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Mid-Atlantic Retro Open House Weekend - Swap and Workshop 5/18-19/13


Nov 18, 2003
Landenberg, PA USA
As you know VCF E was cancelled this year, but now that power will be available we're going to hold an "open house" May 18th and 19th.

Details coming
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No party? No fun? Maybe a (disgust registered) "thing" that will surely get out off hand?

Wow. Are there uniforms? Roving militia?

Sounds like great fun.

The announce didn't come across quite the way we intended -- we inadvertently posted a message that was meant for our internal club list. Reading it now, it sounds kind of rude. We in MARCH apologize for that.

Our standard approach to the Vintage Computer Festival East is all about fun. This year, we're having a tech repair weekend / consignment sale instead. We're trying to plan some kind of Saturday evening entertainment, but the message we wanted to get across was this is a serious tech weekend, devoted to learning about vintage computer repair, not an event just for hanging out and bringing the family.
The uniforms you've ordered have come in. I have assembled the units that will patrol the work camp teams and make sure they're not talking.
Will there be an overseer coming in over the loud speaker giving back-handed compliments to the lower class citizens and talking about productivity and the 'cause'?

(That...might actually make for an interesting theme....)

PS: This post is to be taken lightly. If it were closer I'd probably go to this.
yah. The last workshop we had at InfoAge was graced by none other than Lee Felsenstein. That's me in the back. You never know who will show up for one of these.

Well, regardless we all hope for great success for any vintage computer event. Thank you for your response and for your patience with the community. Keep up the good work!

Vintage computer repair workshop this weekend in NJ

Vintage computer repair workshop this weekend in NJ

...Just a reminder to everyone that MARCH is hosting its vintage computer repair workshop this weekend, at the InfoAge center in Wall, New Jersey. It's open to everyone: bring your vintage computer and we'll help you work on it. Or, come work on one of our computers! Admission is ten bucks. Buying/selling/trading is also welcome, but this event isn't a flea/swap per se (contrary to some of our previous announcements, we canceled the formal "sales" portion.)

Next year we'll bring back the regular Vintage Computer Festival East.