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Ampro Little Board Z80/A13001 rev A


Veteran Member
Oct 26, 2016
Dutchess County, New York, USA
I have a Little Board Z80 A13001 rev A system coming to me and have been looking for information on the Rev A board. I found the tech manual for the newer Z80 SCSI updated board, but none for the Rev A. Several questions come to mind such as what is the 26 (??) pin connector on the board used for if it's not a SCSI interface? Which RS232 port is for the terminal and how do you set baud rate etc. If no SCSI expansion, has anyone added a IDE or other HDD via mod's? Ideally, I'd like to find a copy of the tech manual for the board since the manual for the newer board is helpful, but missing info that might be useful. Lastly, I've got to build up a 5.25" floppy supply plus maybe cleaning disk since I long ago dumped everything other than 3.5" or 8" machines. New cleaning disks seem to be rare these days.
Computer arrived and I'm pulling it apart to check out the board and drives. Plus I'm remounting the drives and Little Board into a beautifully made Trimm twin SCSI housing. The original housing was made for two full height drives and open in the front without any faceplate plus the pwr supply looks sketchy. I found some "stuff" that looks like dried chocolate milkshake (or puke) on a SIP resistor pack plus on the housing of one of the drives. IPA and a cotton Q-tip got it off the SIP and I wiped down the drive. There's still a little bit under the flywheel of the drive, but not on any circuitry. I've to to figure out a mounting method for the board since it needs to go above the top side of the top floppy drive vs. attached to the bottom. But the drives mount to a removable drive rack and I should be able to make some brackets to support the board using the drive mounting screws to hold the board up above the drive. Power testing hopefully this weekend.
An update. I ran into a few issues that need to be resolved yet. Due to the way the twin 5.25 drives are mounted into the new housing I need to mount the Little Board above the top drive and of course this in not the normal method of mounting which is to the bottom of a drive. So I need to make four standoffs up from the mounting screws on the side of the drives to support the board. Then I need to drill a hole and mount a new push button reset switch on the front panel to replace the funky C&K spring loaded DPDT switch that came with the computer. Lastly, I need to make a new patch panel to replace the original SCSI connector panel and mount the two RS-232 and parallel port connectors into it.

The good new is after adding a ATX power splitter to allow connecting the two drives and the board to the housing power supply it worked. Well I did run into a minor issue with my Wyze terminal needing CTS and RTS that wasn't connected on the computers RS232 connector. So I jumpered pins 4 to 5 and also did 6 to 20 just in case that was also a problem and got a sign on. I could read the directories of floppies put into both drives.

So After the clean up of the mounting stuff it will be a nice working system. Almost portable if I don't need to drag along a CRT terminal. Much easier to do than trying that with a large S-100 chassis with 8" drives.
An RPi running Z80 emulation is far more portable--and even boasts USB. :)

And spectacularly uninteresting. May as well demo it on your smartphone.

Retro hardware is as much tactile as it is executing software.
Long overdue update. I mounted the Little Board above the two 5.25" 720K drives and added a reset switch to the front panel and brought the two RS-232 posts out through the rear panel. It's booting from one of the two diskettes provided by the seller to ZCPM, but there's some dead sectors on the diskette. The other diskette wasn't sysgen'ed but did have some of the system files in user 15 and I think between the two diskettes I have a good copy of all of the system files. I think. Still trying to figure out what's good/bad and will create new diskettes ASAP to get a fully functional diskette. I still want to try to read some Osborne diskettes I have here to test the ability to read "foreign" formats.

I still need to punch a hole for the parallel port in the rear panel and then the hardware will be complete. It would have been nice to have had the newer version of the Little Board that has the SCSI interface so I could mount a HDD, but it's not a major problem since I have other systems and this one was just something to play with while locked down with "rona".
According to my saved information, my Z80 Ampro Littleboard has these files on the ORIG Floppy:
$ cpmls -f amp1 -D AMPRORIG.RAW
     Name    Bytes   Recs  Attr     update             create
------------ ------ ------ ---- -----------------  -----------------
-A60014 .E       2K      1    
AMPRODSK.COM     4K     30    
ASM     .COM     8K     64    
CONFIG  .COM     6K     38    
DDT     .COM     6K     38    
DIR     .COM     2K     16    
DISK7   .COM     4K     32    
DUMP    .COM     2K      4    
ED      .COM     8K     52    
LOAD    .COM     2K     14    
MOVCPM  .COM    12K     96    
MULTIDSK.COM     6K     47    
MULTIFMT.COM     6K     41    
PIP     .COM     8K     58    
STARTUP .COM     4K     30    
STAT    .COM     6K     41    
SUBMIT  .COM     2K     10    
SWAPCOPY.COM     4K     18    
SYSGEN  .COM     2K     11    
UNERA   .COM     2K     16    
WELCOME .MSG     2K     16    
XSUB    .COM     2K      6    
ZMOVCPM .COM    12K     96    
   23 Files occupying    110K,      78K Free.

