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Patrick.B (TTR)

Gaming: i7-8700K, 16GB, 1TB SSD, RTX 2060, Dual 27" LG IPS Monitors, running Windows 10 Pro x64
Linux: I7-4790K, 8GB, 500GB HDD, GTX-1060, Dual 19" Monitors, runnign Slackware 14.x
Vintage: TRS-80 MODEL 4, 128K RAM, 360K & 720K FDD, Gotek, FreHD, GURU RS232C-WIFI Modem, DWP-210. Running LSDOS 5.31, 631K and CP/M 2.2
Eeprom Programmer: Inspiron 660s, I5-3330s, using BK-844USB & EP-2A-88. running Windows 7 SP1
Gotek Programmer: Dell D520, Dual Core 1.66Mhz, 8GB, 500GB HDD, 15" LCD Screen, running on Windows XP SP3
Web Site: https://texastandyrestoration.org/

Houston, Texas, USA
CNA, Linux Admin, Customer Engineer


Vintage:: TRS-80 Model 4, 128K Ram, Floppy-80 & FreHD, GURU WIFI MODEM, DWP-210. LSDOS v5.31, v6.31K and CP/M 2.2
Gaming: Asus TUF Z390 Gaming, i7-8700K, 32GB, 2TB SSD, RTX 2060, Dual 27" LG IPS Monitors.
Eeprom Programmer: Dell Inspiron 660s, i5-3330s, using BK-844USB..
Gotek Programmer: Dell D520, Dual Core 1.66Mhz, 8GB, 500GB HDD, 15" LCD Screen.
TTR Discord Server: https://discord.gg/fjupvXnBWq