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KIM-1 power supply?


Veteran Member
Nov 22, 2012
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Was there a matching KIM-1 power supply that one could buy at the time the KIM-1 itself was available? I was googling around and couldn't really find an "official power supply".

I just acquired, but have not yet received, a KIM-1 with a KIMSI board and power supply attached to the KIMSI board that looks pretty old. The power supply is in a wooden box (looks home made but I sort of expect that) and has got a big transformer one major size capacitor and a couple of smaller capacitors that, by no means, are small. Seems like PET size but I can't be sure. Was there a power supply that came in KIT format when the KIM-1 was originally available?

Thanks for any replies. I am super happy to finally have a KIM-1 (Rev F).
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I am answering my own post.

While I was looking for a KIM-1 power supply, it occurred to me that since the power supply is connected to the KIMSI board, maybe I should be looking for a KIMSI power supply. Bingo! There was an available power supply called the "KIMSI-Plus Power Supply": http://www.hartetechnologies.com/ma...I_S-100_Interface_Motherboard_Sales_Flyer.PDF on page 4.

Very cool. The wooden box that contains the power supply is the epitome of vintage home brew computing. I'll post pics once I get it.
I don't know the KIMSI, but there was never an official power supply for the KIM-1 as far as I know. You were supposed to provide your own when you bought it, and of course the specs would depend on other hardware you might want to attach.

Thanks jac_goudsmit. I picked up my KIM-1 on eBay and just got it. KIM was a little before my time. I was/am a PET lover and bought my first computer; a Commodore 64 so I am very happy to have a piece of early Commodore equipment (even if it's only a Rev F)

I know it's not much to current KIM-1 owners but I gotta show it off a little before I start messing with it :) Here are some pics. The KIM-1, KIMSI and KIMSI-Plus power supply are shown along with documentation that came with it.

I am particularly fond of the (home made?) power supply case and the Microchess book (no tape). The manuals look brand new. The Microchess booklet was folded in half but was probably mailed that way :)


I feel very fortunate to finally own one.
That's quite interesting. I'd never heard of that KIMSI board before. Ironically Applefritter.com has a link to it since it could also apparently be used on an Apple I to connect S-100 boards as well.
That's quite interesting. I'd never heard of that KIMSI board before. Ironically Applefritter.com has a link to it since it could also apparently be used on an Apple I to connect S-100 boards as well.

I've already been looking around for S-100 edge connectors :) With one slot, I may try to find a board that will work but I need to do a little digging into the S-100 bus. There is very little info about what works on the KIMSI bus but I have seen a few pictures of KIMSI boards on a KIM-1 populated with S-100 cards. It's something I want to look into in due time.



I believe the second picture has my power supply without the "cool" enclosure :)
Look around for "The S-100 And Other Micro Buses" by Poe and Goodwin. They include a detailed description of the KIMSI converter and include a DIY board you can build and plug into a regular S-100 backplane. It's a very useful general purpose vintage computer bus guide. A copy lives in my porta-toolkit. It's generally available through Amazon for less than $5.