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  • I really like your DEC rig. I used to have a PDP-8I with DEC tape drives and an ASR 33 TTY.
    Thanks. I no longer have that. I moved from Pa to Nm and sold that full system to Paul Allen and his museum. Which is now in a state of "we are not sure". The 8i was the first computer I ever worked with so I wanted one of my own. I actually had two for awhile. Gave the other to a friend. I now only have a pdp-11/84 which is somewhat broken. I had a TTY when I had my Altair 8800 which I also no longer have.

    this master menue disks would be very interesting for me. I would be very glad if you could image them. I have set up the decmate II with a Seagate ST-225 disk (20MB) and that is way to much for this filesystem. Would like to install DOS and CP/M on that disk too.
    As far as I know, there are two versions of the power supply for the DecMate. The earlier is somehow weaker. Since they offered more options for the decmate, they increased the supply to the version of the Rainbow.

    Best regards,
    Sorry it took me so long to see I had this msg. I normally just check forum posts. Old forum software would inform me I had a personal msg. This just says I have a notification. I have to click to see what it is. So I assumed it was just to let me know there were new messages in one of the forums. Not sure if I can image this on my machine or not. And it might be a bit out of alignment as the one in it would not read Decmate disks. I borrowed the one from the Rainbow and it works better. I found something online that may be the contents of this disk. Don't remember the exact site but I searched on the disk name and found something. Let me know if you are still looking for this as it took me so long to read this msg.
    ath may pick a fair amount up. perhaps you should contact him to see if you can work something out. it's possible he won't grab the entire collection.

    feel free to email me at caseyt666@gmail.com with questions. I LOATHE the new messaging system!!
    Thanks for the info. I agree, but think the whole forum format now sucks and not just the messaging system. But I try to ignore all that for the good info here.
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