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Running TRSDOS on Z180 & eZ80

we have been pretty good trying to document this project as it goes. That being said I want to post first couple pages of project objectives. Note some of these objectives are new and others were already part of TRSDOS history.

I also want to thank ldkraemer for rescuing some 30-40 year old files making this project faster. He has expert knowledge in drives and recovered some files that speed this project up.

Please do not take these first couple of pages as gospel. This document is growing and under edit but I wanted to give an idea what I am working on. There is plenty of editing mistakes to be corrected so thanks for being patience.

I have added a login process to TRS-OS to authenticate users before they are allowed to access system resources.


TRS-OS design objectives

Design for cooperative multiprogramming.
Provide real-time preemptive multitasking for small tasks.

Focuses on portability, connectivity & security.

Supporting Zilog Z80 family of processors including Z80, Z180 & eZ80.

Supports 256 X 32k bank memory (8000h - FFFFh).

Higher level languages for both applications and OS development.

Goal of recoding needed libraries & utilities in C.

TRS-OS easily interfaces to widely varied storage devices while maintaining media compatibility across all storage devices. TRS-OS supports multiple types of hardware for storage. Example, volumes may reside in RAM, FLASH, IDE based hard drives, SCSI drives or storage located on another computer. Storage is divided by slicing.

Slices are divisions of mass storage or large blocks of RAM/FLASH & defined by tables. Normally TRS-OS accesses volumes residing in slices of mass storage.

Files reside in volumes. Volumes are referenced as a number between zero and seven (0-7) and interfaces with TRS-OS using VCT$ (volume code tables).

Files residing in volumes may be made to appear as a volume by mounting & dismounting software.
Filenames are up to eight characters & have up to three character extension. Mechanism to make files appear as a volume's is transparent to users.

Volumes internal storage is divided into blocks. Blocks are further fractioned into fractions. Fractions supported are lengths of 256, 512 or 1024 bytes and is where actual file/directory content resides.
*BB (bit bucket) is a null device and contains an unlimited amount of space to copy what ever you want.

As example, *BB is convient for testing. Its always ready, always returns sucessful reads and always has sucessful writes. There is no limit to *BB storage.

Drivers for storage devices;

*FD flash memory disk driver.
*RD RAM disk driver.
*CF storage card driver.
*ND Network drive driver.
*HD Physical hard drive driver.
*BB bit bucket driver (some similaraties to storage).
*CL Driver for serial port 0.
*C1 Driver for serial port 1.

Volume 0 is software and hardware write protected. Hardware write protection is under control of a keyswich located on front panel. No changes to OS can be made while WP is in its normal position of WP PROTECTION ON.

Users/operators with physical posession of key for protection switch, can enable writing to volume 0. Updates, changes, patches or customization of OS code on volume 0 can only take place when keyswitch is active.

Volumes 1 - 6 are normally configured for read/write but can be defined for each user as software WP or not. But each user must have at least one read write volume mounted.

These volumes may be shared, private or both with other users or applications. Normally these drives contain data for applications used by this user or shared by other users or applications.

Volume 7 is defined specifically for each user. This volume runs with write protection OFF and contains read/write data for this user.

Configuration for volume 1-6 is defined via tables.

Perhaps one user has volumes 1-6 containing logs of battery charge from solar panels. Another user login loads volumes on login that has to do with billing for solar power generated and sent over lines.
Various permissions detail what a user can or cannot do while logged in.

For example, ALLOW COMMAND(s)? Y/N: flag defines if the user is allowed to type commands into DOS or only use menu items.

User defined menus. This defines which menu if any, user is displayed and files for sub menus. These may be customized for each individual user or shared menus among groups or all users.

Define user access and privileges to devices / files.

Each user can execute multiple tasks in background. Multiple applications or tasks can be kept in background and brought to foreground on demand by user.

Extensive job control language.

Robust utility package. Utility package comes preinstalled on flash drive (*FD). Goal to recode needed libraries & utilities in C.

English like command structures coupled with error trapping, using English style error messages.
I have a Zilog EZ80F91 development kit. Never did much with it, but would be nice to have something I can bring up on it.
There are several people involved with RC 2014 community interested in a load. There has been more than one eZ80 board developed for this standard.

