Hi, I'm a retro-computer collector and actually I'm repairing a Toshiba T1910CS laptop.
The computer correctly starts up but floppy drive is not able to read any disk, and hard drive seems to be dead. Therefore is not possible to load any Operating System nor software
I completely dissasembled the computer to gain access to the power supply board because I've had in mind to replace the whole capacitors, but I was surprised when I've seen that this job was already done by someone. Carefully checking, I discovered an sticker with a number on it that I guess was set by a Technical Service. As you know the main problem of these aged laptop computers is the power supply capacitors so, I guess that time ago the computer have had this problem and was sent to the Technical Service for repair.
I connected the hard disk (200MB) to another laptop and using Norton Utilities under DOS and Hiren's Boot utilities I recovered sectors, marked the bad ones, restored partitions and MBR, and finally I was able to install MS-DOS 6.22 so, the HD has been recovered.
The main problem now is the floppy drive. It's a Citizen ZA096805 drive. Once dissasembled I found the belt completely damaged. I used to see broken belts with the rubber cracked, but this one was sticky and attached to the motor shaft. It was necessary a cotton swab with isoprophylic alcohol and a lot of patience to leave the area clean. Here's a picture:

Finally, I replaced the belt by a new one from my stock and we will see it this works because I have no idea of the origina lenght of the belt. Anyway, the main question and the origin of this post is to ask if someone knows which is the kind of connector and cable that this drive has. It's not the typical 34-pins connector, it has a flat cable. If I do not succeed to repair the drive maybe I can find another compatible with this connector. I have a 3,5" IBM drive with a flat cable but has less pins that this one so, not compatible. Here's the picture:

Thank you!
The computer correctly starts up but floppy drive is not able to read any disk, and hard drive seems to be dead. Therefore is not possible to load any Operating System nor software
I completely dissasembled the computer to gain access to the power supply board because I've had in mind to replace the whole capacitors, but I was surprised when I've seen that this job was already done by someone. Carefully checking, I discovered an sticker with a number on it that I guess was set by a Technical Service. As you know the main problem of these aged laptop computers is the power supply capacitors so, I guess that time ago the computer have had this problem and was sent to the Technical Service for repair.
I connected the hard disk (200MB) to another laptop and using Norton Utilities under DOS and Hiren's Boot utilities I recovered sectors, marked the bad ones, restored partitions and MBR, and finally I was able to install MS-DOS 6.22 so, the HD has been recovered.
The main problem now is the floppy drive. It's a Citizen ZA096805 drive. Once dissasembled I found the belt completely damaged. I used to see broken belts with the rubber cracked, but this one was sticky and attached to the motor shaft. It was necessary a cotton swab with isoprophylic alcohol and a lot of patience to leave the area clean. Here's a picture:

Finally, I replaced the belt by a new one from my stock and we will see it this works because I have no idea of the origina lenght of the belt. Anyway, the main question and the origin of this post is to ask if someone knows which is the kind of connector and cable that this drive has. It's not the typical 34-pins connector, it has a flat cable. If I do not succeed to repair the drive maybe I can find another compatible with this connector. I have a 3,5" IBM drive with a flat cable but has less pins that this one so, not compatible. Here's the picture:

Thank you!