You might be interested in edrive.asm:
	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* *
	*						  *
	*		   EDRIVE.ASM			  *
	*						  *
	*						  *
	*						  *
	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* * * *	* *

; revision log:
;	8/18/85 Release Ver 2.0 (Adapted from MULTIDSK Ver 2.2)
;		Added support for command line specification of an
;		alternate drive to be used for the "E" drive.
;		Added support for reading a 48tpi format in a 96tpi
;		drive, also for its commmand line specification.)
;	8/06/85 Release Ver 1.0 (Adapted from MULTIDSK Ver 1.0)
; EDRIVE allows the "E" drive of the AMPRO series 100 computers to read
; and write a user-defined foreign 48tpi or 96tpi disk format.
; EDRIVE is most useful for formats which are not included in MULTIDSK
; and are used often enough to make the use of ESET awkward, or for
; MULTIDSK formats when the smaller size and faster operation of EDRIVE
; are assets.
; EDRIVE changes the TYPE byte, DPB, drive, and the skew table in the
; BIOS.  A total of 37 bytes are used (1 for TYPE byte, 15 for DPB,
; 1 for drive selected, 20 for skew table):
;	The FTYPE byte identifies the format as 48tpi or 96tpi.
;	The EDRIVE byte defines which drive will be used as the "E"
;	drive (A, B, C, or D).
;	The ETYPE byte defines whether you are reading a 48tpi format on
;	a 48tpi drive or a 96tpi drive.
;	The TYPE byte is a single byte which defines the particulars of
;	the foreign disk format:
;		bit 7......density: 0=single; 1=double
;		bit 6......double sided media if = 1
;		bit 5......double sided mode:
;				1 = continuous sector numbers (first
;				    sector on side one = last sector
;				    on side 0 + 1).
;				    both tracks are treated as a
;				    single track with twice as many
;				    sectors.
;				0 = same sectors on both sides
;				    (normal method)
;		bit 4......reserved
;		bits 3-2...00 = 1k allocation blocks
;			   01 = 2k allocation blocks
;			   10 = not used
;			   11 = not used
;		bits 1-0...00 = 128 byte sectors
;			   01 = 256 byte sectors
;			   10 = 512 byte sectors
;			   11 = 1024 byte sectors
;	The DPB (disk parameter block) is the standard Digital Research
;	DBP and can be learned by studying the CP/M 2 Alteration Guide
;	as supplied by Digital Research.  The disk parameter block tells
;	the system about how the data is arranged on the disk.	The DPB
;	has ten entries:
;		SPT	Sectors Per Track		(word)
;		BSH	Block SHift			(byte)
;		BLM	BLock Mask			(byte)
;		EXM	EXtent Mask			(byte)
;		DSM	Directory Size Minus one	(word)
;		DRM	DiRictory entries Minus one	(word)
;		AL0	directory group ALlocation 0	(byte)
;		AL1	directory group ALlocation 1	(byte)
;		CKS	ChecK Size			(word)
;		OFF	OFFset (# of system tracks)	(word)
;		(You may obtain the DPB and skew table information for
;		a foreign format by running DSKPRAM on that format.)
;	The drive byte defines the drive being used as the "E" drive.
;	It is changed by EDRIVE and is not user-entered data.
