I have been a PDP-8 fan since the early 70s. My milk machine is a PDP-8/L with 4K core and a Teletype ASR-33. Paper Tape for storage.
I have a PiDP-8/I, a PiDP-11/70 and a real live PDP-8/E. I"m always looking for more stuff for the PDP-8/E
Looking to buy/acquire RX8E/RX28, RX01/RX02, TU56, TD8E, TC08, RK05, PC04, PC8E and any other PDP-8 equipment and boards.
PDP-8, PiDP-8, Aikido, Photography
I have been a PDP-8 fan since the early 70s. My first machine in 1972 was a PDP-8/L w/4K core & an ASR-33. Paper Tape for storage. I have a PiDP-8/I, a PiDP-11/70, PDP-8/E in a rack and a PDP-8/A. I'm always looking for more stuff for the PDP-8's
Looking to buy/acquire TU56, TD8E, TC08, RK05, PC04, PC8E, ASR-33, DECassette, DECTapes and any other PDP-8 equipment and omnibus (quad or hex) boards.
High on my list, due to the new acquisition of an 8/a, are:
KC8-AA Programmers Panel, M8416 (extended memory controller), CMOS memory and regulator board, M8319 (4 port serial board), Memory (any type), M8433 (RL01 Controller), RK05 to the controller cables, DEC Rack rails, DEC Rack feet extenders, DEC Rack blank panels, BC08 & BC80 cables, TSC8-75 Educomp ETOS board.