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What is your primary programming Language at present?

What is your primary programming Language at present?

  • Java/J2EE

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • .Net/ASP

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Mainframe

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Embadded

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • c++

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Others(Please mention it in your Reply)

    Votes: 10 55.6%

  • Total voters


Mar 2, 2007
Hi all,
Could you tell me What is your primary programming Language at present?
MY present programming Language is Java/J2EE I like all open source products specifically i'm very interested in Java Language..
Please share your opinion here...
Neither of the languages mentioned is commonly used on vintage computers, not even for cross-development, I believe. Well, with the exception of C and perhaps old versions of C++.

What is "Mainframe" supposed to mean in the context of programming languages? Ditto for "Embedded", which is more an architecture than a type of programming language. For that matter, I'm currently 100% PHP.

Basically, this poll is both off-topic and remotely on-topic at the same time, in a bizarre fashion. All of us who program in Z80, X86, 68K, 6502 and other older types of machine code, and use different versions of Basic, Pascal, Ada, Forth, perhaps Fortran or Lisp and so on would all have to choose "Other". Those all belong more to the vintage concept than e.g. J2EE or .NET.
I only program for my 8080 and other old CPU's so I use assembler, PL/M-80 and FORTH.

I'm not interested in programming for new OS's. I'm no good at it anyway.
This is off topic for a Vintage Computer Forum, so I've moved it to a more appropriate area.

J2++ and .Net don't run on vintage hardware. Substitute BASIC, FORTRAN, Assembler, and a few other classics and it would be on topic.
I'm sure that somewhere out there, somebody with too much time on his or her hands has made a J2EE implementation at least on a 80286 or 68000. Perhaps very limited and only for showing off, but still.
Doubt it. It's hard enough to do embedded Java, but then doing J2EE on top of it is not feasible.
I've been doing some 6502 ASM recently. (as of right now I suck.) Eventually I plan to move on to the Atari 2600, then the NES.

I tried to get into C, but it just seemed too limited. Maybe I'll program a text adventure in C someday...(first I'll have to refresh all my memory on it though!)
C right now, but there's a limited amount of architectural modeling you can do before it's time to put together some block diagrams and verilog.

At home, I've been switching back and forth between LabView and Not eXactly C (both specifically for Lego Mindstorms NXT) and a little bit of old TI 99 BASIC.
The best BASIC I ever learnt to program (properly) was good old BBC BASIC on the BBC Micro!

I did learn C++ and Java at University, but I forgot most of it now...

Long live BBC Basic :)
My biggest one of late is L.A.Z.Y. Ok, ok, various Basic has been about it. I do have a nice Turbo C++ for DOS sitting next to me in a red box. Just need to learn C++ now. Need to learn some CoCo assembler to play with my machines.
I was looking around in my school's library today (as I've just finished my last book), & to my suprise, they have a copy of 'C++ For Dummies'!!! This is a big suprise to me, as I've searched numerous times in the school's internet-based catalog for any programming books!

I guess I'll be teaching myselc C++ alongside 6502 ASM now! The bad thing is, the book is like 5 pounds, so I'll be lugging an extra 5 pounds on my back for like 2+ months!
.NET?? Are you serious? Sure, on my MCS-85...

.NET?? Are you serious? Sure, on my MCS-85...

For PCs I'm still a Clipper person, or any x-base clone. I guess that's what I have the most experience with, but lately I've been doing the most work in 8085 assembler, with a little 8741 assembler on the side. Since you asked, this happens to be an embedded application.

I know some RPG, as well. I'm not great with it, but I know enough to be dangerous. Would that be considered "Mainframe" for the purposes of this poll?

I've done some COBOL stuff, but it never really grew on me. C is to terse, but my partner swears by it. It's actually a great little trade off: I can code a program in clipper in 1/3 the time it takes him to do it in C -- the catch is that my executable (due to bloat in clipper) is three times the size of his. We always decided who gets to code a PC project by evaluating the development speed vs efficiency thing...


As for me, I use BASIC for my Apple, and GWBasic on my other vintage computers. I also on occasion use QBasic, but very seldom.
Wait, something doesn't seem right about this, let's see who Druid REALLY is... *rips off Druid's mask* *gasp* Old Man Jenkins!!??!?!?!

I got bored & dissasembled Super Mario Bros. today. I was looking at it, &, thankfully, I understand most of the opcodes & what they where doing! At this rate, I should be able to program an Atari 2600 game by the end of the year! (NES not likely, as the architecture of the GPU is a bit more complicated, & plus I'd have to learn how to make use of those 22 memory-mapped registers)