Is there a way to hot start basic where you can change the IO ports for input but not erase the program in memory or be prompted for mem size and stuff like that?
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I have a version of 8K BASIC v4.0 that I patched to allow this. I assume you are you running on a machine with a front panel? How do you load 8K BASIC on your machine - i.e., are you needing an Altair tape image or just a hex or binary image ready to load into memory?
Ok, I can make a standard bootable tape image for you then. Can you punch the tape?
Out of curiosity, tell us about the configuration of your machine/ports and the reason you need to change ports after you’re up and running.
I could probably work up a patched version of 8K BASIC that does what you need. From what I understand for your application, console output always remains the same, but you want to switch console input between 6/7 and 0/1, correct?
If you could do 4K basic, it's even better quicker loading time even though it's not as useful missing CLOAD and other commands, it's enough for the demonstration.
IMPORTANT: When loading 4KBAS406.TAP, use the 8K BASIC verion 4.0 bootstrap loader, NOT the 4K BASIC version.