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Slot 1 to 370 adapter for 800Mhz PIII for Asus P2B-F Help


Veteran Member
Jun 22, 2012
Livermore, CA
I have a Asus P2B-F MB that I want to upgrade to it's fastest CPU.
I think that is a PIII 800Mhz Coppermine. I have a SL4CD that I think might be the right one. Y/N?
I got a 'budget' slot 1 to 370 adapter. It works fine with all my PIII CPU's clocked under 600Mhz.
It does work with my SL4CD 800Mhz cpu, but this MB reports it as 600Mhz, not 800 :(
I would like to get that 33% boost to 800Mhz.
My adapter has settings change the CPU CLK between 66, 100, 133 MHz. None get higher than 600Mhz.
The MB Bios is fully updated.
Is there a different adapter I should get? The Asus S370-DL is nearly impossible to get, and when one shows up it costs more than my system PIII is worth!
Thoughts, suggestions, Ideas, Links ???
(oh, this is not an emergency)
You may not need an adapter if you stick with Slot 1 CPUS. If your FSB is 133 MHz, an SL4BS should work fine. SL4BR (100MHz) seem to be harder to come by. Both 1000MHz CPUs.
There are Slockets and you really need a good one. PowerLeap made a good one, but they're probably pretty dear now.

All in all, though, aside from the 440BX chipset support, I don't know if it's worth it. Memory bandwidth/FSB speed is going to be the limiting factor and of course, P3's don't have the SSE2 support that most relatively recent browsers require. I've got a couple of such systems (a Compaq server and an HP Vectra tower) that have been goosed-up with slockets and 1.4GHz CPUs and to be frank, I can't subjectively see a huge performance boost over a 600MHz P3, even though one would think that a 1.4GHz CPU would be more than twice as fast.

My take only.
Asus P2B has questionable 133MHz support. Some revisions have the silkscreen label for the jumper but don't actually support the higher speed. Some will support the higher speed but have the wrong divisors so PCI and AGP slots don't work.

Have you considered going with one of the high speed 100 MHz bus Celerons instead? Very little user facing software loses performance with a 128K cache.
Thanks Everyone!!
Chuck(G), Understood. I do need a good slocket, but hard to find a value compatible item. Any suggestions to set up a search for one?
I want to "Stock" 'Max out' this MB.
Kr***, Can you suggest any tests to determine what 133mhz I might have? Also what info do you have (links, reviews, etc) that show that Celeron's might be better then PIII's in real world for this MB?
MY major concern is boot, and load times. I already have the fastest SSD, and Ram the MB can handle (from personal testing with a one cpu.)
The CPU is the last hurdle to "Max The Board Out' so to speak.
(But I've probably messed something up, and will need all of your kind, and helpful input later)
All you help is valuable !!
Understood Chuck(G)
That is partly why I started this thread. Is there something else I could use instead of a PowerLeadp?
I want only 200 Mhz more.
Not multi Ghz speeds.
There were so many crappy Chinese slockets out there, that it's hard to say. I had some success modifying one and running an 800 Mhz P3, but that could have been a fluke.
Kr***, Can you suggest any tests to determine what 133mhz I might have? Also what info do you have (links, reviews, etc) that show that Celeron's might be better then PIII's in real world for this MB?

The Celeron won't be better due to the slower bus speed, but it won't be *that* much slower. The Coppermine core didn't require huge amounts of cache to perform well, it having half the cache of the Pentium 3 didn't hurt it much performance wise in general purpose uses.

It's not like the later Netburst Celerons, which were absolute pigs with the sparse cache. The Netburst architecture relied on large caches to maintain tolerable performance.
Why not look for a natively slot1 CPU? Harder to find maybe, but likely to run for longer than a slocket adapter long-term.