;	The skew table translates between logical and physical sector
;	numbers.  On some systems the sectors are not contiguously
;	arranged in order to improve access times.
; Customizing EDRIVE for your foreign format:
;	Put the type of format you will use (48tpi or 96tpi) at FTYPE,
;	the drive you wish to use as the default "E" drive at EDRIVE,
;	the type of drive (48tpi or 96tpi) at ETYPE, your foreign format
;	type byte, DPB, and skew table at FORMAT, the name of your
;	foreign format in the message at SIGNOFF, and assemble.
; Using EDRIVE:
;	In normal use, the format and drive selections you entered in
;	EDRIVE.ASM will be used as your "E" drive when the program
;	is run.  EDRIVE may be run from any drive except "E".  EDRIVE
;	may also be combined with other commands in a multiple ZCPR
;	command line in the normal manner:
;			A>edrive b4;dir e:
; Modifying Drive and Drive Type Selections on the Command Line:
;	You may also change the "E" drive and drive type selections by
;	placing the new drive letter and type on the command line
;	following the program name:
;	96tpi Formats:
;		Since a 96tpi format must be read in a 96tpi drive, only
;		the new drive letter (which must be a 96tpi drive)
;		needs to be specified on the command line:
;			A>edrive b
;	48tpi Formats (BIOS version less than 3.0):
;		BIOS versions less than 3.0 do not directly support
;		reading a 48tpi format in a 96tpi drive, so only the new
;		drive letter (which must be a 48tpi drive) needs to be
;		specified on the command line:
;			A>edrive c
;		(IF YOUR BIOS VERSION IS LESS THAN 3.0, and you want to
;		read a 48tpi format in a 96tpi drive, you must run
;		48TPI.COM prior to running EDRIVE.  48TPI makes your
;		96tpi "E" drive look like a 48tpi drive, with some
;		limitations.  See 48TPI.DOC)
;	48tpi Formats (BIOS versions 3.0 or greater):
;		EDRIVE supports READING your 48tpi format in a 96tpi
;		drive (writing a 48tpi format on a 96tpi drive is NOT
;		recommended.)
;		To modify your default "E" drive selection, add the new
;		drive letter to the command line following the program
;		name.  If the drive type of your new "E" drive is
;		different than the default type, add the number for the
;		new drive type after the drive letter (4 for 48tpi or
;		9 for 96tpi):
;		Examples:
;		If your default "E" drive is the 48tpi drive 'B' and you
;		wanted to make the 48tpi drive 'C' the new "E" drive,
;		you would type:
;			A>edrive c	or	A>edrive c4
;		and if you wanted to make the 96tpi drive 'D' the new "E"
;		drive, you would type:
;			A>edrive d9
;		If your default "E" drive is the 96tpi drive 'D' and you
;		wanted to make the 48tpi drive 'C' the new "E" drive,
;		you would type:
;			A>edrive c4
;		The default value for ETYPE that you entered in EDRIVE.ASM
;		file will always be used unless you specify a different
;		value on the command line.
;		Whenever you specify a 48tpi format in a 96tpi drive,
;		EDRIVE will remind you in the sign-off message.

