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Olympia People - a nice, but failed attempt

well, you can simply do a MODE COM1:300,n,8,1 command on the PC and then copy the data directly to COM1:
The receiving part does not works well - although Olympia even has a program file2aux, which should save data received directly to a file, it does not work properly - data only appears to be written, later to be found only as lost file fragments via Chkdsk.

Besides, direct copy to COM1 is probably good for text files, not programs, if I'm not mistaken...

It appears Olympia does not process End Of File correctly, resulting in remaining unresponsive after the file is sent, and can only be reset. Even manually typing Ctrl+Z+Enter on remote machine does nothing.
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Look at Kermit BOO which turn executables into text files making them much easier to transfer over the serial port. You will need to get a BOO to EXE or COM program running on the People to reverse the process but there are BASIC and DEBUG type ins to handle that.
Look at Kermit BOO which turn executables into text files making them much easier to transfer over the serial port. You will need to get a BOO to EXE or COM program running on the People to reverse the process but there are BASIC and DEBUG type ins to handle that.

Thanks! I finally transferred a program converted to Intel Hex format with Procomm, but now, I would be very glad if you could give me the link to a program written in BASIC, which could convert it back to executable? Thanks a lot!
ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/boo/ has a bunch of different BOO converters. I think msbpct.bas is the version that works with GWBASIC. I think I will try using the CODE tags to include it here.

1    'On an IBM PC or compatible, use this BASICA program to convert a
2    'Kermit .BOO file to its original form.  The result is usually an
3    '.EXE file.  The program will prompt you for the file specifications
4    'of the input file and the output file, showing the defaults for
5    'each.  The default for the input file is MSKERMIT.BOO.  The default
6    'for the output file will be the file specification in the first line
7    'of the input file.
8    '
9    'Because of the way BASICA does its file I/O, an end-of-file
10   'character (control Z = hex 1A) will be added to the end of the
11   'output file.  This character will be included in the length of
12   'the output file.
13   '
14   'This program is based on MSPCTRAN.BAS by Bill Catchings, and it
15   'uses the same algorithm.  Many changes have been made to speed the
16   'program up.  It runs in 45% to 60% of the time that MSPCTRAN.BAS
17   'takes.  Using a hard disk, this program will convert the 59,394
18   'byte file named MSJRD5G.BOO in about 12 1/2 minutes.  Using a
19   'floppy disk instead, this program will do the same conversion in
20   'about 14 minutes.
21   '
22   'Developmemt and testing were done on an IBM PC XT using PC-DOS
23   '2.1 and IBM BASICA 2.0.  In CONFIG.SYS, BUFFERS=8.
24   '
25   '          Alan H. Holland     FEAHH at VTVM1 on BITNET
26   '          5/12/86

100  defint a-z
110  z = asc("0")
120  t = asc("~") - z

200  fid$ = "MSKERMIT.BOO"
210  print "Enter the file specification of the file to be deBOOed."
220  print "<CR> for default ["; fid$;
230  line input "] :", fi$
240  print
250  if len(fi$) = 0  then fi$ = fid$
260  open fi$ for input as #1

300  line input #1, fod$
310  if len(fod$) <= 12 then goto 400
320  print "Error: The format of the .BOO file is incorrect."
330  close #1
340  system

400  print "Enter the file specification of the output file."
410  print "<CR> for default ["; fod$;
420  line input "] :", fo$
430  print
440  if len (fo$) = 0 then fo$ = fod$

450  t1$ = time$
470  print "Processing started at:  "; t1$
480  open fo$ for output as #2

500  if eof(1) goto 800
510  input #1, x$

600  if len(x$) < 2 goto 500
610  a = asc(x$) - z
620  b = asc( mid$(x$,2,1) ) - z
630  if a = t goto 700
640  if len(x$) < 4 goto 500
650  c = asc( mid$(x$,3,1) ) - z
660  d = asc( mid$(x$,4,1) ) - z

670  print#2,chr$(a*4+b\16 and 255);chr$(b*16+c\4 and 255);chr$(c*64+d and 255);

680  x$ = mid$(x$,5)
690  goto 600

700  print #2, string$(b,0);
710  x$ = mid$(x$,3)
720  goto 600

800  close #1, #2
810  t2$ = time$
820  print "Processing finished at: "; t2$
850  system
ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/boo/ has a bunch of different BOO converters. I think msbpct.bas is the version that works with GWBASIC. I think I will try using the CODE tags to include it here.

Thanks, enough information to work on it now :) Still, it means I will have to convert the files to boo format, as the software most likely will not be able to convert from an Intel Hex file due to format differences...
I expect there is a way of getting a Kermit to Kermit link to work but I don't know anything about the People so I can't help there.
I expect there is a way of getting a Kermit to Kermit link to work but I don't know anything about the People so I can't help there.

Well, at least hex file transfer with conversion would work this way, which is actually perfectly enough for now. I suspect there might be problems with linking software, since there are actually no software COM ports on Olympia, I have to type CTTY AUX instead of COM.
Things turned out different than I expected - I downloaded ckbmkb.c, compiled, converted a program in to a boo file, transferred, compared - everything was OK.

Then I typed the Basic program, and here is the problem - it appears to convert the files, but they are about 25 percent smaller, therefore resulting in either divide by 0 messages or no response from the computer after attempting to run them.

I did double/tripple check all the code in BASIC - there are no errors, everything typed exactly as it should be.

Does anyone have ideas what else to check? I'm running out of them...
Check the code segment starting at 700 and the assignment of b at 620. My guess would be that the code doing the expansion of the RLE compressed nulls was incorrect. If the boo file was copied over correctly, that should be the only way to get a smaller result.
Things turned out different than I expected - I downloaded ckbmkb.c, compiled, converted a program in to a boo file, transferred, compared - everything was OK.

Then I typed the Basic program, and here is the problem - it appears to convert the files, but they are about 25 percent smaller, therefore resulting in either divide by 0 messages or no response from the computer after attempting to run them.

I did double/tripple check all the code in BASIC - there are no errors, everything typed exactly as it should be.

Does anyone have ideas what else to check? I'm running out of them...

my Olympia is finally fixed, so I start to deal with the same problem.
Did you maka any progress in this?
Best regards