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  • I tried <ESC>[2J to clear the screen. No results.
    I worked for around 30 years as a system programmer on RSX11 and VMS. I pretty much exclusively worked in MACRO-11 and MACRO-32 the whole time (although toward the end of my career I wtote a lot of Perl for assorted system reporting and management utilities). I really enjoyed MACRO-11 the most, so I write programs in it for fun now.
    Wow, a career in Macro programming! I had a class on Macro-11 in college. I really liked it but it was over before we really got started on anything cool. And then everyone switched to VAXes and 68000.
    I would like to attempt some graphics programming on the Pro. The graphics subsystem was pretty sophisticated for that time but it was never appreciated.
    I''ve been surprised reading about the Pro's video capability lately. It apparenrlty can do a lot that wasn't documented at the time.
    Hey Lee,

    Does the Pro 350 respond to escape codes for terminal control? I'm printing escape codes but not getting a response.
    It does if you're using a terminal emulator, like Kermit for instance....hmmm, since running RMD clears the screen and positions the cursor. it must be able to from the command line. I don't hvea a PRO assembled right at the moment, can't test it. What are you using to send escape sequences?
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