Experienced Member
I'm in the process of restoring an old Philips p3230 PC (286 machine). The original harddrive, a Seagate ST-157A no longer works unfortunately and the setup program of the PC only supports a limited number of old drives (tandon, miniscribe, rodime, connor, ....).
I don't have any of the supported drives.
Just for the heck of it I inserted a 1gb western digital IDE drive in the PC, and was able to format it (40MB) when the PC was still configured for the ST-157A.
I wasn't able to boot from the drive, but could boot from a floppy and see the drives content.
What kind of options do I have to replace the hard drive so that I am able to use it properly and boot from it.
I don't really care about size, and have no problem installing for example a 400MB hard drive if I can only use 40MB.
I'm in the process of restoring an old Philips p3230 PC (286 machine). The original harddrive, a Seagate ST-157A no longer works unfortunately and the setup program of the PC only supports a limited number of old drives (tandon, miniscribe, rodime, connor, ....).
I don't have any of the supported drives.
Just for the heck of it I inserted a 1gb western digital IDE drive in the PC, and was able to format it (40MB) when the PC was still configured for the ST-157A.
I wasn't able to boot from the drive, but could boot from a floppy and see the drives content.
What kind of options do I have to replace the hard drive so that I am able to use it properly and boot from it.
I don't really care about size, and have no problem installing for example a 400MB hard drive if I can only use 40MB.