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Western Europe 2x Mitsubishi ED 3.5" Disk drives (2.88mb).

Covers: Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco and Liechtenstein


Experienced Member
Aug 13, 2021
Saxony, Germany
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Here I have 2x Mitsubishi MF256C ED Disk drives (these are the 2.88mb option in your 1990s BIOS and they also read/write 720k and 1.44mb disks!). Quite elusive drives, both are tested and fully working. 80 Euro each or 150 Euros for the pair. I will include an ED diskette with each. Postage at cost from Germnay.
Nobody? Are they too expensive? I've sold them for around the same price on eBay previously.
I have a stash of about 10 ED disks. Interesting how these ED setups were always rare and never widely adopted but certainly more common in Sinclair QL's (Sinclair QL with Gold or Super Gold Cards and 68000/68020 CPUs and with a useable capacity of 3.2mb) than anywhere else, which is where these come from.

Well if anyone sees this and needs to replace a broken ED drive etc, I'm open to offers.