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A shout-out on QBone


Veteran Member
Aug 17, 2008
Burlington, VT
Just wanted to take the opportunity to publicly acknowledge Joerg Hoppe for his wonderful work developing the QBone device. I bought a board and parts kit (with SMD bits in place) from him last winter and built it up to use in my Heath H-11. Construction was very straightforward and I started off on a quest to learn about DEC QBus systems. Along the way there were a few issues particular to both the Heath system itself and the DEC M7264 CPU. Joerg was quite patient and helpful in getting me past some of the early hiccups and, recently, he was able to reproduce a TRAP 000010 caused by corner behavior of the 11/03 16-bit CPU. I'm now able to "set and forget" the QBone to emulate just about anything I need to build up various system configurations. It works flawlessly and by providing storage emulation, console and memory it frees up a number of slots for fiddling with DEC and Heath modules. At present, it has no ability to emulate the CPU, but I'm sure Joerg will get that implemented in due time. Best of all, Joan at DECRomancer has stepped up to fabricate complete, tested QBones and offer them for sale to hobbyists.

If anyone starts down the path of using QBone with an H-11, please feel free to PM me for help. It's the least I can to give back!

I registered an "QBone" exhibit for VCFB 0221 in Berlin https://vcfb.de/2021/

I'll show 3 most different QBUS maschines

- LSI11/03 (64kB, 1975)
- PDP-11/73 (4MB, 1984)
- microVAX (32MB, 1989)

and lots of operating systems to play with.

Hope some of you can make it!
