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Installing packages - Solaris 8


Veteran Member
Jun 8, 2014
Hi all,

Sorry for all the Sun/Solaris related questions recently. I'm trying to get my Ultra 5 into a usable configuration and it's far more complex that I thought.

My latest problem is Solaris 8 - I want to install some packages to compile software from source. This includes things like gcc, automake etc.

After some searching around I found someone who has some precompiled Solaris packages for most things. Website is here and the files for Solaris 8 are here.

I downloaded gcc and installed it as per the instructions (decompressed the file, then ran pkgadd -d *filename*). This worked and it reported a successful installation at the end.

My problem then begins when I try to use gcc. Running a random ./configure comes up with 'gcc not found'. I then tried whereis gcc and got no results. I am assuming that the pkgadd SHOULD have put gcc into the path; but maybe it didn't. I don't want to manually put things into the path as I need to install 50+ packages this way; and that will take an eternity.

Have I done something obviously wrong? Does the system need a reboot after installing the package to update the PATH (only thing I haven't tried)?

This reminds me of early linux days. You'd try to install / compile something and spend weeks trying to sort out dependencies and random problems like this.... I'd like to avoid spending that much time!
pkgadd just installs the package and does nothing with your environment. I would look for gcc in a bin directory under a package directory under /opt or in /usr/local/bin and add that to your path.
One more website with gnu-related stuff for Solaris: http://sunfreeware.com/introduction.html (it's still alive! I used it ~15 years ago).

If you couldn't find it in directories which tipo158 suggested, try also /usr/gnu/bin (or /opt/gnu/bin). At least, packages from Sunfreeware are installed there.
And yes, pkgadd will not do anything like adding environments. It also will install package if dependencies aren't fulfilled (I am not 100% sure, correct me if I'm wrong).

This reminds me of early linux days. You'd try to install / compile something and spend weeks trying to sort out dependencies and random problems like this.... I'd like to avoid spending that much time!

Unfortunately, you are right and the way can be almost the same. But, all these websites help a lot if you need on Solaris something from GNU world. Feel free to ask questions!