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Recent content by alnwlsn

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    Nondescript Tandy 6000 problem

    To any future adventurers: Turns out, there was no problem with any of the hardware, my Gotek and breakout adapter were the real problem. I did not realize that the system cares about what media type is being reported (1 or 2 sides). Whatever type media the original disk was on needs to on 50...
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    Nondescript Tandy 6000 problem

    That's a good call; independently discovered the Tandy server today and have been checking it out - seems to be pretty active.
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    Nondescript Tandy 6000 problem

    Any 8" machine experts around? I am trying to bring up a 6000 and have some sort of error when trying to install Xenix. Here's where I am so far: cleaned out dust (good lord was it ever dusty!) replaced filter caps and some leaky electrolytics cleaned floppy disk drive got one of the diagnostic...