CR:	EQU	0DH		; carrige return
LF:	EQU	0AH		; line feed
	ORG	0100H		; base of tpa
BEGIN:	JMP	START		; leave room for copyright and format data
	DB	' EDRIVE Vers 2.0, adapted by Terry Hazen'
	DB	' from MULTIDSK Vers 2.2, Copyright (c) 1984,1985'
	DB	' AMPRO Computers, Inc. '
;									;
; ---------------------------------					;
;									;
; The following table contains the type byte, dpb, drive selected,	;
; and skew for your foreign format, and the sign-off message.		;
;									;
; Enter your data here...						;
;									;
;									;;
; The use of 96tpi drives to READ 48tpi formats is supported only	;;
; with Bios versions 3.0 and above.  If your BIOS version is less	;;
; than 3.0, ignore FTYPE and ETYPE:					;;
;									;;
FTYPE:	DB	'4'		; foreign format type:			;;
;				;	('4':  it's a 48tpi format)	;;
;				;	('9':  it's a 96tpi format)	;;
;									;;
EDRIVE:	DB	'B'		; drive selected as "E" drive:		;;
;				;	('A','B','C',or'D')		;;
;									;;
ETYPE:	DB	'4'		; type of drive:			;;
;				;    48tpi format:			;;
;				;	is the selected drive 48tpi or	;;
;				;	96tpi?				;;
;				;	('4':  it's a 48tpi drive)	;;
;				;	('9':  it's a 96tpi drive)	;;
;				;					;;
;				;    96tpi format:			;;
;				;	ETYPE will be ignored.		;;
;									;;
FORMAT:									;;
;									;;
;type byte								;;
	DB	0C7H		; MORROW MD3 DSDD 48tpi format		;;
;									;;
;dpb									;;
	DW	40		; spt					;;
	DB	4		; block shift				;;
	DB	15		; block mask				;;
	DB	1		; extent mask				;;
	DW	0C2H		; disk size-1				;;
	DW	0BFH		; # of directories-1			;;
	DB	0E0H		; allocation 0				;;
	DB	0		; allocation 1				;;
	DW	48		; dir check size			;;
	DW	2		; reserved tracks			;;
;									;;
;drive									;;
	DB	1		; this byte is changed by EDRIVE	;;
;				;    and is not user-entered		;;
;									;;
;skew table - must contain 20 bytes total				;;
	DB	1,4,2,5,3						;;
	DB	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0				;;
;									;;
;									;
;the sign-off message:							;
;									;
SIGNOFF:								;
	DB	CR,LF							;
	DB	'Drive A is now a '					;
;									;;
;      ...Enter the name of your foreign format here:			;;
;									;;
	DB	'MORROW MD3 DSDD 48tpi'					;;
;									;;
	DB	CR,LF							;
	DB	'drive when you call it "E".'				;
	DB	CR,LF,'$'						;
;									;
;									;
START:	LXI	H,0		; zero out h&l
	DAD	SP		; add sp to hl
	SHLD	OLDSP		; save it
	LXI	SP,STACK	; set up new stack
	;ckdrv loads the default drive and compares it
	;against the e drive, which isn't allowed.  prints
	;error message if true.
CKDRV:	LDA	4		; get default drive
	CPI	4		; is it drive "e"?
	JZ	WRGDRV		; get ready to quit if it is
	MVI	L,74H
	ANI	3FH		; mask off D-speed & D-step
	;eaddr gets the location of eparm in the bios.
EADDR:	LHLD	1		; get warm boot vector
	MVI	L,36H		; get edsk offset
	LXI	D,BIORET	; point to bios return point
	PUSH	D		; save d
	PCHL			; return with dpb addr
	;bioret returns with the bios location of eparm
	;and saves it for use later.
BIORET:	DCX	H		; back up to type byte location
	SHLD	ADDR		; save location
	;interrogate the command line for any characters
	LXI	H,80H
	MVI	C,2
	CPI	' '
	MVI	A,0		; clear bios version
	CALL	GET$BIOS$VERS	; get bios version
; Get bios version -- Brings the current BIOS jump tables (starting
;     at warm boot) to a local area for ease of utility access.  If
;     this BIOS is version 2.1 or greater, the secondary jump table
;     is brought in as well.
; Entry: none
; Exit:  Z  = bios < 2.1 (old bios)
;	 NZ = bios 2.1+  (fixed disk bios)
;	 All registers are modified
	LHLD	1		; Get start of bios jump table
	LXI	D,LB$BIOS$TBL	; Move bios to local storage
	LXI	B,LB$LEN	; .  (length of bios area)
	DB	0EDH,0B0H	; .  (move routine)
	MVI	A,0		; Test CP/M version
	CALL	LB$GETNXT	; Get next jump table
	STA	LB$VERS		; Save bios version
	INX	H		; See if HL is 0FFFFh
	MOV	A,H		; .
	ORA	L		; .
	RZ			; If so, then old version
	DCX	H		; Fix HL as it has the table addr
	LXI	D,LB$XTBL	; Move extra table to local storage
	LXI	B,LB$XLEN	; .  (length of extra table)
	DB	0EDH,0B0H	; .  (move routine)
	MVI	A,0FFH		; Set NZ to indicate bios
	ORA	A		; ... version 2.1+
	RET			; ... and return.

; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
;							*
;		Data area . . . 			*
;							*
; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
; Replicated BIOS for ease of use . . .
LB$WBOOT:	DB	0,0,0	; Warm boot
LB$CONST:	DB	0,0,0	; Console status
LB$CONIN:	DB	0,0,0	; Console input
LB$CONOUT:	DB	0,0,0	; Console output
LB$LISTOUT:	DB	0,0,0	; List output
LB$PUNCH:	DB	0,0,0	; Punch output
LB$READER:	DB	0,0,0	; Reader input
LB$HOMDSK:	DB	0,0,0	; Home disk (move to track 00)
LB$SELDSK:	DB	0,0,0	; Select disk drive
LB$SETTRK:	DB	0,0,0	; Select track number
LB$SETSEC:	DB	0,0,0	; Select sector number
LB$SETDMA:	DB	0,0,0	; Set DMA address
LB$DSKREAD:	DB	0,0,0	; Disk read
LB$DSKWRITE:	DB	0,0,0	; Disk write
LB$LISTST:	DB	0,0,0	; List status
LB$SECTRN:	DB	0,0,0	; Sector translate routine
; AMPRO-specific BIOS calls
LB$GETNXT:	DB	0,0,0	; Get bios ver & next tbl address
LB$GETEDSK:	DB	0,0,0	; Get pointer to E-disk storage
LB$IOINIT:	DB	0,0,0	; Set new I/O parameters
LB$SCSIDRV:	DB	0,0,0	; SCSI direct driver
LB$LEN:	EQU	$-LB$WBOOT	; Length of bios table
LB$SWAP$DRV:	DB	0,0,0	; Swap two logical drives
LB$WINDRV:	DB	0,0,0	; Set/get win drive parameters
LB$PHYTAB:	DB	0,0,0	; Set/get phytab access
LB$GET$LDTE:	DB	0,0,0	; Get physical table entry address
LB$RESERVED:	DB	0,0,0	; Reserved entry
LB$XLEN:EQU	$-LB$XTBL	; Length of extra table
MAIN:	LDA	EDRIVE		; get drive back
	STA	SIGNOFF+8	; store it in sign-off message
	SUI	'A'		;
	STA	FORMAT+16	; store it
	LHLD	ADDR		; get bios pointer back
	MVI	B,37		; number of bytes to move (1+15+1+20)
	LXI	D,FORMAT	; point to new dpb
	CALL	LOOP		; put into memory
	JMP	DONE		; done
	;wrgdrv loads the wrong drive error message, prints
	;it and exits to zcpr3.
WRGDRV:	LXI	D,ERROR		; load error message
	CALL	OUTPUT		; bdos
DONE:	LHLD	OLDSP		; get stack back
	SPHL			; put it in sp
	RET			; return to zcpr3
	;loop moves the type byte, dpb, drive,and
	;skew table to the location in the bios pointed to
	;by the hl registers. the bytes to be moved are pointed
	;to by the de registers and b contains the number
	;of bytes to be moved.
	CPI	'4'		; 48tpi format?
	JNZ	SIGN		; no, print sign-off message
	CPI	'9'		; 96tpi drive?
	JNZ	SIGN		; no, print sign-off message
	LDA	LB$VERS		; yes, so get bios version
	SUI	1EH		; bios version > 3.0?
	JP	SETDST		; yes, set double-step
	LXI	D,WRGBIOS	; no, 48/96 not supported,
	CALL	OUTPUT		;    so print error msg and quit
	MVI	L,74H
	ORI	40H
	LXI	D,SIGNOFF	; point to sign-off message
	CALL	OUTPUT		; print it
	LXI	D,MSG4896	; point to 48/96 message
	CALL	OUTPUT		; print it
	LXI	D,SIGNOFF	; point to sign-off message
	CALL	OUTPUT		; print it
LOOP2:	LDAX	D		; put 1st byte into a
	MOV	M,A		; store it in bios
	INX	D		; roll up d
	INX	H		; roll up h
	DCR	B		; decrement b
	JNZ	LOOP2		; loop until done
	;output sends the message pointed to by de to the screen.
OUTPUT:	MVI	C,9		; print string function
	CALL	5		; bdos
	RET			;
	DB	'+++ Your BIOS is not version 3.0 or greater, so reading '
	DB	'a 48tpi format in a 96tpi drive is not supported.'
	DB	CR,LF,'$'
	DB	'+++ Wrong drive selected.'
	DB	'EDRIVE can only be run from drive A, B, C, or D.'
	DB	CR,LF,'$'
	DB	'This is a 48tpi format in a 96tpi drive:'
	DB	'- Writing to this drive is not recommended!'
	DB	CR,LF,'$'
ADDR:	DS	2		; "e" drive parms addr
	DS	64		; 32 level stack
OLDSP:	DS	2		; room for old stack pointer

