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MIKUL 6809-5 PLC / Furnace controller


Experienced Member
Apr 12, 2013
Poway, CA
I am curious if anybody has documentation on the MIKUL 6809-5 PLC boards? It is an EXORbus based processor card (like the Motorola EXORset, MEK6800D2, or MEK6802D5) made by TL industries as an industrial furnace controller. It is fairly unique for a PLC because it has an MC6847 Video Display Generator (like the CoCo, MC-10, and Tano Dragon). I had some luck getting it to boot with the firmware that came with a MIKUL 6218 memory board, but I could use some more info on the memory map, etc., so I don't have to reverse engineer it before trying to port software to it.

Thanks in advance!
Hi, I don't have the MIKUL 6809-5 manual, but I do have some others I'd be happy to scan if helpful to you.
Here are the ones I do have physical copies of:

MIKUL 6064-O 64 Output driver interface
MIKUL 6064 Input interface
MIKUL 6809-2 Monocard Microcomputer
MIKUL 6032 32/32 Input/Output Interface
MIKUL 6883 8 channel Asynchronous modem interface
MIKUL 6018 Rev 5 Universal memory expansion card
MIKUL 6018A 32K RAM/64K EPROM expansion card
I noticed from your blog that you have also some CMS boards. I have paper brochures with schematics for the following:
CMS 9622 Serial/Parallel I/O module
CMS 96103 32/32 Line Input/Output module
CMS 9650A 8 port duplex ACIA serial I/O module

Reference to some Mikul 6809 boards, owned by a colleague of mine. Contact me to arrange contact. As these were an industrial product, tech details on them may have been (still be) proprietary. Sellers of these on eBay still service the industrial controls market. So most prices are based on those legacy customers. It would be good to get some tech docs for these into the vintage community.

Reference to some Mikul 6809 boards, owned by a colleague of mine. Contact me to arrange contact. As these were an industrial product, tech details on them may have been (still be) proprietary. Sellers of these on eBay still service the industrial controls market. So most prices are based on those legacy customers. It would be good to get some tech docs for these into the vintage community.
MIKUL boards were developed for, and utilized in, a wide variety of industrial applications by TL Industries Inc., Northwood Ohio.

I've scanned the TL Industries Inc. MIKUL manuals I have:
MIKUL 6809-2 Monocard Microcomputer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MNE47uVUiByiit0CUhmMd_0U60G3374e/view?usp=sharing

MIKUL 6064-O 64 Output driver interface: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XI37NxHAei_PfjROLYxGIrNJ3vGBB8aE/view?usp=sharing
MIKUL 6064-I 64 Input interface: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wCjDbO3vmqysumOnW6AKsQEyaL0eF9h4/view?usp=sharing
MIKUL 6032 32/32 Input/Output Interface: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PsaZCW3WHLSJmm3mkcauQq9O7nG912YO/view?usp=sharing

MIKUL 6883 8 channel Asynchronous modem interface: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l38pscYKjjHCcp8j6ys_WwyJbAgvmh3r/view?usp=sharing

MIKUL 6018 Rev 5 Universal memory expansion card: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XaoW5EVaguNtMewU-QVdNBdtmDYJfE9J/view?usp=sharing
MIKUL 6018A 32K RAM/64K EPROM expansion card: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_vUUsiBSjNS8qrEsyzTvqxOzgO-Zc63Z/view?usp=sharing

The MIKUL boards mix and match quite well with Motorola Exorciser boards as both based on the Motorola Exorciser 86 pin bus standard.
Thank you all for the follow-up. I did a fair bit of work reverse engineering the MIKUL 6809-5 and 6218 on my site. The ones I bought boot right up together and the firmware was usable with the addition of a cheap keypad. The MIKUL 6218 in particular makes a great platform for a high capacity RAM card. With some modifications, I have my memory card working well with 1 MiB RAM in an OS9 Level 2 system. The ones for $45 shipped or best offer on eBay are a real bargain, and I ended up with 2 of them. I am happy to help anyone who wants to duplicate my efforts.
The 6809-5 processor is a bit less useful as a general purpose card, but the MC6847 Video Display Generator (VDG) is a fun feature to play around with, even if it is only black and white in this implementation.
I did contact TL industries about the 6809-5 a while back and they said it was contract work and they no longer have documentation for it.
I have to really give them credit for the documentation on the MIKUL 6018-5 memory card that you provided Stan, as it even includes the PAL logic formulas! I am definitely going to use it to double-check my work on the similar 6218. Thanks again for providing the documentation!

Here are my notes on my experimentations with these boards:

make sure to expand the posts, if you want more technical details.


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