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Hi-Lo ALL-03 Universal Programmer - software wanted please


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2009
Heerlen, NL
I received this ALL-03 programmer including four 5.25" diskettes. Unfortunately not all disks were completely readable, including the file "ICTESTER.EXE".

My question: does anybody have a ZIP of these files for me, please?

If I interpreted one of the readme files correctly, I have V3.00 from 1990/4/15. Any newer version would be even more welcome!

Searching for the software I ran into this site that enables one to make his own ISA card. More important, it contains programs including their sources to handle other devices than the ones supported by Hi-Lo. I do mention this because I would like to program EEPROMs with it and it seems I have to program that myself. So the this link will help. But more important: I received a type document explaining in details how the ALl-03 can be programmed. I have to scan it yet but if one is interested, please contact me.

Many thanks in advance!
Hello Ruud. I hope you found the files you were looking for.

I have, not the ALL-03 but the All-07.

If you mean that you have information on how to make custom device files or to control the unit directly, I would be interested to see that information to see if any of that can be applied to the ALL-07. There are one or two devices which are not supported even in the final version of firmware for the All-07, and I would like to try to either make custom device files or to directly control the programmer unit with something like a PIC or other microcontroller to carry out specific device programming jobs.