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Recent content by ECNeilson

  1. E

    Any experience with Advent Products - 84 Turbo ROM v3.4 (Kaypro II mod)

    Once you have replaced the Kaypro's standard EEPROM with a TurboROM EEPROM, you need a Turbo ROM-configured CP/M boot disk. You can no longer boot from the standard Kaypro CP/M boot disk. Did any of the disks that came with your Kaypro look like they might be TurboROM boot disks? If you have...
  2. E

    ZTerm for Apple II CP/M

    In the SSC manual, there is a jumper setting to convert the SSC into a legacy serial card. I might try this over the weekend to see if Z-Term will detect an older serial card.
  3. E

    ZTerm for Apple II CP/M

    I worked a deal with the eBay guy and got the Z-Term software. With the scanned PDF, the file is too large to attach this post, so you can download it from my website repository here. The .zip contains an Apple CP/M format .dsk file and the scanned manual. Here are some notes on Z-Term from...
  4. E

    ZTerm for Apple II CP/M

    I'm really hoping someone posts a copy. I'd like a copy myself. If you're feeling flush, someone has a full Z-Term software package for sale on eBay. Eric
  5. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    I think you're right. There are three GALs on the board, and the one just to the right of the BIOS looks to plug into the ISA pins.
  6. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    I am not able to read the BIOS through Debug/Dump, so something is definitely up with the bus logic on the card. I don't see any missing or cut traces on the PCB compared to online photos. Next step would be a logic analyzer, or maybe I'll just wait for one to pop up on eBay...
  7. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    Great idea, thanks! I'll try this.
  8. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    I can access the disk controller directly using ImageDisk, but I really want to use the full functionality of the card. @jxm I burned my own EEPROM and verified the contents are identical to the 1.05C .bin files available online. @Chuck(G) It's possible maybe there is a trace or something...
  9. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    I disabled the primary FDC and set the Compaticard IV as primary to remove any potential conflict with other disk controllers and still no success. I also tried different DMA and I/O address locations. I tested both with BIOS enabled and on-board BIOS disabled. No luck in any scenario. It's...
  10. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    After completing the upgrades to the card, it looks like my Pentium-166 ISA/PCI PC may be too new for the Compaticard to work. I'm getting "Divide overflow" errors when I load the CC4DRV.SYS driver. Even going the norom route and loading the BIOS through CC4BIOS.SYS (the newer 1.06 version...
  11. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    Thank Thank you so much! The parts are on order now. It should be a fun project.
  12. E

    Resistor pack values for Compaticard IV

    A few years ago I acquired a Compaticard IV that that did not have the BIOS and other components populated on the board. I'm going to add the missing components, and I have everything I need except the two bus resistor arrays. Does anyone know what the resistor array values are for RP2 and RP3...
  13. E

    Applesauce FDC disk imaging tools - testimonials?

    I wrote a review for AppleSauce last year. It is quite simply phenomenal! I've only used it for Apple II disks, but it successfully imaged the majority of my collection. There were a few disks it couldn't figure out and I list them in my review. I used Virtual ][ on the Mac to verify the...
  14. E

    I created floppy images of Scott Adams Adventure Games for CP/M on Nabu

    I tried running the above software on Z80Pack CPM emulator and also natively on my PCPI CP/M card for the Apple ][, but encountered problems. The RNDTST program works and shows a sequence of random numbers. However, when I run ADVENTUR.COM, I don't see a full list of adventures. Instead, I...
  15. E

    simh support forum?

    I highly recommend the PiDP-11 newsgroup. Many of the questions are simh or OS-related. I've posted a few RT-11 questions there (KEX anyone?) and received good answers. It's very active. And the PiDP-11 replica kit using a Raspberry Pi and simh is one of the coolest vintage computing project...