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nba playoffs!

mbbrutman said:
there are a lot of wrong groups to be indexed under ...

He's right, there's no need to ruin our Index Rating becuase someone threw out a word thats going to get caught by a Language Censor Filter. This is after all suppose to be a family friendly forum......

Isn't Fiddle-Faddle a composition by Leroy Anderson? We considered playing a transcription of that last year, but figured out it might be too hard for the woodwind to play in a decent tempo (originally written for strings, which is generally easier to play quick passages on).

Anyway, here is one of many basketball games on the C64:
Fiddle Faddle is an American popcorn like thing with peanuts. It can be anyway, I just used that as a word.
vlad said:
I don't follow any kind of sport, I don't really have the time. I never really could get into it. I think we all knew the word I ment. "FiddleFaddle" :p

Ah, my mistake, I should have known it was much harsher than fiddlestick.
Yeah, sports just seem boring, you can't run DOS or cp/m on them, so why bother?
Besides, I think I've seen some people in India or elsewhere play polo on elephants, rather than horse. Maybe only as a show-off, but I can visualize someone putting skates on elephants, and make a giant rink and let them play ice-hockey. Would anyone refrain from watching it?!
For NBA, i am rooting for the Phenox Suns, cus they got Setve Nash. I still cant believe they lost a game against the Clippers! For NHL, i am rooting for Edmonton Oilers, cus they are the only Alberta team left. (make that the only Canadian team) Usually, i would hope for the flames but they lost to Anahiem!

HAHAHa, the Oilers will get reveng on them (hopefully), they just have to win one more game against San Jose sharks.
woo hoo! Edmonton kicked San Jose out! Now for the Ducks to get kicked. I saw a sign that i thought was funny. It said, " Sarks drown in Oil!" HAHAHA

By they way the score was 2 for the Oilers, and 0 for the Sharks.