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Does anyone have a working Epson QX16HD


New Member
Feb 11, 2007
Kingston Ontario Canada
I can not get my Epson QX16hd (ipl 3.1H , rom 2.26h)to boot a CP/M Disk It will boot to dos 2.11 and I can use the hard drive and run rwcpm to view a CP/M disk I have another QX16 ipl 3.0a without a drive that boots CP/M What version of CP/M is needed and does anyone have a working qX16HD any suggestions.Thanks
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QX16 Epson now working with CP/M b2.27

QX16 Epson now working with CP/M b2.27

I got the Epson QX-16HD to boot CP/M with a TD0 file that had version CP/M version 2.27 It is always great when I get one of these old machines restored.I just have to figure out how to patition the hard drive to have both DOS and CP/M . I also need a copy of the 2.27 version of the CP/M copy program so I can format and duplicate disks