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Apple II GS


Veteran Member
Mar 7, 2007
Bucks County, PA
Oh well, I'm seeing if I can win that OTHER IIGS with the hard drive off ebay. If I do, I'll sell my old one or atleast some of the stuff I got to go with it here.

* Apple II E composite monitor
* Apple II GS (the case has a crack on the top)
* Xebec SASI card (just for the heck of it... this thing isn't compatible with SCSI devices anyway)
* Image Writer printer (if i win the current auction because I haven't got it yet)

I'll list the software when/if I get it.
:( I won the auction after all. Didn't really want to win, but couldn't stop bidding. So now I owe some dude (or store) $525 plus $76 S/H.

There goes my whole next month's pay. :rolleyes::confused:

I've got credit cards to pay off and they won't be happy not being paid all month.
What! $601 for a IIGS? That is six times what I paid for my new PC shipping and all! For that you could have gotten an Altair....You got a link so we can at least see if it is in fantastic condition? For that price, the thing oughtta be brand new sealed in it's original box...

For comparison, my system: (feel free to browse the album)




If I knew you were going to go anywhere near $400, I would have sold you one my IIgs with the HardDrive and a few other things thrown in too. But I am slow in getting things out. Have to get one out with a HD right now.

At least he did not pay $6,500 for a standrad IIe like some one did a few months back.

Take Care


I did some checking on Ebay and I could not find the completed auction. There was one for 400.00 listed but facattack is not the winner. Am I correct in thinking it should be listed even withoput payment?
Holy crap!. Give us a link. I think you way overpaid for that, unfortunately, unless there was something particularly special about it. After all, there are plenty of modern IIgs hard drive/compact flash solutions today that are probably far handier and are definitely far, far cheaper. It's certainly hard to stay under control with auctions, but unless something is really special, rarely do I bid more than I'm comfortable with. Regardless, good luck with it and I hope you enjoy it!
You know, if the guy is nice, you may try to negotiate something with him. Perhaps try to get him to second chance it to another bidder. If he wont, offer gim $20 if he second chances it. But with the price that high, it is a gamble...

Just chalk it up to *required experience*. Terry already knows about my $300+ Tandy Portable Disk Drive II experience.

I **REALLY** hate using them but those automatic bidding services that charge a small fee are well worth it. I stopped using it for awhile, then I got tired of losing out by $0.45! They left my account open. Hehe, guess they figured I would be back.
Just chalk it up to *required experience*. Terry already knows about my $300+ Tandy Portable Disk Drive II experience.

I **REALLY** hate using them but those automatic bidding services that charge a small fee are well worth it. I stopped using it for awhile, then I got tired of losing out by $0.45! They left my account open. Hehe, guess they figured I would be back.

I dunno, I still do my bidding manually, in the last minute. It's kinda like the thrill of the chase that gets my adrenalin pumping. (Unless it's something I'm pretty certain no one else is going to bid on, then I bid early and bid high (for me anyways)). There's nothing like sitting there with your finger poised on the mouse button, watching the seconds tick by, waiting for the precise moment to click, and hoping that net-lag is not serious enough at that moment to get your bid in too late, or that your bid won't go thru too early and give someone else the chance to out-bid you.

I really shoulda used the auto bidder. Maybe I can ask the guy to ship the things to me one package per month? I can't imagine how many boxes it'll take to put all that crap in.
Well, I paid for the damn thing. $616. I'm going to watch everything like a hawk. IF one component arrives broken, I'm going to see who I can report to.
I don't and never will use an auto-bidder. If I'm there I'm there although yes, a computer can try and win it and likely will with those stupid 1sec last minute bids (supposedly even a few seconds after the auction bidding works too, although manually I lost an auction despite me clicking bid before the end of the auction and bidding higher than the winner).

Never-the-less, yes that does suck and I don't quite understand how you ended up accidentally bidding that much BUT if there IS a bunch of stuff, perhaps you could get a little money back selling some of the spare software/hardware here or on ebay.

Hopefully that could lessen the damages.
- John
Damn. Got a big box today, but it only had the computer and the printer in it. (Well, it had a mouse and keyboard, too.) No software, monitor, disk drives, or software. :( Okay, they emailed me. Seems there's a second box coming on... Monday. Yah... the fifteenth.
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