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IBM-XT IRQ Question


Experienced Member
Jun 16, 2008
Hamburg, Germany

If have two problems:

I have a Diamond Flowers MF-100 ( Multi I/O, Memory, RTC ) with a Real Time Clock on it. I have to set the IRQ for that RTC. My only free IRQ is IRQ2 on my system. Can I use it or is it reserved for anythink else?

My System:
0=System Timer
2=??? ->RTC?
3=3COM-3C503 LAN-Card

How can I use the RTC. Where i can get the read and write commands?
2 and 9 are cascaded - I'm not sure when this happened, might have been the AT, but it's something to keep in mind.

As for using the RTC, you basically need the software that came with the card, afaik.
2 and 9 are cascaded - I'm not sure when this happened, might have been the AT, but it's something to keep in mind.

As for using the RTC, you basically need the software that came with the card, afaik.

Sigh. The OP has an XT, so there is only one 8259. On the AT, there are two and IRQ2 on the first is used as the input from the second 8259 and IRQ9 is assigned to the second interrupt on the second 8259 and appears in place of IRQ2 on the ISA bus. But that doesn't apply here.

Short answer--IRQ2 on an XT isn't reserved for anything. You may also be able to share interrupts with another device. Unless you're running Windows or a print spooler, IRQ7, normally assigned to the first parallel printer port, isn't used by DOS. You might be able to re-approrpriate it for your own use.
Sigh. The OP has an XT, so there is only one 8259. On the AT, there are two and IRQ2 on the first is used as the input from the second 8259 and IRQ9 is assigned to the second interrupt on the second 8259 and appears in place of IRQ2 on the ISA bus. But that doesn't apply here.

Short answer--IRQ2 on an XT isn't reserved for anything. You may also be able to share interrupts with another device. Unless you're running Windows or a print spooler, IRQ7, normally assigned to the first parallel printer port, isn't used by DOS. You might be able to re-approrpriate it for your own use.
Many RTC cards (including other Diamond Flowers) don't use IRQs anyway, although the option may be there for custom programming.
Many RTC cards (including other Diamond Flowers) don't use IRQs anyway, although the option may be there for custom programming.

True that. Useful only if you want to use the alarm clock facility of the chip.

There's at least one clock chip that doesn't require I/O or memory address space. Can you guess which one?

Answer: DS1215
True that. Useful only if you want to use the alarm clock facility of the chip.

There's at least one clock chip that doesn't require I/O or memory address space. Can you guess which one?

Answer: DS1215

Dallas Smart Socket. Under a BIOS ROM.
Must be a different Dallas Smart Socket then. The one cited provides backup power to CMOS RAMs. I think you mean the Dallas Smart Watch, which has a DS1215 buried inside.
Hmm, thought I'd already replied...
Yeah, the Smart Watch (also sold by Radio Shack) was the one that sat under the BIOS ROM; the 1215 did have the control logic for battery-backed CMOS RAM though, as used in the Smart Socket.

Been meaning to put one in one of my PETs; Real Soon Now...
Oh, and I no longer find those too exciting. Now that I'm older, those battery shelf lives that once seemed infinite are now occuring all too often for me. ;-)
Indeed, although IIRC they did have provision for an external battery.

The addressing technique is interesting though and can be (and has been) used to transparently and invisibly add memory and/or I/O to an existing system.
Here's some code I used to talk to a SmartWatch 20 years ago in an embedded system.../Bill

	 title	 KRNL_CLK -- Real Time Clock Support for OS/25
	 include MASM.INC	; Handy macros
	 include V25.INC	; Setup for V25 CPU

	 include MSDOS.INC	; DOSCALL function equates

	 include SEGMENTS.INC	; Define segments and groups
	 include KRNLVARS.INC	; External definitions

_BSS	 segment		; Begin _BSS segment

WATCH_DATA	 label	byte	; Date read/written from/to the SmartWatch
WATCH_HUNDRETH	 db	?	; 1/10 and 1/100 seconds
WATCH_SECOND	 db	?	; 10 and 1 seconds
WATCH_MINUTE	 db	?	; 10 and 1 minutes
WATCH_HOUR	 db	?	; 10 and 1 hours, 12/24 and AM/PM bits
WATCH_WEEKDAY	 db	?	; Day of week, OSC and RESET bits
WATCH_DAY	 db	?	; 10 and 1 days
WATCH_MONTH	 db	?	; 10 and 1 months
WATCH_YEAR	 db	?	; 10 and 1 years

WATCH_DUMMY db	 ?		; Dummy byte written to during UNLOCK_WATCH

_BSS	 ends			; End _BSS segment

_TEXT	 segment		; Begin _TEXT segment
	 assume	 cs:ROMGRP	; Tell the assembler

READ_WATCH proc	 near public	; Read the date and time out of the SmartWatch
	 assume	 ds:DGROUP, es:nothing, ss:nothing

Read date and time out of the SmartWatch


	 pusha			; Save caller's registers

	 cli			; Allow no interrupts while reading the clock
	 cld			; Forward

; Perform 65 dummy reads to close the SmartWatch

	 lea	 bx,WATCH_DUMMY	; Location to absorb dummy writes

	 mov	 cx,65		; 65 dummy reads
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Dummy read to reset the key pattern matcher

	 loop	 @B		; Do 'em all

; Send the 64-bit key to unlock the SmartWatch

	 lea	 si,WATCH_KEY	; ROMGRP:SI ==> SmartWatch key
	 mov	 cx,8		; # of bytes in the key

	 mov	 dl,8		; # of bits per byte
	 lods	 WATCH_KEY[si]	; Pick up next byte of the key