For me it makes sense to make a load for this community as they have lots of hardware builders making hardware projects for this standard. Most are Z80 but a few eZ80 & Z180.

Currently, I cannot use all the features of eZ80 and maintain lowcore memory map to match original 6.2 exactly, however reassembly of sys1-13 could make this irrelevant. Once I really start using all the interrupt structures etc of eZ80 then a departure needs to take place. Again, no app should be using absolute addresses anyway and should be dropped.

Map of how RAM/FLASH mapped is most important thing as I/O ports for UART etc are same on each platform (whee!).
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There are several people involved with RC 2014 community interested in a load. There has been more than one eZ80 board developed for this standard.

For me it makes sense to make a load for this community as they have lots of hardware builders making hardware projects for this standard. Most are Z80 but a few eZ80 & Z180.
For me it makes sense making first load to fit a platform that is currently being made or supported.

For RC 2014 there are very few eZ80 SBC if any being made.

I would have a wider audience if I had made first project for Z180 but if I had, I may have burned out before making eZ80 version.

That being said if anyone knows of an eZ80 SBC being made and would like to see a build made for please comment.

In beginning I want to limit number of different SBC(s) I make a load for until more testing and debugging is done. This keeps project from going to many directions at once, during beginning phases anyway.

After this I will proceed with Z180.

There are very limited emulator & development tools for eZ80 which slows progress. I only wish I had tools available for Z80 available for eZ80.

This system makes a great educational tool, embedded controller, home controller etc. Possibilities are endless.
I have two different eZ80 systems on Tindie. The eZ80F91 chips have a VERY long lead time ... I've had backorders from mainstream suppliers for something like nine months with a partial order ship date in another four months. The L92, F92 and F93 variants are more readily available but they have several errata that are corrected in the F91 Plus version. For me, the most significant errata is the mirroring of interrupt bits which can interfere with the usage of the UARTs and/or SPI interface.

Zilog provides the key tools required for the eZ80: ZDS-II for programming in C or ASM and ZDI as a hardware debugger. Along with a Zilog Smart Cable, that's all I required and although there may be some issues with their SW, it worked for me.

At the moment, I have too many other projects on the go to look at TRSDOS.
Zilog provides the key tools required for the eZ80: ZDS-II for programming in C or ASM and ZDI as a hardware debugger. Along with a Zilog Smart Cable, that's all I required and although there may be some issues with their SW, it worked for me.
Zilog dev tools are great when using C, well almost great. It is not geared toward a large project done in assembly. In fact its assembler does not accept labels that were used in TRSDOS.

Misosys products used labels that works on most all assemblers except Zilog.

Zilog ZDS do not produce good reports of labels, line numbers, where label was defined etc.

Sadly, all they want to discuss is C, or that's been my experience with their support line. Now that it changed hands again support is almost non-existent.

Sad what happened to a once great company.
I have definitely run into some of the ZDS ASM issues such as rejecting valid labels and I still haven't found a simple way to "phase" a piece of code as in M80. Likewise I agree that the ZDS focus was on C and some of the provided ASM examples are extremely poor coding. I've also run into issues with getting the linker to do things that should be straightforward. Although I can make ZDS work for me, I'm not impressed at all.

As to the actual company ... again I agree and various new owners don't seem to give the products any kind of priority, either in support or new development. Discontinuing their forum, unfixed errata and ever-slipping ship dates are examples.
I would love to integrate PROWAM into TRSDOS. Advantage of this is that it could save some low memory etc. if custom pre-integrated into OS & users would not have to install separately etc.

If you have not tried this product on your emulator or real 4/4p you are really missing out. Roy outdid himself with this product and as it says, one of the few major products for 128k systems.

Myself I do not have permission from anyone to integrate anything into anything ;-) but I strongly suggest you try this product to paste everything on your computer together.

It is sort of a TRS-80 version of WINDOWS. I cannot praise Roy enough on this one.

From manual--> What is PRO-WAN? Aside from being one of the most significant products to come along for the 128K TRS-80 Model 4/4P, PRO-WAN happens to be a powerful display window controller and application manager facility. PRO-WAN, therefore, provides two primary functions: the control of the display screen or portions of the screen we tern a and a manager of applications programs invoked at the touch of a button.

I notice when I copy and paste from manual PDF (above) it changed M to N. Now why would it do that?

