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  • Hi Ian

    We met at the Centre for Computing History a couple of years ago - I showed you the collection in the store separate from the public exhibits.

    I can provide you with the two Advantage floppies you are looking for. Suppose I post them to you for you to copy? And then you post them back? No need for any cash to change hands. I just need your address.

    I was in contact with Jack Strangio and have image files of his collection of Advantage disks. And I also have Kermit on disk.

    I have Advantage hard drive images - and possibly a spare hard drive controller card that I was intending to put on ePay (when I check whether it works). I have successfully used the David Gesswein MFM Emulator in place of the actual hard drive.

    Also, I have several new, unopened packs of 10-sector disks - which cost me a lot and would be reflected in a re-sale price.

    I ran into a hardware failure on one of my two Advantages when trying to check them over a couple of months ago - but didn't have time to sort out what it was.


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