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Midwest need to image ESDI drive at VCFMW

Covers: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio


New Member
Sep 4, 2022
I will be at the VCF midwest, and will be bringing a 600 MB drive that has VMS 4.7 on it. I'd like to back up the contents to CD or whatever media is convenient. I will be bringing an Emulex QD21 ESDI disk controller to the fest, if that helps. I could put my uVAX-II back together at home, but I don't have anything other than serial line to pull the data off it. The object is to get this backed up onto a Linux system. I will be in the "big iron" room, at table D12.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Jon Elson
UGH! I SWEAR i had a QD21 in my hand 2 days ago, but I must have DREAMT it! So, that might make pulling data off the drive more difficult. If somebody had a PC ESDI disk controller, the sector format MIGHT or might not be compatible.

Right. Well, mayne somebody at the fest will have a QD21, or can dump the drive contents at their own place. Or, I'll find the QD21 in my pile of stuff.