There is also "megadisk.lbr", which can be accessed with nulu152.com (a library utility).

Last edited:
Thanks for the post!

I'll take a look at the files I have on these disks to compare against your list. I printed out the list so as to be able to use as a check list. Both of the supplied diskettes were user generated user diskettes and not Ampro supplied originals. Plus both had a bunch of txt files I guess were written by the original owner of the L.B. and I deleted them from my newly made copies that I'm using for my working diskettes. Both of the supplied disks have issues I'm trying to see of there's good copies of all the needed files on one or the other so I have the whole set or if some are damaged on both.

Hopefully it's not my spare new disks that have the bad sectors and crapping out. I had to manually copy files from the different user directories to the new disks since copying the whole diskette failed with too many errors. So I hope it's not my whole stash of new diskettes is the problem. More work needed to be sure.

I found it interesting that the Ampro software files includes HDD related files and so must also be the same as for the improved mobo with the SCSI interface. I haven't used Multidisk yet, but Edisk looks to be a great program and if it makes reading a foreign disk easier will be one of my next things to get installed. Does Edisk work as an add on to Multidisk or replaces Multidisk completely? It looks like it's a stand alone and easy to generate and use.

I've got some long time ago scrounged Osborne original diskettes with Supercalc, Mbasic and Cbasic plus an Epson QX diskette with DBase II. I think there's a Xerox 1800 (??) copy of CP/M floating around too. That last one isn't of much interest but I learned decades ago to keep everything that might be of use to someone.

I'm still reading through the thick hardware manual and digesting all the data. Do you know if the L.B. can use HD disk drives of 1.2M size or is limited to 720K and smaller drives? As a future project I've got to add a 5.25" disk drive of some type to one of my "big beasts" (S-100 w 8" floppies) so I can maybe use sneakernet to transfer files. Make use of one of my hoard of spare 5.25 drives.

Might also be good to have Modem7 up and running too. Would you happen to know if there's a modem7 overlay online for the Little Board? Would save digging out all the port settings. I've got a Wimodem232 Wifi adapter that would be great to stick on the "B" serial port for easy data transfers.
I believe that the Little Board uses the WD1772 controller, in which case the practical answer is "no". I know of some efforts in the Atari world to get the things running with selected WD177x controllers using a crystal oscillator running at twice the rated speed, but I seem to recall that all of those run very hot.
I believe that the Little Board uses the WD1772 controller, in which case the practical answer is "no". I know of some efforts in the Atari world to get the things running with selected WD177x controllers using a crystal oscillator running at twice the rated speed, but I seem to recall that all of those run very hot.

That's what I thought.

Can you post the name of the "stuff" that you put on diskettes to allow them to slide in their sleeves better.

I can do a search, but not knowing the name might take some time to find. I ask because I picked up a set of original Ampro L.B. diskettes off eBay, but they are in rough shape and need cleaning. One had the center hole support ring fall off from age and I'm hoping to get one good read out of them since it appears to be a complete set of software and is rev F and newer than the archived rev E stuff that Larry has offered. Plus has modem7 with overlays and other good to have L.B. software I've not seem archived.
Running into BDOS error with bad sectors on every diskette I'm formatting and trying to use. I'm thinking it might be a disk drive issue since the diskettes all seem (not proven yet) to fail at the same track/sector. Two different brands of new unused diskettes and so both not likely to have a common production batch bad magnetic coating. So I'm pulling the system apart once again to clean & lube the drives again. This time I will scrub the lead screws with a nylon brush to remove any trace of old lube and look for sticking as any point along the head travel. Plus I will see if I can run each one using the Supercard Pro to see if the read failures still occur. If so, then I can eliminate the Little Board disk controller as the failure point. Finally, I have a spare SA455 drive (48 tpi vs. 96) and will see if I can format a disk, transfer data to it and read it all back without and errors. If that works then the Little Board is most likely out of the equation and the drives or diskettes are my issue. But not positive since difference TPI. Darn 5.25" 720K drives (not 3.5") are so hard to find that I don't have any spares.
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I saw something about doing that to the Teac drives. A jumper or two and change the motor speed. I'll need to dig though my 1.2's and see if I have any Teac drives. I know I have a bunch of Panasonic and a few other brand 1.2 drives. Don't recall any Teac's, but maybe there's one or more in the stack. I know I have a bunch of 3.5" laptop Teac drives. Useless for this project. Do you need to use HD disks or will they work okay with DD disks after the mod's? I guess they can read the DD's and would be best to write only to HD disks?
Don -

The important jumpers to set on the Teac FD235GFs are

RY on - to get READY/ on pin 34
LG on - so that a "high" level (usually floating, but check) on pin 2 signals low-density mode
IS on - So that low-density is 300 RPM and READY/ is independent of transitions on pin 2

Use normal DSDD floppies.

This goes back to oft-heard gripes about 3.5" HD drives being inferior to 3.5" DD drives when handling 720K media. I've found quite the opposite. Head and circuitry improvements made for HD use result in better DD performance. I've found that the 1.2MB drives generally perform better at 720K than do that 720K-only drives. (e.g. Teac FD55F vs. FD55GF).

Deramp's copy of the FD55GFR OEM docs