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Has the programmers manual for PRO-WAM ever surfaced? There was also a development diskette with extra libraries and code. I could find neither when I looked at it last year.
What ez80 system are you using?
I am considering making working a version suitable for individuals to use and experiment with for this hardware.

Or one of Circle M very similar products to above SBC.

I am not sure how many would be interested in experimenting with TRSDOS and using it to learn operating system functions, programming and design. It is effort and time to make a version for this hardware, but 99% of the hard work and research has been done. This seems like one of the best SBC eZ80 systems I have found.

Roy Soltoff was so gracious making TRSDOS printed source, most all tools for TRSDOS, apps and documentation available including programming manuals.

I could only dream when I started as a CS student that all this could be available for use at home. I started writing code on punch cards and paper tape. Submitting it to que for execution and coming back 3 days later to get results.

Myself I am just sold on what a great educational tool this is.
Just an update on how storage is viewed. Been doing some testing this week and this is how it looks like this storage thing will shaking out.......

Storage is divided into 10 slices. A slice is a continuous block of storage in RAM. Not all RAM storage resides in a slice. RAM storage does not have to reside in a slice to be accessible.

Dividing storage into slices of continuous blocks of storage, allows us to more easily manage storage. Example it eases copy or loading of entire slices from nonvolatile storage.

Each slice may contain from 1 to 9 VOLUMES. VOLUMES is where actual file system resides. Not all storage in a slice must be occupied by a volume. Each slice contains not a pointer but rather an offset to VOLUMES contained within that slice. When a volume is accessed, it's address is calculated by taking base address of that slice and adding offset of desired volume.

You can think of slices as shelves and volumes as books on those shelves.

Slice 0 is a special internal system slice with pointers for up to 9 more slices. Two slices must always exist, slice 0 and 1.

Slice 1 must have one volume, volume 1 but may have up to 9. Slice 1, Volume 1 is always used for IPL. Slice 1 Volume 1 must always contain a bootable volume.

After IPL, operator/apps/users may load new volumes using following command.

mount :1 (slice=2, volume=8) ~or~ mount :7 (slice=9, volume=9)

In example :1, if a file system is contained within slice 2 volume 8, TRSDOS drive 1 will now use volume 8 as a its file system.

All 8 drive slots may be pointed to file systems located on slice/volumes.

With 9 slices of 9 volumes each simple math reveals that 81 separate volumes containing file systems. Each volume file system may be up to 13 megabytes.

Of course, not all file systems reside in RAM but also may reside on traditional non-volatile storage (IDE/FLASH/etc).

I sure hope this is clear and people can understand my rambles. These things come to me in waves, I cannot think of anything else until I code it out of my brain and write it down in places like this.

My brain is stuck in 1980 something. Bill Gates was a TRS80 killer. I am still miffed about it.

The way they been wasting all those bytes with this Windows program (which I am convinced is a flash in the pan) we are going to run out one day. When bytes getting short, I will jump out touting this 8-bit OS that saves bytes. Had IBM went to Misosys how different this world would be today and better!
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|                                           |
| Date:00/00/00 Time:00:00:00               |
|                                           |
| Boot volume:TRS-OS                        |
| Kernel: TRS-OS 7.0.0                      |
| Serial #172839465                         |
|                                           |
| Auto command: y                           |
| SYSGEN: n                                 |
| BREAK enabled: y                          |
|                                           |
| 1. <NORMAL> Start OS normally.            |
| 2. <UPDATE> Run system updates.           |
| 3. <SAFE> Prompt SYSGEN AUTO DEBUG etc.   |
| 4. <BIOS> BIOS settings.                  |
| 5. <RTC>  Manage Real Time Clock.         |
| 6. <POST> Run self tests.                 |
| 7. <DEBUG>  Start debugger.               |
| 8. <SLICE>  Manage SLICE maps.            |
| 9. <VOLUME> Manage VOLUME tables.         |
|                                           |
        Function desired?
IPL complete.

