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Vette! (1989) - Can’t get Hercules mode to work!


Veteran Member
Apr 20, 2011
This game allegedly supports Hercules, but I can’t get it to run on my IBM XT with a genuine Hercules card! I have downloaded several different copies of the game, none of which have worked. I just get a blinking cursor and hear the game sounds, as if it’s trying to run in CGA mode.

Is there some special switch you have to type to get Hercules mode? I have tried “-h” and “/h” to no avail.

So does anyone know what the issue is here?

The manual on archive dot org says on the CGA version it should prompt you for the mode or to type VETTE H for Hercules or VETTE HR if you need it reversed for a laptop screen.
The manual on archive dot org says on the CGA version it should prompt you for the mode or to type VETTE H for Hercules or VETTE HR if you need it reversed for a laptop screen.
Oh, excellent! I was looking for the manual but didn’t see it. Must have been right there in my face and I missed it, oops.

Thanks for the help! Should be able to get it running now, hopefully.