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color mode & cursor


Dec 5, 2014
Hi Turbo Pascal Enthusiast's

I am programming with Turbo Pascal 3.0 in MS/DOS 6.2 and I try to bring Color into it. I am working with Interrupt Requests. I have a western digital VGA Card so I choose Interrupt 10h Function 00 to select Video mode 18.
Every Thing works fine, except the Cursor. I am working on page 0 (Register BH) but as soon as I choose a Background Color by Function 0Bh the Cursor is not more visible. Asking for the values by Interrupt 10h Function 03h I get a posive answer by the Registers DH, DL, CH & CL but still no Cursor is visible. As soon as I work without Background Color I am able to set the Cursor (Funktion 02h). But that is only half of fun. Does anybody of you have a solution ?

Best regards Joachim
Many apologies for delaying the approval of your post & my delayed reply, unfortunately I'm not receiving notifications through to my email, something I need to change in my Settings I think which is why I'm replying so late to your post.

Initially I thought the trouble would be the Video Mode you're using. Video Mode 18 (or 12h) according to my information is a Graphic mode, but your saying that you've got a cursor in Mode 18 until you change the background colour. I'm unsure if it's a Page issue which is causing the Cursor to Disappear, have you tried changing the Display Page to see if the Cursor comes back. To change the Display Page you can use Function 05h and AL = the Page Number, though I'm unsure if Get Cursor can tell the Cursor where to go BH = Display Page, so perhaps if the Background is on Display Page 0, perhaps BH = 1, if the cursor isn't displaying itself, then perhaps use Function 05h to change to Page Number 1.
Hello and a happy new year.
now it is at me to apologize, I have been a long time off because I did not reckon anymore with some help on this problem.
I'm also grateful for your help. Thank You.
In the meantime I solved all linked problems concerning the color mode when you dropped your message.
Mostly I am sitting during winter time behind the screen. ( I am living north of 50° lat) otherwise I am doing sports and outdoor activities.
Thats why I saw your msg these days

I wish you a successful 2016
and best regards Joe