardware and not emulation, so out goes about 99% of what people would normally suggest to me.
The ebay suggestion is a good one. Clones are generally harder to come by because they were less popular than Apple's own offerings.
Yeah I honestly think you'd find an original IIe for cheaper or the same price as a clone would run these days. A IIe isn't very uncommon. Check craigslist around your area too. Worst case scenario you could even find someone willing to ship one probably but local is always better for finding a monitor.
As for IIgs, I can't say but I'd doubt anyone produced any clones, at least not in any major distribution. I gather it'd contain too many custom chips as well as the legal aspects to circumvent to be worth it. Clone manufacturers around then most probably would try to clone a Macintosh or of course IBM PC compatibles.

VTech/Laser cloned the Apple IIGS but never took it to market. The prototype might still exist but it hasn't been seen in years.