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Vax 4000 Model 108 - console won't accept any input, reset of some sort possible ?

I forgot...

Your's is not an VAX 4000 !

What you have is an MicroVAX 3100 model 98 !

Hardware should be the same (bc same chassis), i did not look after that, but imo the license costs are cheaper for a MicroVAX than for a VAX VMSwise...
Do you have permanent licenses installed on your system btw ?
That helps very much! Good to know what it finally is!

Yes I have perm licenses installed, I've dd copied the hard drive to a new hard drive, and have been slowly cleaning that up, and been doing some reading over the years on how to backup the licenses, but everything is so very different on openvms.

This is what I've got, I did backup the .dat files, and the license issue output from a temp write of the disk.

------- Product ID -------- ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination
BASE-VMS-250136 DEC 60 0 A 0.0 (none) (none)
FORMS-RT DEC 200 F 0 0.0 (none) (none)
NET-APP-SUP-200 DEC 400 F 0 0.0 (none) (none)
OPENVMS-ALPHA-ADL DEC 400 0 100 0.0 (none) (none)
P.S.I. DEC 200 F 0 0.0 (none) (none)
VOLSHAD DEC 230 E 0 0.0 (none) (none)

The volume shadowing is offline as I only cloned one disk and am running it on a single disk (I dd copied over) so I don't derp up the main disk until I better understand things.

Some drives I have are from other Vax/DEC machines as well, but I can't seem to mount them, eg one from an AlphaServer 1000, which I don't think will be useful, but still neat to have a look around.

Disk VAXSTN$DKA300:, device type RZ29B, is online, file-oriented device,
shareable, error logging is enabled.

Error count 0 Operations completed 106
Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 0 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 8380080 Sectors per track 113
Total cylinders 3708 Tracks per cylinder 20

I backed up the disk first, but tried mounting it with foreign and label USER01 (i think this was a whoops moment)

$ mount/noassist VAXSTN$DKA300 fx3
%MOUNT-F-INCVOLLABEL, incorrect volume label
-MOUNT-I-VOLIDENT, label = 'USER01 ', owner = ' ', format = 'DEC

$ mount/foreign/nowrite dka300:

$ dir _VAXSTN$DKA300:
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening _VAXSTN$DKA300:[SYSMGR]*.*;* as input
-SYSTEM-F-DEVFOREIGN, device is mounted foreign

$ show devices

Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
DSA0: Online 0
VAXSTN$DKA0: Mounted 0 OPENVMS071 712188 309 1
VAXSTN$DKA300: Online 0

Anyways great its back online! Hopefully I've done enough to backup the licenses, I understand those are important to save, and that's why im not running the original disk, but a cloned one for now. I do want to "clean up" the original disks though, so there are no previous remnants of its previous life (aside from installed Vax software and licenses) !

I backed up the disk first, but tried mounting it with foreign and label USER01 (i think this was a whoops moment)

$ mount/noassist VAXSTN$DKA300 fx3
%MOUNT-F-INCVOLLABEL, incorrect volume label
-MOUNT-I-VOLIDENT, label = 'USER01 ', owner = ' ', format = 'DEC

$ mount/foreign/nowrite dka300:

Did you try mount/over=id
Did you try mount/over=id
That got further!

$ mount/over=id vaxstn$DKA100
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER01 mounted on _vaxstn$DKA100:
%MOUNT-I-REBUILD, volume was improperly dismounted; rebuild in progress

$ show device dka100 /full

Disk vaxstn$DKA100:, device type RZ29B, is online, allocated, deallocate on
dismount, mounted, file-oriented device, shareable, error logging is

Error count 0 Operations completed 1556
Owner process "SYSTEM" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]
Owner process ID 00000218 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
Reference count 2 Default buffer size 512
Total blocks 8380080 Sectors per track 113
Total cylinders 3708 Tracks per cylinder 20

Volume label "USER01" Relative volume number 0
Cluster size 9 Transaction count 1
Free blocks 3278178 Maximum files allowed 419004
Extend quantity 5 Mount count 1
Mount status Process Cache name "_vaxstn$DKA0:XQPCACHE"
Extent cache size 64 Maximum blocks in extent cache 327817
File ID cache size 64 Blocks currently in extent cache 0
Quota cache size 0 Maximum buffers in FCP cache 1952

Volume Status: subject to mount verification, file high-water marking, write-
back caching enabled.