Auto_command:>_dir :0 (sort=no,s)                                                       

Drive :0  TEST180K   40 Cyl, DDEN, Free =  120.00K /   180.00K,  Date 10-Jan-00
Filespec    MOD Attr   Prot  LRL  #Recs  EOF  File Size  Ext  Mod Date   Time
BOOT/SYS        SIP    EXEC   256    16  255      4.50K    1             
SYS6/SYS        SIP    NO     256    54  179     13.50K    1  19-Sep-82  
DIR/SYS         SIP    READ   256    18  255      4.50K    1             
SYS7/SYS        SIP    NO     256    26  198      7.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS0/SYS        SIP    NO     256    18  175      4.50K    1  28-Feb-82  
SYS8/SYS        SIP    NO     256    38   63     10.50K    1  30-Apr-82  
SYS1/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6   45      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS9/SYS        SIP    NO     256     3  249      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS2/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6    6      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS10/SYS       SIP    NO     256     2    0      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS3/SYS        SIP    NO     256     4  113      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS11/SYS       SIP    NO     256     5    3      1.50K    1  16-Jul-82  
SYS4/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6   26      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS12/SYS       SIP    NO     256     4  237      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS5/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6  255      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
SYS13/SYS       SIP    NO     256     3  187      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82  
                    16 files of  16 selected,    60.00K
I cannot tell you how it rocks my boat to see this. Note dates on this old disk. Its executing original 1982 assembly of TRSDOS 6.2

BTW ---- I want to thank that poster for great tip on using CODE trick..

It is needed when posting pastes from my terminal talking to TRSDOS.

This is slice 1 volume 1 used for booting/testing.

Using MOUNT command, we can switch between dozens of volumes on 9 separate slices (slices is just a different term for partitions).
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What a project. I wanted to post an updated IPL screen for this project.

Starting LS-DOS works a little differently than original OS. Since we are setting up a different processor and external hardware, the booting process is different. In original TRSDOS this boot splash screen is handled by IPL/BOOT software. It was not intentional to change this.

Working backwards I wanted to put splash logo back up during IPL. It took effort but I think it has been duplicated here. Reason I wanted to display this logo is, I want original copyright clearly visible.

As I previously said, original file system and associated code must be kept. Clearly Roy Soltoff owns copyright to this code. His original splash logo is now displayed.

I will be moving this project to webpage dedicated to developing this project. I will post this site here when its up & running. I hope you will get a login and join me.

This will help sort out between vintage and R&D. Download of code will be available at new site and you will need an eZ80F91 processor to run.

eZ80 @ 50 Mhz executes code up to 5,000% faster than original model 4 or 10,000% over original model 1.

I have decided to support Misosys DiskDisk product to create and maintain volumes. As I posted before volumes are contained in slices. I do not have source code for DiskDisk but have figured out most of how it works for my purposes (source would be nice).

DiskDisk files can be loaded directly into a volume(s). Thus, DiskDisk files created on original model 4 can be directly loaded into volumes on this system. If you do not have DiskDisk you are missing out on a powerful tool for TRS-80 computers.

Especially if you have mass storage devices you need to be using DiskDisk. It is a breeze to install and use. I will even help you if you have questions. This program is on Tim Mann website for downloading.

Here is updated splash logo with appropriate copyright messages. Again, to be clear Misosys is Roy Soltoff and to my knowledge is 100% owner of his code.

|                           |
|      W E L C O M E        |
|           to              |
|       T R S - O S         |
|                           |
|   Copyright 2009 - 2022   |
|     Daniel Paul Martin    |
|    all rights reserved.   |
|                           |
|                                           |
| Date:00/00/00 Time:00:00:00               |
|                                           |
| Boot volume:TRS-OS                        |
| Kernel: TRS-OS 7.0.0                      |
| Serial #172839465                         |
|                                           |
| Auto command: y                           |
| SYSGEN: n                                 |
| BREAK enabled: y                          |
|                                           |
| 1. <NORMAL> Start OS normally.            |
| 2. <UPDATE> Run system updates.           |
| 3. <SAFE> Prompt SYSGEN AUTO DEBUG etc.   |
| 4. <BIOS> BIOS settings.                  |
| 5. <RTC>  Manage Real Time Clock.         |
| 6. <POST> Run self tests.                 |
| 7. <DEBUG>  Start debugger.               |
| 8. <SLICE>  Manage SLICE maps.            |
| 9. <VOLUME> Manage VOLUME tables.         |
|                                           |
        Function desired?

Starting background multitasking, now running.
Executing initialization chain, finished.

IPL complete starting, LS-DOS.

