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DEC PDP-11/70 Wire Lists


Veteran Member
Apr 7, 2013
Silver Spring, MD, USA
(Also posted to CCTALK)


I'm hoping that someone here has a back-room shoebox of DEC microfiche (or even hardcopy!) that includes Wire Lists for any/all of the following (noting that the first three are probably listed as a single item):

KB11-C 11/70 Processor (or the older KB11-B)
FP11-C 11/70 Floating-point processor
RH70 MASSBUS controller

MJ11-A Core memory

I'd like to get these scanned and into Bitsavers. Please PM me, soonest, if you think that you can help me out.

I'd be _very_ much obliged. Thanks,


[PS: Of course, if they are already online somewhere that I've overlooked, or simply already-digital but not online, please educate me further :->.]
Hi All;
Paul, I know that this is not exactly what you are looking for, but it is a step in the right direction..

I have used it in the past, researching some things that I wanted to know, using the Board's Pdf's and this will get You there, be-it very slowly.. I had Bought about a Year ago, every 11/70 processor board that I could get my hands on, to see what differences there were between them and the 11/45.. Once I hopefully can get the 11/45 going again, I will want to do some more research..

Hi All;
Paul, I know that this is not exactly what you are looking for, but it is a step in the right direction..

I have used it in the past, researching some things that I wanted to know, using the Board's Pdf's and this will get You there, be-it very slowly..
I've examined that, yes. It's obviously limited in module coverage, and is of course focused on the logical-links rather than the physical wiring. Agree that one can, in theory, reverse engineer the module interfaces. And I may end up there some day ... but in the meantime hope springs eternal.

I had Bought about a Year ago, every 11/70 processor board that I could get my hands on, to see what differences there were between them and the 11/45.. Once I hopefully can get the 11/45 going again, I will want to do some more research..

A starting point is to simply cross-walk the modules for the four variants of the KB11, like this:

KB11 Compare.jpg

Then you'll have a better idea of what questions to ask!
Hi All;
Thanks, Paul, I have never seen a list like this.. Even though I have done basically this with what I have..

Hi All;
Thanks, Paul, I have never seen a list like this.. Even though I have done basically this with what I have..


Me neither. I find DEC nomenclature "challenging", to say the least. So I built this for my own edification. Aside from the repositioning of the Timing Module, it shows how the various 45/50/55/70 designs relate to each other, at least at the functional level.
Hi All;
Paul, later this week, I can make a list that shows what can be used in the 11/45 and what cannot be a direct substitute..
As a for instance the M8130 can work in the 11/45 with minor rewiring and additional chip, for the M8100.. see my 11/45 postings for pictures.. And You could go the other way as well..
Do you have parts for an 11/70 ?? or is this just an interest..