$ mount/system dka100 USER01 user
%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, device _vaxstn$DKA100: is not available for mounting.

$ mount/foreign dka100 user
%MOUNT-I-OPRQSTCAN, operator request canceled
%MOUNT-I-OPRQST, device _vaxstn$DKA100: is not available for mounting.

Unsure what's up here, I can't see anything further that's shown up in the userland to look at...

You need to dismount it before trying to mount it /system... With the device unmounted (and online) you want to issue mount/system dka100: user01.
Thanks very much for the help - with the help, I was able to figure it out, but initially wasn't able to view the contents.

Please let me know if I should open a new topic, or is ok to continue asking questions here ( incase others are searching/want to follow perspective). On the other hand, everyone here probably has way more experience with OpenVMS and this maybe considered a noob question too.

$ mount/system dka100: user01
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER01 mounted on _vaxstn$DKA100:
%MOUNT-I-REBUILD, volume was improperly dismounted; rebuild in progress

$ show devices

Device                  Device           Error    Volume         Free  Trans Mnt
 Name                   Status           Count     Label        Blocks Count Cnt
DSA0:                   Online               0
vaxstn$DKA0:             Mounted              0  OPENVMS071      710730   309   1
vaxstn$DKA100:           Mounted              0  USER01         3278178     1   1

$ mount/system dka100: user01
%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, USER01 mounted on _vaxstn$DKA100:
$ dir dka100:
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening DKA100:[SYSMGR]*.*;* as input
-RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
$ dir dka100
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening DKA0:[SYSMGR]DKA100.*;* as input
-RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
$ dir dka100:*
%DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening DKA100:[SYSMGR]*.*;* as input
-RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file

I assume my feeble attempts at viewing the contents were because by default the 'set default ' is in the SYSMGR directory, and the dka100 device doesn't have a sysmgr directory, hence the errors?

I was able to do some digging and find the below commands which indeed showed the directory structure of the disk;

$ dir dka100:[000000...]*.dir
Directory DKA100:[000000]
000000.DIR;1        BG_CUSTOM.DIR;1     BG_DIGI.DIR;1       BG_FRIPTOF.DIR;1
Total of 8 files.
Directory DKA100:[BG_CUSTOM]
COM.DIR;1           CS.DIR;1            DAT.DIR;1           DTL.DIR;1
Total of 4 files.
Directory DKA100:[BG_CUSTOM.CS]
Total of 1 file.

So by setting defaults to 'set def DKA100:[BG_CUSTOM]'
I am essentially browsing the directory BG_CUSTOM , which also contains subdirectories as well

Why by default is one unable to issue a dir dka100: , and dir dka100:[000000] or dka100:[-] is needed?

From reading '-' represents up one directory, but I am not understanding where you might use two, or three ?
Nor any understanding of why - is equivalent to [000000] …

Trying to figure out how the OpenVMS file system works is pretty tricky - is there any good resource to read on this?
So far I have just been digging through online pages which aren't covering every scenario, or particularly helpful because I probably don't know what to look up


What is expected in the root directory (sorry not sure if its called that),and what files are usually needed under sysmgr, etc?

Is there any easier way to navigate around ?

What you need is here:

F.e. the internals and data structures book
The vms file systems are ods-2 and ods-5. On a VAX normally ods-2.

If your system is configured for network login there may be a chance that one can have there an x-windows session like openwindows configured.
There is a kind of file system explorer available...
What you need is here:

F.e. the internals and data structures book
The vms file systems are ods-2 and ods-5. On a VAX normally ods-2.

If your system is configured for network login there may be a chance that one can have there an x-windows session like openwindows configured.
There is a kind of file system explorer available...
That's excellent, thank you so much!
I do have openwindows on the machine, will try setting up a humming bird X11 session and try it out!
