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  • Hi reenight agen! How is your fantasy CGA redesign going, I am also interested in pushing CGA, I have found your old post (Fantasy CGA redesign) do you know the limit for a stock CGA moneter? It looks to me like 640x200 16 colours will work and use 128k ram, and the Hercules cards could get 720x350 on a cga crt the, vdu card in my Compaq portable has missing jumpers could be soldered back in to change it from 16k to 32k, I can't find any info on this option? I think a 30pin simm could be used as the new graphics ram to take it way beyond that, I like the idea of making an upgrade board for a stock CGA PCB trying to avoid cuting tracks and taping into the old PCB by removing ICS and pluging into the now empty ic sockets, just adding more graphics modes and using only vintage type ttl chips
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