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Looking for Kinetic Systems 2920-Z2B board


Experienced Member
Sep 22, 2010
New Kensington, PA
Hi folks, LSSM is looking for a Qbus board made by Kinetic Systems, model 2920-Z2B. These are pretty obscure, but I'm willing to bet someone has one in that "random proprietary boards that came with my PDP-11" pile that we all have. ;) Can anyone help us out?

-Dave McGuire, LSSM
Well, do you still want the 2920-Z2B board? I've got one - It's been nearly 14 years that you asked ...
Yes, I definitely do! I have a friend in Romania who comes over here to work in the museum a few times per year; he would be able to transport it.
(my British friend who lives in Romania transporting a board from Germany to the States :-))
May I ask if you would swap it for another board?
I'm looking e.g. for a DAP (M8390) for my VAX-11/725 or an RL11 (M7762)