             LS-DOS 06.03.01 - Copyright 1986/90 MISOSYS, Inc.
                             All Rights Reserved.
                              LS-DOS63  Level-1L

                             *                 *
                             *  W E L C O M E  *
                             *                 *
                             *       t o       *
                             *                 *
                             *   L S - D O S   *
                             *                 *


Auto command:> dir sys$/sys:0 (sort=no,s)                                                   

Drive :0  TEST180K   40 Cyl, DDEN, Free =  120.00K /   180.00K,  Date 10-Jan-00
Filespec    MOD Attr   Prot  LRL  #Recs  EOF  File Size  Ext  Mod Date   Time
SYS6/SYS        SIP    NO     256    54  179     13.50K    1  19-Sep-82      
SYS7/SYS        SIP    NO     256    26  198      7.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS0/SYS        SIP    NO     256    18  175      4.50K    1  28-Feb-82      
SYS8/SYS        SIP    NO     256    38   63     10.50K    1  30-Apr-82      
SYS1/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6   45      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS9/SYS        SIP    NO     256     3  249      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS2/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6    6      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS10/SYS       SIP    NO     256     2    0      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS3/SYS        SIP    NO     256     4  113      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS11/SYS       SIP    NO     256     5    3      1.50K    1  16-Jul-82      
SYS4/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6   26      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS12/SYS       SIP    NO     256     4  237      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS5/SYS        SIP    NO     256     6  255      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
SYS13/SYS       SIP    NO     256     3  187      1.50K    1  20-Feb-82      
                    14 files of  16 selected,    51.00K

LS-DOS Ready
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I am working on a binary load for eZ80F91 development board and looking for a couple of folks that would like to do basic testing.
Zilog made quite a few different eZ80 evaluation / development boards, most of which are now obsolete. There's also the difference of the eZ80F91 AcclaimPlus versus the earlier Acclaim with it's errata. I would suggest you clarify which development board(s) you are supporting.

I know it should go in the Marketplace area, but I have an EZ80F910200KITG-E development kit which includes the eZ80F916005MODG Mini Enet Module (AcclaimPlus), a base module, a 110/220V wall wart power supply, etc. It's complete except for the USB Smart Cable (part # ZUSBSC00100ZACG) which is still available from Mouser, DigiKey, eBay etc., although it may not be needed. I'll sell the kit for $65US including tracked shipping within North America ... PM me if interested.
When I start BASIC included with TRSDOS 6 I get strangest error message.

Few diagnostic facts I have been able to gather are;

BASIC is not accessing video memory directly etc. but is using API.

I suspect because of licensing it will only run on a TANDY TRS-80 computer. I suspect BASIC is reading some I/O port to verify it is on a TRS-80 machine.

I do not have facilities for trapping I/O using something like an emulator, but if anyone can check if BASIC directly reads and writes an I/O port we can patch that out.

If not with time I will get around to fixing it.

Here is the really cool looking error message:

B…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþa…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþd…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ …¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :BqþC…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþo…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþm…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþm…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþa…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþn…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþd…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ …¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :BqþL…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþi…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþn…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþe…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ …¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :BqþP…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþa…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþr…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþa…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþm…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþe…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþt…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
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BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþr…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ(…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþs…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ)…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ
…¢†ÁqWq in Ready
BreakÍSCñÃEsÍSC(+ÕÍGBÍÁt¯2ñr"™q*™qÁ~"zqþðØþó8eÖó_     :Bqþ
LS-DOS Ready
Zilog made quite a few different eZ80 evaluation / development boards, most of which are now obsolete. There's also the difference of the eZ80F91 AcclaimPlus versus the earlier Acclaim with it's errata. I would suggest you clarify which development board(s) you are supporting.

I know it should go in the Marketplace area, but I have an EZ80F910200KITG-E development kit which includes the eZ80F916005MODG Mini Enet Module (AcclaimPlus), a base module, a 110/220V wall wart power supply, etc. It's complete except for the USB Smart Cable (part # ZUSBSC00100ZACG) which is still available from Mouser, DigiKey, eBay etc., although it may not be needed. I'll sell the kit for $65US including tracked shipping within North America ... PM me if interested.
Hello, WSM.

I wanted to clarify, do you have more than one of these for sale?

Thank you