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Winnie the Pooh

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LOL! Hillarious.

On "swine" flu subject (H1N1 Human influenza A), I think this is a HUGE overreaction. 36,000 die every year from the normal vaccinated flu. Not even 1000 have died from the "swine" flu yet, and people are making a huge deal out of it. Difference is, we don't have a vaccine for this one yet.

Hey, on the upside, school here is cancelled for a WEEK and we don't have to make it up.

PS, mods, this isn't something I wasn't supposed to post, is it?
Yzzerdd said:
On "swine" flu subject (H1N1 Human influenza A)
H1N1 has several strains, one of which is the new mutation currently causing problems. Type A is a family of viruses of which H1N1 is a part of. The correct way to type it fully like that would be A(H1N1) The human part is unnecessary since it affects more than just humans. The current one causing problems has swine, human and avian genetic material and will affect all of the above.

Yzzerdd said:
people are making a huge deal out of it. Difference is, we don't have a vaccine for this one yet.

Yes but an influenza pandemic can quickly become a catastrophic disaster like the 1918-19 one. Last time a strain of the flu virus became a pandemic over 50 million people died world wide. Its a huge deal because even though its not doing much now it has the potential to become a major problem. And people brushing it off as no big deal is what helps it spread though carelessness. The 1918-19 one was also caused by a strain of H1N1.


I still giggled at the comic. I'm not saying we have to be omg serious but at least learn about whats going on and don't write it off as a lol big deal when it is one.
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Yeah, it doesn't only affect humans, it can infect other people as well. :p

Seriously though, I haven't looked into this current situation, but I would like to add that there was something significantly different about the "Spanish" flu. I believe they tried to keep that one secret until it was too late. They're certainly not doing that this time. The ending of the war and all the soldiers coming home was also a disaster. Of course we have a lot of air travel these days which is probably responsible for a lot of modern disease propagation.
Well, I did look up the constantly-being-updated Wikipedia article 'bout a week ago. I got as far as the point where it was asserted that swine flu 'could be' infecting 'up to 50%' of all hogs in 'certain areas' of Java. I thought, "Yeah, right. And Martian Flu 'could be' affecting 'up to 110%' of all Pod People in 'certain areas' of the freakin' universe." After deleting that sensationalist nonsense, I kinda gave up on that p'ticular source of (dis-)information. Just for s&g, I gotta check back and see how the article has evolved since then...

LOL! Hillarious.

On "swine" flu subject (H1N1 Human influenza A), I think this is a HUGE overreaction. 36,000 die every year from the normal vaccinated flu. Not even 1000 have died from the "swine" flu yet, and people are making a huge deal out of it. Difference is, we don't have a vaccine for this one yet.

Hey, on the upside, school here is cancelled for a WEEK and we don't have to make it up.

PS, mods, this isn't something I wasn't supposed to post, is it?

Didn't it turn out that it's just as dangerous as the normal flu? Many people that died of it in Mexico had HIV/AIDS or where weakened before they got it?

Anyways, many people dies each day because of the NORMAL flu...
So I read stuff like:

Wikipedia said:
Despite the lack of any evidence that the virus is present in swine anywhere in the world, Egypt's parliament called for the nation's 250,000 pigs to be killed immediately, a move the World Organization for Animal Health called "scientifically unjustified". ...<snip>... On April 29, the Egyptian Government decided to kill all 300,000 pigs in Egypt, despite none of them having been suspected to be infected.

...and I think, "Wow, great statistics here. If they don't even know how many pigs they've got in Egypt, how do they expect to destroy 'em all?"

Geeze, talk about paranoia! Then there's this blurb:

Mexico's schools, universities, and all public events will be closed from April 24, 2009 to May 6, 2009.

Ain't their economy wrecked enough already? How do they expect to survive another year without Cinco de Mayo? Is their govt trying to give the whole country away to the drug cartels?? What are they thinking??? (We had a mayor in Flint, MI once who was hounded out of office because he canceled the July 4th fireworks display from the city's budget to save a few hundred thousand dollar$). I wouldn't be surprized to see a new Mexican Revolution after this...

And my shrinks have the cojones to label me paranoid! I give up...:roll:

I think we're all looking in the wrong place for humor today. I recommend we all switch from this forum to Wikipedia immediately, since this article seems to be the funniest thing on the net right now.


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pig flu

pig flu

I wonder if the the panic & stress about swine flu is going to take more people than swine flu itself. Talk about a sure-fire excuse to stay home from work for a few weeks.
I still worry more about getting run over, getting mistaken for a deer and getting shot, getting mistaken for a duck and getting shot, electrocuting myself, taking the wrong combination of pills because my doctor doesn't really know what he's doing either, and not waking up as the house burns to the ground. (The last one is a new one, last night a house a few doors down from us burnt down)
Right now I think swine flu is way down the list, somewhere between getting eaten by piranhas and contracting some sort of flesh-eating bacteria.

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