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World's 'Most Powerful' Alarm Clock!


Veteran Member
Jun 1, 2003
Bellevue, Colorado
Has anyone here seen the commercials advertising a roadside service plan, and as a free gift you get the world's most powerful alarm clock? Every time I see those commericals I wonder how is an alarm clock powerful. So I called and asked.

The poor girl didn't have a clue what I was talking about at first. I asked questions like, "What makes this clock more powerful than any other?", "Is it battery powered, plug it in the wall, solar, crank, nuclear?", "What industrial revolution is this clock the leading edge of?" The girl kept telling me that most people call about the coverage, but I told her that "The clock is the key." She wanted me to talk to the manager and put me on hold and that was when I called it a day. :)
LMAO thats great. I do wonder what so special about the clock? Probably nothing. Its probably just another free gift clock that beeps....

Maybe the alarm clock has a very strong alarm signal, thus making it the most powerful. After all, the main concept of an alarm clock is to wake you up, right?
Heck, it could even contact an alien culture in another solar system to have them shoot an asteroid at the clock's owner's house.

If hearing a space rock crash thru your garage doesn't wake ya, then you might as well be dead (or at least comatose).
