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(Almost) every record holder for the world's smallest mechanical hard drive in one photo

Although it looks like it's got a 2.5" drive, not a 1". Damn, now I have to try to remember which of the many MP3 players I had that had the 1" drive.

Apple's iPod Mini had a 1" Hitachi microdrive inside. Maybe that's what youre thinking of?

And nice! I actually know a gentleman who has a working Kittyhawk but just as I would be, he's unwilling to sell it. I'll find one on ebay someday.
And nice! I actually know a gentleman who has a working Kittyhawk but just as I would be, he's unwilling to sell it. I'll find one on ebay someday

Is this what you are looking for?

That link may not work - it is facebook marketplace item # 384100950992765

I went back and took a screenshot as the listing seems difficult to pull up.

It was originally posted on Feb 20th
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I've still got one of these rattling around in my hellbox:

A ridiculous, cumbersome thing. 4GB Microdrive (haven't had it apart) with a built-in IDE-to-USB interface. The actual drive inside is a GS Magicstor model. Transfer rate over USB 2. appears to be 6MB/sec.
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microdrives are all 1 inch disks. They were all "CF" sized.

If you were doing a lot of access while moving, that's probably why it died so soon. They are designed to have a little bit of airflow and they are intended to spin down occasionally.
There are (were) two CF sizes, type 1 and type 2. They were identical except for the thickness. The microdrives were type 2, the thicker standard.

I used them with my Canon DSLRs back in the day, and had a 4Gb and 1Gb card. The 4Gb failed at some point, not in use, but having been left in a drawer for years. Maybe the 1Gb still works, I should dig it out and check! Oh, and there are PCMCIA adapters for these, I seem to remember using them in a powerbook or something like that.