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 dec	 dl		; Account for another bit
	 jnz	 READ_WATCH_IL	; Do all 8 bits

	 loop	 READ_WATCH_OL	; Do all 8 bytes of the key

; Read the 64-bit SmartWatch data

	 lea	 bx,WATCH_DUMMY	; Location to absorb dummy reads

; Byte 0
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dl,ah		; Save byte 0

; Byte 1

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dh,ah		; Save byte 1
	 mov	 si,dx		; SI = bytes 0, 1

; Byte 2
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dl,ah		; Save byte 2

; Byte 3

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dh,ah		; Save byte 3
	 mov	 di,dx		; DI = bytes 2, 2

; Byte 4
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dl,ah		; Save byte 4

; Byte 5

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dh,ah		; Save byte 5
	 mov	 bp,dx		; BP = bytes 4, 5

; Byte 6
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dl,ah		; Save byte 6

; Byte 7

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Read a bit from the SmartWatch
	 and	 al,1		; Isolate D0
	 ror	 ax,1		; Move it over, leaving room for the next bit

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 mov	 dh,ah		; Save byte 7
	 			; DX = bytes 6, 7

	 lea	 bx,WATCH_DATA	; DGROUP:SI ==> SmartWatch data buffer
	 mov	 [bx],si	; Save bytes 0, 1
	 mov	 [bx+2],di	; Save bytes 2, 3
	 mov	 [bx+4],bp	; Save bytes 4, 5
	 mov	 [bx+6],dx	; Save bytes 6, 7

	 sti			; Allow interrupts

	 popa			; Restore caller's registers

	 ret			; Return to caller

	 assume	 ds:nothing, es:nothing, ss:nothing

READ_WATCH endp			; End READ_WATCH procedure

WRITE_WATCH proc near public	; Write new data and time into the SmartWatch
	 assume	 ds:DGROUP, es:nothing, ss:nothing

Write new date and time into the SmartWatch


	 pusha			; Save caller's registers
	 REGSAVE <es>		; Save caller's segment registers

	 cli			; Allow no interrupts while reading the clock
	 cld			; Forward

; Load registers with new SmartWatch data

	 lea	 bx,WATCH_DATA	; DGROUP:SI ==> SmartWatch data buffer

	 mov	 es,[bx]	; Pick up bytes 0, 1 (seconds)
	 assume	 es:nothing	; Tell the assembler

	 mov	 di,[bx+2]	; Pick up bytes 2, 3
	 mov	 bp,[bx+4]	; Pick up bytes 4, 5
	 mov	 dx,[bx+6]	; Pick up bytes 6, 7

	 lea	 bx,WATCH_DUMMY	; Location to absorb dummy writes

; Perform 65 dummy reads to close the SmartWatch

	 mov	 cx,65		; 65 dummy reads
	 mov	 al,[bx]	; Dummy read to reset the key pattern matcher

	 loop	 @B		; Do 'em all

; Send the 64-bit key to unlock the SmartWatch

	 lea	 si,WATCH_KEY	; ROMGRP:SI ==> SmartWatch key
	 mov	 cx,8		; # of bytes in the key

	 lods	 WATCH_KEY[si]	; Pick up next byte of the key

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit of key into position

	 mov	 [bx],al	; Send next byte of key out D0

	 loop	 WRITE_WATCH_OL	; Do all 8 bytes of the key

; Write the 64-bit SmartWatch data
; Byte 0
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 ax,es		; Bytes 0 and 1
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 1

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,ah		; Byte 1
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 2
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 ax,di		; Bytes 2 and 3
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 3

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,ah		; Byte 3
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 4
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 ax,bp		; Bytes 4 and 5
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 5

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,ah		; Byte 5
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 6
	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 ax,dx		; Bytes 6 and 7
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

; Byte 7

	 mov	 cx,8		; Number of bits per byte
	 mov	 al,ah		; Byte 7
	 mov	 [bx],al	; Write a bit to the SmartWatch
	 shr	 al,1		; Move next bit down

	 loop	 @B		; Get all 8 bits

	 sti			; Allow interrupts

	 REGREST <es>		; Restore caller's segment registers
	 assume	 es:nothing	; Tell the assembler

	 popa			; Restore caller's registers

	 ret			; Return to caller

	 assume	 ds:nothing, es:nothing, ss:nothing

WRITE_WATCH endp		; End WRITE_WATCH procedure

; Constant data

	 public	 WATCH_KEY
WATCH_KEY	 db	 0C5h, 03Ah, 0A3h, 05Ch, 0C5h, 03Ah, 0A3h, 05Ch
	 db	 00h	; Hundreth
	 db	 00h	; Second
	 db	 30h	; Minute
	 db	 18h	; Hour
	 db	 11h	; OSC, RESET, and Day of week
	 db	 09h	; Day
	 db	 10h	; Month
	 db	 91h	; Year

_TEXT	 ends			; End _TEXT segment

	 MEND			; End KRNL_CLK module
Just a tip -- a lot of those SmartWatch/SmartSocket things are sold on eBay and are old.
As a matter of fact I don't think these chips have internal batteries at all, do they?

Not the chips themselves, but a lithium cell is part of the Smart Watch socket:

The DS1216 SmartWatch/RAM Sockets are 600-mil wide DIP sockets with a built–in CMOS watch
function, a nonvolatile RAM controller circuit, and an embedded lithium energy source.

On a uC board that I have, the DS1215 chip has a 1F capacitor connected to it to keep it going over short power outages. No battery.